to make the Love Plotcobalt
to make the Love Plot# Load packages
Note: we will also use the broom.mixed
package, but we are not loading it as to prevent it conflicting with the functions of broom
If you notice any errors or encounter any problems with this example, please contact Wyatt Bensken.
Information on the lindner dataset can be found at this site.1,2
1 Rdocumentation. (n.d.). lindner: Lindner Center Data On 996 PCI Patients Analyzed By Kereiakes Et Al. (2000). Retrieved from
2 Kereiakes DJ, Obenchain RL, Barber BL, et al. Abciximab provides cost effective survival advantage in high volume interventional practice. Am Heart J 2000; 140: 603-610.
lindner_raw <- read.csv("data/lindner.csv")
lindner_raw %>%
lifepres cardbill abcix stent height female diabetic acutemi ejecfrac
1 0.0 14301 1 0 163 1 1 0 56
2 11.6 3563 1 0 168 0 0 0 56
3 11.6 4694 1 0 188 0 0 0 50
4 11.6 7366 1 0 175 0 1 0 50
5 11.6 8247 1 0 168 1 0 0 55
6 11.6 8319 1 0 178 0 0 0 50
7 11.6 8410 1 0 185 0 0 0 58
8 11.6 8517 1 0 173 1 0 0 30
9 11.6 8763 1 0 152 1 0 0 60
10 11.6 8823 1 0 180 0 0 0 60
ves1proc sixMonthSurvive
2 1 TRUE
3 1 TRUE
4 1 TRUE
5 1 TRUE
6 1 TRUE
7 1 TRUE
8 1 TRUE
9 1 TRUE
10 1 TRUE
lifepres cardbill abcix stent height
0 0 0 0 0
female diabetic acutemi ejecfrac ves1proc
0 0 0 0 0
After reading in the data, we can print the first 10 rows to get a sense of what our data looks like. We see it contains information on 996 participants, and there is no missing data.
In the course of this example, we’ll want both a numeric and factored version of each binary variable.
In all numeric versions of binary variables: 1 indicates ‘yes’ to having trait/characteristic, 0 indicates ‘no’ to having trait/characteristic.
Variable names with trailing "_f" denotes the factored version of each binary variable.
# Six month survival (turning logical variable to a factor)
lindner_raw$sixMonthSurvive_f <- factor(lindner_raw$sixMonthSurvive, levels = c(TRUE,FALSE),
labels = c("yes", "no"))
# Creating numeric (1/0) version of six month survival variable
lindner_raw$sixMonthSurvive <- factor(lindner_raw$sixMonthSurvive_f, levels = c("yes","no"),
labels = c(1, 0))
lindner_raw$sixMonthSurvive <- ifelse(lindner_raw$sixMonthSurvive == "1", 1, 0)
#Add variable named treated (same values as abcix variable)
lindner_raw$treated <- lindner_raw$abcix
# Factoring the exposure of interest variable. Change the name to 'treated' too.
lindner_raw$treated_f <- factor(lindner_raw$abcix, levels = c(1,0),
labels = c("treated", "control"))
# Factor version of stent variable
lindner_raw$stent_f <- factor(lindner_raw$stent, levels = c(1,0),
labels = c("yes", "no"))
# Factoring the female variable
lindner_raw$female_f <- factor(lindner_raw$female, levels = c(1,0),
labels = c("female", "male"))
# Factoring the diabetic variable
lindner_raw$diabetic_f <- factor(lindner_raw$diabetic, levels = c(1,0),
labels = c("yes", "no"))
# Factoring the acutemi variable
lindner_raw$acutemi_f <- factor(lindner_raw$acutemi, levels = c(1,0),
labels = c("yes", "no"))
# Add patientid
lindner_raw <- tibble::rowid_to_column(lindner_raw, "patientid")
# Make lindner dataset with "clean" name.
lindner_clean <- lindner_raw
Registered S3 method overwritten by 'mosaic':
method from
fortify.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame ggplot2
categorical variables:
name class levels n missing
1 sixMonthSurvive_f factor 2 996 0
2 treated_f factor 2 996 0
3 stent_f factor 2 996 0
4 female_f factor 2 996 0
5 diabetic_f factor 2 996 0
6 acutemi_f factor 2 996 0
1 yes (97.4%), no (2.6%)
2 treated (70.1%), control (29.9%)
3 yes (66.9%), no (33.1%)
4 male (65.3%), female (34.7%)
5 no (77.6%), yes (22.4%)
6 no (85.6%), yes (14.4%)
quantitative variables:
name class min Q1 median Q3 max
...1 patientid integer 1 249.75 498.5 747.25 996.0
...2 lifepres numeric 0 11.60 11.6 11.60 11.6
...3 cardbill integer 2216 10218.75 12458.0 16660.00 178534.0
...4 abcix integer 0 0.00 1.0 1.00 1.0
...5 stent integer 0 0.00 1.0 1.00 1.0
...6 height integer 108 165.00 173.0 178.00 196.0
...7 female integer 0 0.00 0.0 1.00 1.0
...8 diabetic integer 0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.0
...9 acutemi integer 0 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.0
...10 ejecfrac integer 0 45.00 55.0 56.00 90.0
...11 ves1proc integer 0 1.00 1.0 2.00 5.0
...12 sixMonthSurvive numeric 0 1.00 1.0 1.00 1.0
...13 treated integer 0 0.00 1.0 1.00 1.0
mean sd n missing
...1 4.985000e+02 2.876647e+02 996 0
...2 1.129719e+01 1.850501e+00 996 0
...3 1.567416e+04 1.118226e+04 996 0
...4 7.008032e-01 4.581362e-01 996 0
...5 6.686747e-01 4.709262e-01 996 0
...6 1.714438e+02 1.065813e+01 996 0
...7 3.473896e-01 4.763800e-01 996 0
...8 2.238956e-01 4.170623e-01 996 0
...9 1.435743e-01 3.508337e-01 996 0
...10 5.096687e+01 1.041326e+01 996 0
...11 1.385542e+00 6.573525e-01 996 0
...12 9.738956e-01 1.595259e-01 996 0
...13 7.008032e-01 4.581362e-01 996 0
Information was copy/pasted from here 1,2 (with some changes to reflect this analysis)
(Quantitative Outcome): “Cardiac related costs incurred within 6 months of patient’s initial PCI; numeric value in 1998 dollars; costs were truncated by death for the 26 patients with lifepres == 0.”
