Yet all experience is an arch wherethro’
Gleams that untravell’d world whose margin fades
For ever and forever when I move.
How dull it is to pause, to make an end,
To rust unburnish’d, not to shine in use!
Ulysses by Alfred Tennyson
This is an introductory post in which I introduce a cricketing package ‘cricketr’ whicj I have created. This package was a natural culmination to many earlier posts on cricketers and my completing 10 modules of an absorbing topics in Data Science Specialization, from John Hopkins University at Coursera. The thought of creating this package struck me some time back, and I have finally been able to bring this to fruition.
So here it is. My R package ‘cricketr!!!’
This package uses the statistics info available in ESPN Cricinfo Statsguru. The current version of this package supports all formats of the game including Test, ODI and Twenty20 versions.
You should be able to install the package from GitHub and use the many functions available in the package. Please mindful of the ESPN Cricinfo Terms of Use
Take a look at my short video tutorial on my R package cricketr on Youtube - R package cricketr - A short tutorial
Do check out my interactive Shiny app implementation using the cricketr package - Sixer - R package cricketr’s new Shiny avatar
The cricketr package has several functions that perform several different analyses on both batsman and bowlers. The package has function that plot percentage frequency runs or wickets, runs likelihood for a batsman, relative run/strike rates of batsman and relative performance/economy rate for bowlers are available.
Other interesting functions include batting performance moving average, forecast and a function to check whether the batsmans in in-form or out-of-form.
The data for a particular player can be obtained with the getPlayerData() function. To do you will need to go to ESPN CricInfo Player and type in the name of the player for e.g Ricky Ponting, Sachin Tendulkar etc. This will bring up a page which have the profile number for the player e.g. for Sachin Tendulkar this would be Hence, Sachin’s profile is 35320. This can be used to get the data for Tendulkar as shown below
The cricketr package is now available from CRAN!!! You should be able to install directly with
if (!require("cricketr")){
install.packages("cricketr",lib = "c:/test")
The cricketr package includes some pre-packaged sample (.csv) files. You can use these sample to test functions as shown below
# Retrieve the file path of a data file installed with cricketr
pathToFile <- system.file("data", "tendulkar.csv", package = "cricketr")
batsman4s(pathToFile, "Sachin Tendulkar")
# The general format is pkg-function(pathToFile,par1,...)
#batsman4s(<path-To-File>,"Sachin Tendulkar")
Alternatively, the cricketr package can be installed from GitHub with
if (!require("cricketr")){
The pre-packaged files can be accessed as shown above. To get the data of any player use the function getPlayerData()
tendulkar <- getPlayerData(35320,dir="..",file="tendulkar.csv",type="batting",homeOrAway=c(1,2),
Important Note This needs to be done only once for a player. This function stores the player’s data in a CSV file (for e.g. tendulkar.csv as above) which can then be reused for all other functions. Once we have the data for the players many analyses can be done. This post will use the stored CSV file obtained with a prior getPlayerData for all subsequent analyses
The 3 plots below provide the following for Tendulkar
## null device
## 1
## null device
## 1
The plots below show the 3D scatter plot of Sachin Runs versus Balls Faced and Minutes at crease. A linear regression model is then fitted between Runs and Balls Faced + Minutes at crease
battingPerf3d("./tendulkar.csv","Sachin Tendulkar")
The plot below gives the average runs scored by Tendulkar at different grounds. The plot also the number of innings at each ground as a label at x-axis. It can be seen Tendulkar did great in Colombo (SSC), Melbourne overseas and Mumbai, Mohali and Bangalore at home
This plot computes the average runs scored by Tendulkar against different countries. The x-axis also gives the number of innings against each team
The plot below shows the Runs Likelihood for a batsman. For this the performance of Sachin is plotted as a 3D scatter plot with Runs versus Balls Faced + Minutes at crease. K-Means. The centroids of 3 clusters are conputed and plotted. In this plot Sachin Tendulkar’s highest tendencies are computed and plotted using K-Means
## Summary of Tendulkar 's runs scoring likelihood
## **************************************************
## There is a 16.51 % likelihood that Tendulkar will make 139 Runs in 251 balls over 353 Minutes
## There is a 58.41 % likelihood that Tendulkar will make 16 Runs in 31 balls over 44 Minutes
## There is a 25.08 % likelihood that Tendulkar will make 66 Runs in 122 balls over 167 Minutes
The batsmen with the most hundreds in test cricket are
in that order.
