Import stock prices

stocks <- tq_get(c("HMC", "WMT", "TGT"),
                 get = "stock.prices",
                 from = "2016-01-01",
                 to = "2023-01-01")
## # A tibble: 5,286 × 8
##    symbol date        open  high   low close volume adjusted
##    <chr>  <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 HMC    2016-01-04  30.9  31    30.7  31.0 760600     26.2
##  2 HMC    2016-01-05  30.8  30.9  30.7  30.8 517100     26.0
##  3 HMC    2016-01-06  30.4  30.4  30.1  30.2 433100     25.6
##  4 HMC    2016-01-07  29.8  29.9  29.4  29.5 650600     25.0
##  5 HMC    2016-01-08  29.9  30.0  28.8  28.9 862500     24.4
##  6 HMC    2016-01-11  29.2  29.4  29.0  29.4 943600     24.8
##  7 HMC    2016-01-12  30.1  30.1  29.5  29.9 897900     25.3
##  8 HMC    2016-01-13  30.3  30.3  29.6  29.7 680200     25.1
##  9 HMC    2016-01-14  29.7  30.1  29.4  30.0 705900     25.3
## 10 HMC    2016-01-15  29.1  29.3  28.8  29.0 572900     24.6
## # … with 5,276 more rows

Plot stock prices

stocks %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = date, y = adjusted, color = symbol)) +

Apply the dp1yr Verbs you Learned in Chapter 5

Filter rows

stocks %>% filter(adjusted > 26)
## # A tibble: 4,266 × 8
##    symbol date        open  high   low close  volume adjusted
##    <chr>  <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 HMC    2016-01-04  30.9  31    30.7  31.0  760600     26.2
##  2 HMC    2016-01-05  30.8  30.9  30.7  30.8  517100     26.0
##  3 HMC    2016-08-19  30.7  30.7  30.5  30.6 1138500     26.3
##  4 HMC    2016-08-22  30.9  31.1  30.9  31.0 1056700     26.6
##  5 HMC    2016-08-23  30.7  30.8  30.6  30.6  529800     26.2
##  6 HMC    2016-08-24  30.7  30.8  30.5  30.6  459100     26.3
##  7 HMC    2016-08-25  30.6  30.7  30.5  30.6  411300     26.3
##  8 HMC    2016-08-29  30.5  30.7  30.5  30.6  521800     26.3
##  9 HMC    2016-08-30  30.9  31.0  30.8  30.9  497600     26.5
## 10 HMC    2016-08-31  30.8  30.8  30.7  30.8  463200     26.4
## # … with 4,256 more rows

Arrange rows

stocks %>% arrange(date())
## # A tibble: 5,286 × 8
##    symbol date        open  high   low close volume adjusted
##    <chr>  <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 HMC    2016-01-04  30.9  31    30.7  31.0 760600     26.2
##  2 HMC    2016-01-05  30.8  30.9  30.7  30.8 517100     26.0
##  3 HMC    2016-01-06  30.4  30.4  30.1  30.2 433100     25.6
##  4 HMC    2016-01-07  29.8  29.9  29.4  29.5 650600     25.0
##  5 HMC    2016-01-08  29.9  30.0  28.8  28.9 862500     24.4
##  6 HMC    2016-01-11  29.2  29.4  29.0  29.4 943600     24.8
##  7 HMC    2016-01-12  30.1  30.1  29.5  29.9 897900     25.3
##  8 HMC    2016-01-13  30.3  30.3  29.6  29.7 680200     25.1
##  9 HMC    2016-01-14  29.7  30.1  29.4  30.0 705900     25.3
## 10 HMC    2016-01-15  29.1  29.3  28.8  29.0 572900     24.6
## # … with 5,276 more rows

Select columns

stocks %>% select(high, low, volume)
## # A tibble: 5,286 × 3
##     high   low volume
##    <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1  31    30.7 760600
##  2  30.9  30.7 517100
##  3  30.4  30.1 433100
##  4  29.9  29.4 650600
##  5  30.0  28.8 862500
##  6  29.4  29.0 943600
##  7  30.1  29.5 897900
##  8  30.3  29.6 680200
##  9  30.1  29.4 705900
## 10  29.3  28.8 572900
## # … with 5,276 more rows

Add columns

stocks %>% select(symbol,date, high)
## # A tibble: 5,286 × 3
##    symbol date        high
##    <chr>  <date>     <dbl>
##  1 HMC    2016-01-04  31  
##  2 HMC    2016-01-05  30.9
##  3 HMC    2016-01-06  30.4
##  4 HMC    2016-01-07  29.9
##  5 HMC    2016-01-08  30.0
##  6 HMC    2016-01-11  29.4
##  7 HMC    2016-01-12  30.1
##  8 HMC    2016-01-13  30.3
##  9 HMC    2016-01-14  30.1
## 10 HMC    2016-01-15  29.3
## # … with 5,276 more rows

Summarise with groups

stocks %>% group_by(symbol) %>% summarise(avg_high = mean(high))
## # A tibble: 3 × 2
##   symbol avg_high
##   <chr>     <dbl>
## 1 HMC        28.4
## 2 TGT       121. 
## 3 WMT       109.