(Binary Outcome): “Survival at six months a recoded version of lifepres.”
(Exposure): “Numeric treatment selection indicator; 0 implies usual PCI care alone; 1 implies usual PCI care deliberately augmented by either planned or rescue treatment with abciximab.”
: “Coronary stent deployment; numeric, with 1 meaning YES and 0 meaning NO.”
: “Height in centimeters; numeric integer from 108 to 196.”
: “Female gender; numeric, with 1 meaning YES and 0 meaning NO.”
: “Diabetes mellitus diagnosis; numeric, with 1 meaning YES and 0 meaning NO.”
: “Acute myocardial infarction within the previous 7 days; numeric, with 1 meaning YES and 0 meaning NO.”
: “Left ejection fraction; numeric value from 0 percent to 90 percent.”
: “Number of vessels involved in the patient’s initial PCI procedure; numeric integer from 0 to 5.”
: a made-up order of numbers to assign patient IDs for later use
Note: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI)
1 Rdocumentation. (n.d.). lindner: Lindner Center Data On 996 PCI Patients Analyzed By Kereiakes Et Al. (2000). Retrieved from
2 Kereiakes DJ, Obenchain RL, Barber BL, et al. Abciximab provides cost effective survival advantage in high volume interventional practice. Am Heart J 2000; 140: 603-610.
var_list = c("cardbill", "sixMonthSurvive_f", "stent_f", "height", "female_f", "diabetic_f",
"acutemi_f", "ejecfrac", "ves1proc")
factor_list = c("sixMonthSurvive_f", "stent_f", "female_f", "diabetic_f", "acutemi_f")
CreateTableOne(vars = var_list, strata = "treated_f",
data = lindner_clean, factorVars = factor_list)
Stratified by treated_f
treated control p test
n 698 298
cardbill (mean (SD)) 16126.68 (9383.83) 14614.22 (14514.00) 0.051
sixMonthSurvive_f = no (%) 11 ( 1.6) 15 ( 5.0) 0.004
stent_f = no (%) 206 (29.5) 124 (41.6) <0.001
height (mean (SD)) 171.44 (10.69) 171.45 (10.59) 0.996
female_f = male (%) 467 (66.9) 183 (61.4) 0.111
diabetic_f = no (%) 555 (79.5) 218 (73.2) 0.034
acutemi_f = no (%) 573 (82.1) 280 (94.0) <0.001
ejecfrac (mean (SD)) 50.40 (10.42) 52.29 (10.30) 0.009
ves1proc (mean (SD)) 1.46 (0.71) 1.20 (0.48) <0.001
As we can see, The mean cardbill
was higher in the treated population and a larger percentage of controls did not survive through 6 months.
lindner_clean %$%
mosaic::favstats(cardbill ~ treated_f)
treated_f min Q1 median Q3 max mean sd n missing
1 treated 3563 10902.25 12944 17080.75 96741 16126.68 9383.825 698 0
2 control 2216 8300.00 10423 15895.75 178534 14614.22 14513.996 298 0
ggplot(lindner_clean, aes(x = cardbill, fill = "cardbill")) +
geom_histogram() +
theme_bw() +
labs(y = "Count",
x = "Cardiac care costs ($)",
title = "Cardbill appears to be right skewed") +
guides(fill = FALSE)
`stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
As we can see in this figure, cardbill
appears to be right/positively skewed.
unadjust_quant_outcome <- lm(cardbill ~ treated, data = lindner_clean)
unadjust_quant_outcome_tidy <- tidy(unadjust_quant_outcome, = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95) %>%
filter(term == "treated")
# A tibble: 1 x 7
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 treated 1512. 773. 1.96 0.0506 -3.83 3029.
Treated individuals were estimated to spend 1512.46 (95%CI: -3.83, 3028.76) more dollars than non-treated controls
Epi::twoby2(table(lindner_clean$treated_f, lindner_clean$sixMonthSurvive_f))
2 by 2 table analysis:
Outcome : yes
Comparing : treated vs. control
yes no P(yes) 95% conf. interval
treated 687 11 0.9842 0.9718 0.9913
control 283 15 0.9497 0.9182 0.9694
95% conf. interval
Relative Risk: 1.0364 1.0080 1.0656
Sample Odds Ratio: 3.3103 1.5020 7.2957
Conditional MLE Odds Ratio: 3.3057 1.3992 8.0624
Probability difference: 0.0346 0.0115 0.0664
Exact P-value: 0.0037
Asymptotic P-value: 0.0030
The odds treated individuals were alive after 6 months was roughly 3.31 times the odds that non-treated individuals were alive after 6 months.
unadjust_binary_outcome <- glm(sixMonthSurvive ~ treated, data = lindner_clean, family = binomial())
unadjust_binary_outcome_tidy <- tidy(unadjust_binary_outcome, = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, exponentiate = TRUE) %>%
filter(term == "treated")
# A tibble: 1 x 7
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 treated 3.31 0.403 2.97 0.00299 1.51 7.48
The odds of being alive after six months in treated individuals was 3.31 (95%CI: 1.51, 7.48) times higher than the odds that a non-treated control would be alive after six months.