The following plots take a closer at their performances. The box plots show the mean (red line) and median (blue line). The two ends of the boxplot display the 25th and 75th percentile.
This plot shows a combined boxplot of the Runs ranges and a histogram of the Runs Frequency
batsmanPerfBoxHist("./tendulkar.csv","Sachin Tendulkar")
batsmanPerfBoxHist("./kallis.csv","Jacques Kallis")
batsmanPerfBoxHist("./ponting.csv","Ricky Ponting")
batsmanPerfBoxHist("./sangakkara.csv","K Sangakkara")
The plot below shows the contribution of Tendulkar, Kallis, Ponting and Sangakarra in matches won and lost. The plots show the range of runs scored as a boxplot (25th & 75th percentile) and the mean scored. The total matches won and lost are also printed in the plot.
All the players have scored more in the matches they won than the matches they lost. Ricky Ponting is the only batsman who seems to have more matches won to his credit than others. This could also be because he was a member of strong Australian team
For the 2 functions below you will have to use the getPlayerDataSp() function. I have commented this as I already have these files
#tendulkarsp <- getPlayerDataSp(35320,tdir=".",tfile="tendulkarsp.csv",ttype="batting")
#kallissp <- getPlayerDataSp(45789,tdir=".",tfile="kallissp.csv",ttype="batting")
#pontingsp <- getPlayerDataSp(7133,tdir=".",tfile="pontingsp.csv",ttype="batting")
#sangakkarasp <- getPlayerDataSp(50710,tdir=".",tfile="sangakkarasp.csv",ttype="batting")
## null device
## 1
From the plot below it can be seen
Tendulkar has more matches overseas than at home and his performace is consistent in all venues at home or abroad. Ponting has lesser innings than Tendulkar and has an equally good performance at home and overseas.Kallis and Sangakkara’s performance abroad is lower than the performance at home.
This function also requires the use of getPlayerDataSp() as shown above
## null device
## 1
The plot below compares the Mean Strike Rate of the batsman for each of the runs ranges of 10 and plots them. The plot indicate the following Range 0 - 50 Runs - Ponting leads followed by Tendulkar Range 50 -100 Runs - Ponting followed by Sangakkara Range 100 - 150 - Ponting and then Tendulkar
frames <- list("./tendulkar.csv","./kallis.csv","ponting.csv","sangakkara.csv")
names <- list("Tendulkar","Kallis","Ponting","Sangakkara")
The plot below gives the relative Runs Frequency Percetages for each 10 run bucket. The plot below show
Sangakkara leads followed by Ponting
frames <- list("./tendulkar.csv","./kallis.csv","ponting.csv","sangakkara.csv")
names <- list("Tendulkar","Kallis","Ponting","Sangakkara")
Take a look at the Moving Average across the career of the Top 4. Clearly . Kallis and Sangakkara have a few more years of great batting ahead. They seem to average on 50. . Tendulkar and Ponting definitely show a slump in the later years
## null device
## 1
Here are plots that forecast how the batsman will perform in future. In this case 90% of the career runs trend is uses as the training set. the remaining 10% is the test set.
A Holt-Winters forecating model is used to forecast future performance based on the 90% training set. The forecated runs trend is plotted. The test set is also plotted to see how close the forecast and the actual matches
Take a look at the runs forecasted for the batsman below.
batsmanPerfForecast("./tendulkar.csv","Sachin Tendulkar")
batsmanPerfForecast("./kallis.csv","Jacques Kallis")
batsmanPerfForecast("./ponting.csv","Ricky Ponting")
batsmanPerfForecast("./sangakkara.csv","K Sangakkara")
## null device
## 1
The below computation uses Null Hypothesis testing and p-value to determine if the batsman is in-form or out-of-form. For this 90% of the career runs is chosen as the population and the mean computed. The last 10% is chosen to be the sample set and the sample Mean and the sample Standard Deviation are caculated.