We will now fit the propensity score, which predicts treatment status based on available covariates. Remember, we’re not worried about overfitting (including too many covariates) when calculating the propensity scores.
psmodel <- glm(treated ~ stent + height + female + diabetic + acutemi + ejecfrac + ves1proc, family = binomial(), data =lindner_clean)
glm(formula = treated ~ stent + height + female + diabetic +
acutemi + ejecfrac + ves1proc, family = binomial(), data = lindner_clean)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.5211 -1.2109 0.6399 0.8827 1.5259
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 2.965651 1.731085 1.713 0.08668 .
stent 0.573018 0.150454 3.809 0.00014 ***
height -0.015366 0.009534 -1.612 0.10700
female -0.359060 0.206904 -1.735 0.08267 .
diabetic -0.406810 0.170623 -2.384 0.01711 *
acutemi 1.199548 0.270468 4.435 9.20e-06 ***
ejecfrac -0.014789 0.007403 -1.998 0.04574 *
ves1proc 0.760502 0.138437 5.493 3.94e-08 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
Null deviance: 1215.5 on 995 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 1124.3 on 988 degrees of freedom
AIC: 1140.3
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
Store the raw and linear propensity scores below.
lindner_clean$ps <- psmodel$fitted
lindner_clean$linps <- psmodel$linear.predictors
lindner_clean %$%
mosaic::favstats(ps ~ treated_f)
treated_f min Q1 median Q3 max mean
1 treated 0.3121753 0.6402644 0.7158289 0.8259514 0.9800181 0.7265015
2 control 0.2323431 0.5558665 0.6462761 0.7093624 0.9583296 0.6406106
sd n missing
1 0.1299570 698 0
2 0.1230138 298 0
We can see there are no propensity scores equal to, or very close to, 0 or 1.
Now we’ll visualize the distribution of the propensity scores stratified by treatment status.
ggplot(lindner_clean, aes(x = treated_f, y = ps, color = treated_f)) +
geom_boxplot() +
geom_jitter(width = 0.1) +
guides(color = FALSE) +
theme_bw() +
labs(x = "",
title = "Raw propensity scores, stratified by exposure group")
ggplot(lindner_clean, aes(x = linps, fill = treated_f)) +
geom_density(alpha = 0.3) +
Both of these plots demonstrate good overlap, suggesting a propensity score analysis may be appropriate.
rubin1.unadj <- with(lindner_clean,
[1] 61.86668
As you can see, we fail Rubin’s Rule 1 - in which we want below 50%.
rubin2.unadj <-with(lindner_clean, var(linps[treated==1])/var(linps[treated==0]))
[1] 1.672048
We also “fail” Rubin’s Rule 2 wherewe are looking for value between 0.8 - 1.2 (ideally, 1).
The first type of match we will conduct is greedy 1:1 matching, without replacement. As we had only 298 controls, we will not match all of the 698 treated patients.
X <- lindner_clean$linps ## matching on the linear propensity score
Tr <- as.logical(lindner_clean$treated)
match1 <- Match(Tr=Tr, X=X, M = 1, replace=FALSE, ties=FALSE)
Warning in Match(Tr = Tr, X = X, M = 1, replace = FALSE, ties = FALSE):
replace==FALSE, but there are more (weighted) treated obs than control obs. Some
treated obs will not be matched. You may want to estimate ATC instead.
Estimate... 0
SE......... 0
T-stat..... NaN
p.val...... NA
Original number of observations.............. 996
Original number of treated obs............... 698
Matched number of observations............... 298
Matched number of observations (unweighted). 298
Below we’ll assess the match balance from the 1:1 matching.
mb1 <- MatchBalance(treated ~ stent + height + female + diabetic + acutemi + ejecfrac + ves1proc + ps + linps, data=lindner_clean,
match.out = match1, nboots=500)
***** (V1) stent *****
Before Matching After Matching
mean treatment........ 0.70487 0.60738
mean control.......... 0.58389 0.58389
std mean diff......... 26.505 4.8022
mean raw eQQ diff..... 0.12081 0.02349
med raw eQQ diff..... 0 0
max raw eQQ diff..... 1 1
mean eCDF diff........ 0.060489 0.011745
med eCDF diff........ 0.060489 0.011745
max eCDF diff........ 0.12098 0.02349
var ratio (Tr/Co)..... 0.85457 0.98151
T-test p-value........ 0.00032255 0.49878
***** (V2) height *****
Before Matching After Matching
mean treatment........ 171.44 171.77
mean control.......... 171.45 171.45
std mean diff......... -0.033804 3.1486
mean raw eQQ diff..... 0.56376 0.88591
med raw eQQ diff..... 0 0
max raw eQQ diff..... 20 36
mean eCDF diff........ 0.0078996 0.013639
med eCDF diff........ 0.0060095 0.010067
max eCDF diff........ 0.024971 0.053691
var ratio (Tr/Co)..... 1.0201 0.93356
T-test p-value........ 0.99608 0.70632
KS Bootstrap p-value.. 0.938 0.528
KS Naive p-value...... 0.99947 0.78362
KS Statistic.......... 0.024971 0.053691
***** (V3) female *****
Before Matching After Matching
mean treatment........ 0.33095 0.37584
mean control.......... 0.38591 0.38591
std mean diff......... -11.672 -2.075
mean raw eQQ diff..... 0.053691 0.010067
med raw eQQ diff..... 0 0
max raw eQQ diff..... 1 1
mean eCDF diff........ 0.02748 0.0050336
med eCDF diff........ 0.02748 0.0050336
max eCDF diff........ 0.05496 0.010067
var ratio (Tr/Co)..... 0.93253 0.98988
T-test p-value........ 0.10045 0.79492
***** (V4) diabetic *****
Before Matching After Matching
mean treatment........ 0.20487 0.25503
mean control.......... 0.26846 0.26846
std mean diff......... -15.743 -3.0743
mean raw eQQ diff..... 0.063758 0.013423
med raw eQQ diff..... 0 0
max raw eQQ diff..... 1 1
mean eCDF diff........ 0.031793 0.0067114
med eCDF diff........ 0.031793 0.0067114
max eCDF diff........ 0.063585 0.013423
var ratio (Tr/Co)..... 0.82788 0.96743
T-test p-value........ 0.03402 0.68937
***** (V5) acutemi *****
Before Matching After Matching
mean treatment........ 0.17908 0.0033557
mean control.......... 0.060403 0.060403
std mean diff......... 30.931 -98.478
mean raw eQQ diff..... 0.11745 0.057047
med raw eQQ diff..... 0 0
max raw eQQ diff..... 1 1
mean eCDF diff........ 0.05934 0.028523
med eCDF diff........ 0.05934 0.028523
max eCDF diff........ 0.11868 0.057047
var ratio (Tr/Co)..... 2.5853 0.058929
T-test p-value........ 4.6617e-09 7.888e-05
***** (V6) ejecfrac *****
Before Matching After Matching
mean treatment........ 50.403 53.349
mean control.......... 52.289 52.289
std mean diff......... -18.102 13.166
mean raw eQQ diff..... 2.0503 1.8255
med raw eQQ diff..... 1 0
max raw eQQ diff..... 20 20
mean eCDF diff........ 0.035602 0.026577
med eCDF diff........ 0.011423 0.033557
max eCDF diff........ 0.11383 0.053691
var ratio (Tr/Co)..... 1.0238 0.61178
T-test p-value........ 0.0085806 0.15862
KS Bootstrap p-value.. 0.006 0.456
KS Naive p-value...... 0.0089219 0.78362
KS Statistic.......... 0.11383 0.053691
***** (V7) ves1proc *****
Before Matching After Matching
mean treatment........ 1.4628 1.0403
mean control.......... 1.2047 1.2047
std mean diff......... 36.545 -67.707
mean raw eQQ diff..... 0.2651 0.16443
med raw eQQ diff..... 0 0
max raw eQQ diff..... 1 2
mean eCDF diff........ 0.043323 0.032886
med eCDF diff........ 0.0090671 0.0067114
max eCDF diff........ 0.18842 0.13087
var ratio (Tr/Co)..... 2.1614 0.25567
T-test p-value........ 4.21e-11 5.2489e-08
KS Bootstrap p-value.. < 2.22e-16 < 2.22e-16
KS Naive p-value...... 7.2635e-07 0.012144
KS Statistic.......... 0.18842 0.13087
***** (V8) ps *****
Before Matching After Matching
mean treatment........ 0.7265 0.60662
mean control.......... 0.64061 0.64061
std mean diff......... 66.092 -45.866
mean raw eQQ diff..... 0.085216 0.046911
med raw eQQ diff..... 0.081353 0.035726
max raw eQQ diff..... 0.12087 0.23215
mean eCDF diff........ 0.17141 0.10312
med eCDF diff........ 0.17768 0.083893
max eCDF diff........ 0.27599 0.23154
var ratio (Tr/Co)..... 1.1161 0.36304
T-test p-value........ < 2.22e-16 4.5737e-12
KS Bootstrap p-value.. < 2.22e-16 < 2.22e-16
KS Naive p-value...... 3.042e-14 2.3042e-07
KS Statistic.......... 0.27599 0.23154
***** (V9) linps *****
Before Matching After Matching
mean treatment........ 1.1148 0.44175
mean control.......... 0.63332 0.63332
std mean diff......... 60.484 -61.383
mean raw eQQ diff..... 0.4787 0.2442
med raw eQQ diff..... 0.35992 0.15424
max raw eQQ diff..... 1.0113 2.1601
mean eCDF diff........ 0.17141 0.10312
med eCDF diff........ 0.17768 0.083893
max eCDF diff........ 0.27599 0.23154
var ratio (Tr/Co)..... 1.672 0.25702
T-test p-value........ < 2.22e-16 6.4926e-13
KS Bootstrap p-value.. < 2.22e-16 < 2.22e-16
KS Naive p-value...... 3.042e-14 2.3042e-07
KS Statistic.......... 0.27599 0.23154
Before Matching Minimum p.value: < 2.22e-16
Variable Name(s): ves1proc ps linps Number(s): 7 8 9
After Matching Minimum p.value: < 2.22e-16
Variable Name(s): ves1proc ps linps Number(s): 7 8 9
covnames <- c("stent", "height", "female", "diabetic", "acutemi", "ejecfrac", "ves1proc", "ps", "linps")
This is Dr. Love’s code to extract the standardized differences.