The Null Hypothesis (H0) assumes that the batsman continues to stay in-form where the sample mean is within 95% confidence interval of population mean The Alternative (Ha) assumes that the batsman is out of form the sample mean is beyond the 95% confidence interval of the population mean.
A significance value of 0.05 is chosen and p-value us computed If p-value >= .05 - Batsman In-Form If p-value < 0.05 - Batsman Out-of-Form
Note Ideally the p-value should be done for a population that follows the Normal Distribution. But the runs population is usually left skewed. So some correction may be needed. I will revisit this later
This is done for the Top 4 batsman
checkBatsmanInForm("./tendulkar.csv","Sachin Tendulkar")
## [1] "**************************** Form status of Sachin Tendulkar ****************************\n\n Population size: 294 Mean of population: 50.48 \n Sample size: 33 Mean of sample: 32.42 SD of sample: 29.8 \n\n Null hypothesis H0 : Sachin Tendulkar 's sample average is within 95% confidence interval of population average\n Alternative hypothesis Ha : Sachin Tendulkar 's sample average is below the 95% confidence interval of population average\n\n Sachin Tendulkar 's Form Status: Out-of-Form because the p value: 0.000713 is less than alpha= 0.05 \n *******************************************************************************************\n\n"
checkBatsmanInForm("./kallis.csv","Jacques Kallis")
## [1] "**************************** Form status of Jacques Kallis ****************************\n\n Population size: 240 Mean of population: 47.5 \n Sample size: 27 Mean of sample: 47.11 SD of sample: 59.19 \n\n Null hypothesis H0 : Jacques Kallis 's sample average is within 95% confidence interval of population average\n Alternative hypothesis Ha : Jacques Kallis 's sample average is below the 95% confidence interval of population average\n\n Jacques Kallis 's Form Status: In-Form because the p value: 0.48647 is greater than alpha= 0.05 \n *******************************************************************************************\n\n"
checkBatsmanInForm("./ponting.csv","Ricky Ponting")
## [1] "**************************** Form status of Ricky Ponting ****************************\n\n Population size: 251 Mean of population: 47.5 \n Sample size: 28 Mean of sample: 36.25 SD of sample: 48.11 \n\n Null hypothesis H0 : Ricky Ponting 's sample average is within 95% confidence interval of population average\n Alternative hypothesis Ha : Ricky Ponting 's sample average is below the 95% confidence interval of population average\n\n Ricky Ponting 's Form Status: In-Form because the p value: 0.113115 is greater than alpha= 0.05 \n *******************************************************************************************\n\n"
checkBatsmanInForm("./sangakkara.csv","K Sangakkara")
## [1] "**************************** Form status of K Sangakkara ****************************\n\n Population size: 193 Mean of population: 51.92 \n Sample size: 22 Mean of sample: 71.73 SD of sample: 82.87 \n\n Null hypothesis H0 : K Sangakkara 's sample average is within 95% confidence interval of population average\n Alternative hypothesis Ha : K Sangakkara 's sample average is below the 95% confidence interval of population average\n\n K Sangakkara 's Form Status: In-Form because the p value: 0.862862 is greater than alpha= 0.05 \n *******************************************************************************************\n\n"
The plot is a scatter plot of Runs vs Balls faced and Minutes at Crease. A prediction plane is fitted
## null device
## 1
A multi-variate regression plane is fitted between Runs and Balls faced +Minutes at crease.
BF <- seq( 10, 400,length=15)
Mins <- seq(30,600,length=15)
newDF <- data.frame(BF,Mins)
tendulkar <- batsmanRunsPredict("./tendulkar.csv","Tendulkar",newdataframe=newDF)
kallis <- batsmanRunsPredict("./kallis.csv","Kallis",newdataframe=newDF)
ponting <- batsmanRunsPredict("./ponting.csv","Ponting",newdataframe=newDF)
sangakkara <- batsmanRunsPredict("./sangakkara.csv","Sangakkara",newdataframe=newDF)
The fitted model is then used to predict the runs that the batsmen will score for a given Balls faced and Minutes at crease. It can be seen Ponting has the will score the highest for a given Balls Faced and Minutes at crease.