pre.szd <- NULL; post.szd <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(covnames)) {
pre.szd[i] <- mb1$BeforeMatching[[i]]$sdiff.pooled
post.szd[i] <- mb1$AfterMatching[[i]]$sdiff.pooled
We can now print our table of standardized differences.
match_szd <- data.frame(covnames, pre.szd, post.szd, row.names=covnames)
print(match_szd, digits=3)
covnames pre.szd post.szd
stent stent 25.445 4.80
height height -0.034 3.15
female female -11.466 -2.08
diabetic diabetic -14.983 -3.07
acutemi acutemi 37.145 -98.48
ejecfrac ejecfrac -18.208 13.17
ves1proc ves1proc 42.734 -67.71
ps ps 67.880 -45.87
linps linps 67.664 -61.38
In this figure, blue points are post-matching while white are pre-match
lp_wo_rep <- ggplot(match_szd, aes(x = pre.szd, y = reorder(covnames, pre.szd))) +
geom_point(col = "black", size = 3, pch = 1) +
geom_point(aes(x = post.szd, y = reorder(covnames, pre.szd)), size = 3, col = "blue") +
theme_bw() +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0)) +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 10), linetype = "dashed", col = "red") +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept = -10), linetype = "dashed", col = "red") +
labs(x = "Standardized Difference (%)",
y = "",
title = "Love Plot",
subtitle = "1:1 matching without replacement")
Just visually, we can see this match isn’t all that great.
to make the Love PlotThere’s a more automated way to build the Love Plot - as we see here.
cobalt_tab <-, treated ~ stent + height + female + diabetic + acutemi + ejecfrac + ves1proc + ps + linps, data=lindner_clean, un = TRUE)
Balance Measures
Type Diff.Un Diff.Adj
stent Binary 0.1210 0.0235
height Contin. -0.0003 0.0301
female Binary -0.0550 -0.0101
diabetic Binary -0.0636 -0.0134
acutemi Binary 0.1187 -0.0570
ejecfrac Contin. -0.1810 0.1018
ves1proc Contin. 0.3654 -0.2329
ps Contin. 0.6609 -0.2616
linps Contin. 0.6048 -0.2407
Sample sizes
Control Treated
All 298 698
Matched 298 298
Unmatched 0 400
p <- love.plot(cobalt_tab, threshold = .1, size = 1.5,
var.order = "unadjusted",
title = "Standardized Differences after 1:1 Matching without replacement",
stars = "std")
p + theme_bw()
We can also look at variance ratios.
pre.vratio <- NULL; post.vratio <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(covnames)) {
pre.vratio[i] <- mb1$BeforeMatching[[i]]$var.ratio
post.vratio[i] <- mb1$AfterMatching[[i]]$var.ratio
## Table of Variance Ratios
match_vrat <- data.frame(names = covnames, pre.vratio, post.vratio, row.names=covnames)
print(match_vrat, digits=2)
names pre.vratio post.vratio
stent stent 0.85 0.982
height height 1.02 0.934
female female 0.93 0.990
diabetic diabetic 0.83 0.967
acutemi acutemi 2.59 0.059
ejecfrac ejecfrac 1.02 0.612
ves1proc ves1proc 2.16 0.256
ps ps 1.12 0.363
linps linps 1.67 0.257
We will created a dataframe which includes our matched sample, and do a quick count for a sanity check.
matches <- factor(rep(match1$index.treated, 2))
lindner_clean.matchedsample <- cbind(matches, lindner_clean[c(match1$index.control, match1$index.treated),])
lindner_clean.matchedsample %>% count(treated_f)
treated_f n
1 treated 298
2 control 298
rubin1.match <- with(lindner_clean.matchedsample,
[1] 38.54801
The new value for Rubin’s Rule 1 is 38.55. While not ideal this technically passes Rubin’s Rule 1 and is an improvement from the pre-match value of 61.87.
rubin2.match <- with(lindner_clean.matchedsample, var(linps[treated==1])/var(linps[treated==0]))
[1] 0.2570156
The new value for Rubin’s Rule 2 is 0.26. This does not pass Rubin’s Rule 2 and is not an improvement from the pre-match value of 1.67.
We’ll use a mixed model to estimate the effect of the treatment on cardbill
. The matches will be treated as a random effect in the model (syntax “(1| matches.f)”, and the treatment group will be treated as a fixed effect. We will use restricted maximum likelihood (REML) to estimate coefficient values.
#to appease lme4, factor the matches
lindner_clean.matchedsample$matches.f <- as.factor(lindner_clean.matchedsample$matches)
# fit the mixed model
matched_mixedmodel.out1 <- lmer(cardbill ~ treated + (1 | matches.f), REML = TRUE, data=lindner_clean.matchedsample)
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: cardbill ~ treated + (1 | matches.f)
Data: lindner_clean.matchedsample
REML criterion at convergence: 12815.3
Scaled residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.0515 -0.4301 -0.2536 0.0770 13.7921
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
matches.f (Intercept) 6010429 2452
Residual 128676424 11344
Number of obs: 596, groups: matches.f, 298
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 14614.2 672.3 21.738
treated -385.5 929.3 -0.415
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
treated -0.691
Computing profile confidence intervals ...
Warning in optwrap(optimizer, par = start, fn = function(x) dd(mkpar(npar1, :
convergence code -4 from nloptwrap: NLOPT_ROUNDOFF_LIMITED: Roundoff errors led
to a breakdown of the optimization algorithm. In this case, the returned minimum
may still be useful. (e.g. this error occurs in NEWUOA if one tries to achieve a
tolerance too close to machine precision.)