Ponting is followed by Tendulkar who has Sangakkara close on his heels and finally we have Kallis. This is intuitive as we have already seen that Ponting has a highest strike rate.
batsmen <-cbind(round(tendulkar$Runs),round(kallis$Runs),round(ponting$Runs),round(sangakkara$Runs))
colnames(batsmen) <- c("Tendulkar","Kallis","Ponting","Sangakkara")
newDF <- data.frame(round(newDF$BF),round(newDF$Mins))
colnames(newDF) <- c("BallsFaced","MinsAtCrease")
predictedRuns <- cbind(newDF,batsmen)
## BallsFaced MinsAtCrease Tendulkar Kallis Ponting Sangakkara
## 1 10 30 7 6 9 2
## 2 38 71 23 20 25 18
## 3 66 111 39 34 42 34
## 4 94 152 54 48 59 50
## 5 121 193 70 62 76 66
## 6 149 234 86 76 93 82
## 7 177 274 102 90 110 98
## 8 205 315 118 104 127 114
## 9 233 356 134 118 144 130
## 10 261 396 150 132 161 146
## 11 289 437 165 146 178 162
## 12 316 478 181 159 194 178
## 13 344 519 197 173 211 194
## 14 372 559 213 187 228 210
## 15 400 600 229 201 245 226
The top 3 wicket takes in test history are 1. M Muralitharan:Wickets: 800, Average = 22.72, Economy Rate - 2.47 2. Shane Warne: Wickets: 708, Average = 25.41, Economy Rate - 2.65 3. Anil Kumble: Wickets: 619, Average = 29.65, Economy Rate - 2.69
How do Anil Kumble, Shane Warne and M Muralitharan compare with one another with respect to wickets taken and the Economy Rate. The next set of plots compute and plot precisely these analyses.
This plot below computes the percentage frequency of number of wickets taken for e.g 1 wicket x%, 2 wickets y% etc and plots them as a continuous line
## null device
## 1
## null device
## 1
The plot gives the average wickets taken by Muralitharan at different venues. Muralitharan has taken an average of 8 and 6 wickets at Oval & Wellington respectively in 2 different innings. His best performances are at Kandy and Colombo (SSC)
The plot gives the average wickets taken by Muralitharan against different countries. The x-axis also includes the number of innings against each team
The Relative Wickets Percentage plot shows that M Muralitharan has a large percentage of wickets in the 3-8 wicket range
frames <- list("./kumble.csv","./murali.csv","warne.csv")
names <- list("Anil KUmble","M Muralitharan","Shane Warne")
Clearly from the plot below it can be seen that Muralitharan has the best Economy Rate among the three
frames <- list("./kumble.csv","./murali.csv","warne.csv")
names <- list("Anil KUmble","M Muralitharan","Shane Warne")
From th eplot below it can be see 1. Shane Warne’s performance at the time of his retirement was still at a peak of 3 wickets 2. M Muralitharan seems to have become ineffective over time with his peak years being 2004-2006 3. Anil Kumble also seems to slump down and become less effective.
## null device
## 1
Here are plots that forecast how the bowler will perform in future. In this case 90% of the career wickets trend is used as the training set. the remaining 10% is the test set.
A Holt-Winters forecating model is used to forecast future performance based on the 90% training set. The forecated wickets trend is plotted. The test set is also plotted to see how close the forecast and the actual matches
Take a look at the wickets forecasted for the bowlers below. - Shane Warne and Muralitharan have a fairly consistent forecast - Kumble forecast shows a small dip
bowlerPerfForecast("./kumble.csv","Anil Kumble")
bowlerPerfForecast("./warne.csv","Shane Warne")
bowlerPerfForecast("./murali.csv","M Muralitharan")
## null device
## 1
The plot below is extremely interesting 1. Kumble wickets range from 2 to 4 wickets in matches wons with a mean of 3 2. Warne wickets in won matches range from 1 to 4 with more matches won. Clearly there are other bowlers contributing to the wins, possibly the pacers 3. Muralitharan wickets range in winning matches is more than the other 2 and ranges ranges 3 to 5 and clearly had a hand (pun unintended) in Sri Lanka’s wins
As discussed above the next 2 charts require the use of getPlayerDataSp()
#kumblesp <- getPlayerDataSp(30176,tdir=".",tfile="kumblesp.csv",ttype="bowling")
#warnesp <- getPlayerDataSp(8166,tdir=".",tfile="warnesp.csv",ttype="bowling")
#muralisp <- getPlayerDataSp(49636,tdir=".",tfile="muralisp.csv",ttype="bowling")
## null device
## 1
From the plot below it can be seen that Kumble has played more matches overseas than Warne or Muralitharan. Both Kumble and Warne show an average of 2 wickers overseas, though Kumble has more matches overseas. Murali on the other has an average of 2.5 wickets overseas but a slightly less number of matches than Kumble
## null device
## 1
The below computation uses Null Hypothesis testing and p-value to determine if the bowler is in-form or out-of-form. For this 90% of the career wickets is chosen as the population and the mean computed. The last 10% is chosen to be the sample set and the sample Mean and the sample Standard Deviation are caculated.