2.5 % 97.5 %
.sig01 0.000 4652.350
.sigma 10472.769 12218.166
(Intercept) 13296.650 15931.793
treated -2209.701 1438.727
tidy_mixed_matched <- broom.mixed::tidy(matched_mixedmodel.out1, = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95) %>%
filter(term == "treated")
# A tibble: 1 x 8
effect group term estimate std.error statistic conf.low conf.high
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 fixed <NA> treated -385. 929. -0.415 -2207. 1436.
Treated individuals were estimated to spend $-385.49 (95%CI: -2206.88, 1435.91) less than non-treated individuals. As this result is not significant at an α of 0.05, a sensitivity analysis on the quantitative outcome will not make sense.
#check the mean cardbill in the matched sample
lindner_clean.matchedsample %>% group_by(treated_f) %>% summarise(mean = mean(cardbill))
# A tibble: 2 x 2
treated_f mean
* <fct> <dbl>
1 treated 14229.
2 control 14614.
#check the mean cardbill in the entire sample
lindner_clean %>% group_by(treated_f) %>% summarise(mean = mean(cardbill))
# A tibble: 2 x 2
treated_f mean
* <fct> <dbl>
1 treated 16127.
2 control 14614.
In treated individuals, the mean cardbill
was lower within the matched sample than the entire sample (note the mean within the control group was the same as every control participant is in the matched sample. The mean changed in the treated group as only 298/698 treated patients are in the matched sample). This is a sanity check to assess if the mixed model results make sense; and it looks like they do.
We will use conditional logistic regression to estimate the log odds (and ORs) of being alive after 6 months based on treatment status.
binary_outcome_adjusted <- survival::clogit(sixMonthSurvive ~ treated + strata(matches), data=lindner_clean.matchedsample)
coxph(formula = Surv(rep(1, 596L), sixMonthSurvive) ~ treated +
strata(matches), data = lindner_clean.matchedsample, method = "exact")
n= 596, number of events= 578
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|)
treated 1.6094 5.0000 0.6325 2.545 0.0109 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
treated 5 0.2 1.448 17.27
Concordance= 0.833 (se = 0.124 )
Likelihood ratio test= 8.73 on 1 df, p=0.003
Wald test = 6.48 on 1 df, p=0.01
Score (logrank) test = 8 on 1 df, p=0.005
#Tidy model
tidy_binary_outcome_adjusted <- tidy(binary_outcome_adjusted, exponentiate = TRUE, = 0.95)
The odds of being alive after six months were 5 times higher in treated individuals than non-treated individuals (95%CI 1.45, 17.27)
X <- lindner_clean$linps ## matching on the linear propensity score
Tr <- as.logical(lindner_clean$treated)
match1 <- Match(Tr=Tr, X=X, M = 1, replace=TRUE, ties=FALSE) # notice replace = TRUE
Estimate... 0
SE......... 0
T-stat..... NaN
p.val...... NA
Original number of observations.............. 996
Original number of treated obs............... 698
Matched number of observations............... 698
Matched number of observations (unweighted). 698
As you can see, this time we matched 698 treated individuals with 698 control participants. To reiterate, as we matched with replacement, and there were less control participants than treated participants, some control participants were matched multiple times.
Below we’ll assess the match balance from the 1:1 matching with replacement.
mb1 <- MatchBalance(treated ~ stent + height + female + diabetic + acutemi + ejecfrac + ves1proc + ps + linps, data=lindner_clean,
match.out = match1, nboots=500)
***** (V1) stent *****
Before Matching After Matching
mean treatment........ 0.70487 0.70487
mean control.......... 0.58389 0.72779
std mean diff......... 26.505 -5.0222
mean raw eQQ diff..... 0.12081 0.022923
med raw eQQ diff..... 0 0
max raw eQQ diff..... 1 1
mean eCDF diff........ 0.060489 0.011461
med eCDF diff........ 0.060489 0.011461
max eCDF diff........ 0.12098 0.022923
var ratio (Tr/Co)..... 0.85457 1.0501
T-test p-value........ 0.00032255 0.23555
***** (V2) height *****
Before Matching After Matching
mean treatment........ 171.44 171.44
mean control.......... 171.45 171.62
std mean diff......... -0.033804 -1.6209
mean raw eQQ diff..... 0.56376 0.83811
med raw eQQ diff..... 0 0
max raw eQQ diff..... 20 22
mean eCDF diff........ 0.0078996 0.010261
med eCDF diff........ 0.0060095 0.008596
max eCDF diff........ 0.024971 0.038682
var ratio (Tr/Co)..... 1.0201 0.80936
T-test p-value........ 0.99608 0.7661
KS Bootstrap p-value.. 0.968 0.396
KS Naive p-value...... 0.99947 0.67329
KS Statistic.......... 0.024971 0.038682
***** (V3) female *****
Before Matching After Matching
mean treatment........ 0.33095 0.33095
mean control.......... 0.38591 0.29943
std mean diff......... -11.672 6.6934
mean raw eQQ diff..... 0.053691 0.031519
med raw eQQ diff..... 0 0
max raw eQQ diff..... 1 1
mean eCDF diff........ 0.02748 0.015759
med eCDF diff........ 0.02748 0.015759
max eCDF diff........ 0.05496 0.031519
var ratio (Tr/Co)..... 0.93253 1.0555
T-test p-value........ 0.10045 0.1537
***** (V4) diabetic *****
Before Matching After Matching
mean treatment........ 0.20487 0.20487
mean control.......... 0.26846 0.22923
std mean diff......... -15.743 -6.0301
mean raw eQQ diff..... 0.063758 0.024355
med raw eQQ diff..... 0 0
max raw eQQ diff..... 1 1
mean eCDF diff........ 0.031793 0.012178
med eCDF diff........ 0.031793 0.012178
max eCDF diff........ 0.063585 0.024355
var ratio (Tr/Co)..... 0.82788 0.92199
T-test p-value........ 0.03402 0.21126
***** (V5) acutemi *****
Before Matching After Matching
mean treatment........ 0.17908 0.17908
mean control.......... 0.060403 0.16762
std mean diff......... 30.931 2.9871
mean raw eQQ diff..... 0.11745 0.011461
med raw eQQ diff..... 0 0
max raw eQQ diff..... 1 1
mean eCDF diff........ 0.05934 0.0057307
med eCDF diff........ 0.05934 0.0057307
max eCDF diff........ 0.11868 0.011461
var ratio (Tr/Co)..... 2.5853 1.0537
T-test p-value........ 4.6617e-09 0.44149
***** (V6) ejecfrac *****
Before Matching After Matching
mean treatment........ 50.403 50.403
mean control.......... 52.289 50.812
std mean diff......... -18.102 -3.9327
mean raw eQQ diff..... 2.0503 0.80516
med raw eQQ diff..... 1 0
max raw eQQ diff..... 20 20
mean eCDF diff........ 0.035602 0.012247
med eCDF diff........ 0.011423 0.008596
max eCDF diff........ 0.11383 0.06447
var ratio (Tr/Co)..... 1.0238 1.1088
T-test p-value........ 0.0085806 0.43271
KS Bootstrap p-value.. 0.004 0.044
KS Naive p-value...... 0.0089219 0.1099
KS Statistic.......... 0.11383 0.06447
***** (V7) ves1proc *****
Before Matching After Matching
mean treatment........ 1.4628 1.4628
mean control.......... 1.2047 1.4642
std mean diff......... 36.545 -0.20289
mean raw eQQ diff..... 0.2651 0.044413
med raw eQQ diff..... 0 0
max raw eQQ diff..... 1 1
mean eCDF diff........ 0.043323 0.0074021
med eCDF diff........ 0.0090671 0.004298
max eCDF diff........ 0.18842 0.018625
var ratio (Tr/Co)..... 2.1614 1.0942
T-test p-value........ 4.21e-11 0.95523
KS Bootstrap p-value.. < 2.22e-16 0.594
KS Naive p-value...... 7.2635e-07 0.99973
KS Statistic.......... 0.18842 0.018625
***** (V8) ps *****
Before Matching After Matching
mean treatment........ 0.7265 0.7265
mean control.......... 0.64061 0.7262
std mean diff......... 66.092 0.23256
mean raw eQQ diff..... 0.085216 0.0014016
med raw eQQ diff..... 0.081353 0.00063595
max raw eQQ diff..... 0.12087 0.021689
mean eCDF diff........ 0.17141 0.0031873
med eCDF diff........ 0.17768 0.0014327
max eCDF diff........ 0.27599 0.024355
var ratio (Tr/Co)..... 1.1161 1.0083
T-test p-value........ < 2.22e-16 0.0032848
KS Bootstrap p-value.. < 2.22e-16 0.978
KS Naive p-value...... 3.042e-14 0.98578
KS Statistic.......... 0.27599 0.024355
***** (V9) linps *****
Before Matching After Matching
mean treatment........ 1.1148 1.1148
mean control.......... 0.63332 1.108
std mean diff......... 60.484 0.859
mean raw eQQ diff..... 0.4787 0.016276
med raw eQQ diff..... 0.35992 0.0028864
max raw eQQ diff..... 1.0113 0.75735
mean eCDF diff........ 0.17141 0.0031873
med eCDF diff........ 0.17768 0.0014327
max eCDF diff........ 0.27599 0.024355
var ratio (Tr/Co)..... 1.672 1.0466
T-test p-value........ < 2.22e-16 0.0016161
KS Bootstrap p-value.. < 2.22e-16 0.978
KS Naive p-value...... 3.042e-14 0.98578
KS Statistic.......... 0.27599 0.024355
Before Matching Minimum p.value: < 2.22e-16
Variable Name(s): ves1proc ps linps Number(s): 7 8 9
After Matching Minimum p.value: 0.0016161
Variable Name(s): linps Number(s): 9
covnames <- c("stent", "height", "female", "diabetic", "acutemi", "ejecfrac", "ves1proc", "ps", "linps")
Dr. Love’s code to extract the standardized differences.
pre.szd <- NULL; post.szd <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(covnames)) {
pre.szd[i] <- mb1$BeforeMatching[[i]]$sdiff.pooled
post.szd[i] <- mb1$AfterMatching[[i]]$sdiff.pooled
Table of standardized differences
match_szd <- data.frame(covnames, pre.szd, post.szd, row.names=covnames)
print(match_szd, digits=3)
covnames pre.szd post.szd
stent stent 25.445 -5.022
height height -0.034 -1.621
female female -11.466 6.693
diabetic diabetic -14.983 -6.030
acutemi acutemi 37.145 2.987
ejecfrac ejecfrac -18.208 -3.933
ves1proc ves1proc 42.734 -0.203
ps ps 67.880 0.233
linps linps 67.664 0.859
In this figure, blue points are post-matching while white are pre-match.