The Null Hypothesis (H0) assumes that the bowler continues to stay in-form where the sample mean is within 95% confidence interval of population mean The Alternative (Ha) assumes that the bowler is out of form the sample mean is beyond the 95% confidence interval of the population mean.
A significance value of 0.05 is chosen and p-value us computed If p-value >= .05 - Batsman In-Form If p-value < 0.05 - Batsman Out-of-Form
Note Ideally the p-value should be done for a population that follows the Normal Distribution. But the runs population is usually left skewed. So some correction may be needed. I will revisit this later
Note: The check for the form status of the bowlers indicate 1. That both Kumble and Muralitharan were out of form. This also shows in the moving average plot 2. Warne is still in great form and could have continued for a few more years. Too bad we didn’t see the magic later
checkBowlerInForm("./kumble.csv","Anil Kumble")
## [1] "**************************** Form status of Anil Kumble ****************************\n\n Population size: 212 Mean of population: 2.69 \n Sample size: 24 Mean of sample: 2.04 SD of sample: 1.55 \n\n Null hypothesis H0 : Anil Kumble 's sample average is within 95% confidence interval \n of population average\n Alternative hypothesis Ha : Anil Kumble 's sample average is below the 95% confidence\n interval of population average\n\n Anil Kumble 's Form Status: Out-of-Form because the p value: 0.02549 is less than alpha= 0.05 \n *******************************************************************************************\n\n"
checkBowlerInForm("./warne.csv","Shane Warne")
## [1] "**************************** Form status of Shane Warne ****************************\n\n Population size: 240 Mean of population: 2.55 \n Sample size: 27 Mean of sample: 2.56 SD of sample: 1.8 \n\n Null hypothesis H0 : Shane Warne 's sample average is within 95% confidence interval \n of population average\n Alternative hypothesis Ha : Shane Warne 's sample average is below the 95% confidence\n interval of population average\n\n Shane Warne 's Form Status: In-Form because the p value: 0.511409 is greater than alpha= 0.05 \n *******************************************************************************************\n\n"
checkBowlerInForm("./murali.csv","M Muralitharan")
## [1] "**************************** Form status of M Muralitharan ****************************\n\n Population size: 207 Mean of population: 3.55 \n Sample size: 23 Mean of sample: 2.87 SD of sample: 1.74 \n\n Null hypothesis H0 : M Muralitharan 's sample average is within 95% confidence interval \n of population average\n Alternative hypothesis Ha : M Muralitharan 's sample average is below the 95% confidence\n interval of population average\n\n M Muralitharan 's Form Status: Out-of-Form because the p value: 0.036828 is less than alpha= 0.05 \n *******************************************************************************************\n\n"
## null device
## 1
The plots above capture some of the capabilities and features of my cricketr package. Feel free to install the package and try it out. Please do keep in mind ESPN Cricinfo’s Terms of Use.
Here are the main findings from the analysis above
The analysis of the Top 4 test batsman Tendulkar, Kallis, Ponting and Sangakkara show the folliwing
The analysis of Anil Kumble, Shane Warne and M Muralitharan show the following
Here are my final thoughts
Among the 4 batsman Tendulkar, Kallis, Ponting and Sangakkara the clear leader is Tendulkar for the following reasons
Muralitharan leads the way followed closely by Warne and finally Kumble. The reasons are
You can download this analysis at Introducing cricketr
Hope you have fun using the cricketr package as I had in developing it.
Also see my other posts in R