lp_w_rep <- ggplot(match_szd, aes(x = pre.szd, y = reorder(covnames, pre.szd))) +
geom_point(col = "black", size = 3, pch = 1) +
geom_point(aes(x = post.szd, y = reorder(covnames, pre.szd)), size = 3, col = "blue") +
theme_bw() +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0)) +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 10), linetype = "dashed", col = "red") +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept = -10), linetype = "dashed", col = "red") +
labs(x = "Standardized Difference (%)",
y = "",
title = "Love Plot",
subtitle = "1:1 matching with replacement")
# comparison of love plots with and without replacement
lp_wo_rep + lp_w_rep
When we look at the plots without replacement and with replacement side-by-side, it definitely looks better than the 1:1 matching without replacement.
to make the Love PlotAgain, we can also use an automated way to make the Love Plot.
cobalt_tab <-, treated ~ stent + height + female + diabetic + acutemi + ejecfrac + ves1proc + ps + linps, data=lindner_clean, un = TRUE,
stats = c("m","v"))
Balance Measures
Type Diff.Un V.Ratio.Un Diff.Adj V.Ratio.Adj
stent Binary 0.1210 . -0.0229 .
height Contin. -0.0003 1.0201 -0.0162 0.8033
female Binary -0.0550 . 0.0315 .
diabetic Binary -0.0636 . -0.0244 .
acutemi Binary 0.1187 . 0.0115 .
ejecfrac Contin. -0.1810 1.0238 -0.0393 1.1004
ves1proc Contin. 0.3654 2.1614 -0.0020 1.0860
ps Contin. 0.6609 1.1161 0.0023 1.0007
linps Contin. 0.6048 1.6720 0.0086 1.0387
Sample sizes
Control Treated
All 298. 698
Matched (ESS) 112.16 698
Matched (Unweighted) 229. 698
Unmatched 69. 0
p <- love.plot(cobalt_tab, threshold = .1, size = 1.5,
var.order = "unadjusted",
title = "Standardized Differences after 1:1 Matching With Replacement",
stars = "std")
p + theme_bw()
pre.vratio <- NULL; post.vratio <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(covnames)) {
pre.vratio[i] <- mb1$BeforeMatching[[i]]$var.ratio
post.vratio[i] <- mb1$AfterMatching[[i]]$var.ratio
## Table of Variance Ratios
match_vrat <- data.frame(names = covnames, pre.vratio, post.vratio, row.names=covnames)
print(match_vrat, digits=2)
names pre.vratio post.vratio
stent stent 0.85 1.05
height height 1.02 0.81
female female 0.93 1.06
diabetic diabetic 0.83 0.92
acutemi acutemi 2.59 1.05
ejecfrac ejecfrac 1.02 1.11
ves1proc ves1proc 2.16 1.09
ps ps 1.12 1.01
linps linps 1.67 1.05
p <- love.plot(cobalt_tab, stats = "v", threshold = .1, size = 3,
var.order = "unadjusted",
title = "Variance Ratios after 1:1 Matching With Replacement",
stars = "")
p + theme_bw()
matches <- factor(rep(match1$index.treated, 2))
lindner_clean.matchedsample <- cbind(matches, lindner_clean[c(match1$index.control, match1$index.treated),])
lindner_clean.matchedsample %>% count(treated_f)
treated_f n
1 treated 698
2 control 698
lindner_clean.matchedsample %>% filter(treated_f == "control") %>%
count(patientid) %>%
n n_n percent
1 84 0.366812227
2 53 0.231441048
3 36 0.157205240
4 20 0.087336245
5 8 0.034934498
6 6 0.026200873
7 5 0.021834061
8 3 0.013100437
9 1 0.004366812
10 2 0.008733624
11 2 0.008733624
12 2 0.008733624
13 1 0.004366812
15 1 0.004366812
16 3 0.013100437
17 2 0.008733624
rubin1.match.rep <- with(lindner_clean.matchedsample,
[1] 0.8690187
The new value for Rubin’s Rule 1 is 0.87. This value passes Rubin’s Rule 1 and is an improvement from the Rubin’s Rule 1 value obtained during 1:1 matching without replacement, 38.55. The pre-match value was 61.87.
rubin2.match.rep <- with(lindner_clean.matchedsample, var(linps[treated==1])/var(linps[treated==0]))
[1] 1.046553
The new value for Rubin’s Rule 2 is 1.05. This passes Rule 2 and is an improvement from the Rubin’s Rule 2 value obtained during 1:1 matching without replacement, 0.26. The pre-match value was 1.67.
Again, we’ll use a mixed model to estimate the effect of the treatment on cardbill
. The matches will be treated as a random effect in the model (syntax “(1| matches.f)”. and the treatment group will be treated as a fixed effect. We will use restricted maximum likelihood (REML) to estimate coefficient values.
#to appease lme4, factor the matches
lindner_clean.matchedsample$matches.f <- as.factor(lindner_clean.matchedsample$matches)
# fit the mixed model
matched_mixedmodel.rep.out1 <- lmer(cardbill ~ treated + (1 | matches.f), REML = TRUE, data=lindner_clean.matchedsample)
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: cardbill ~ treated + (1 | matches.f)
Data: lindner_clean.matchedsample
REML criterion at convergence: 30148
Scaled residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.1569 -0.4789 -0.2828 0.1116 13.2194
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
matches.f (Intercept) 7604218 2758
Residual 135785615 11653
Number of obs: 1396, groups: matches.f, 698
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 16337.4 453.2 36.046
treated -210.7 623.8 -0.338
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
treated -0.688
Computing profile confidence intervals ...
2.5 % 97.5 %
.sig01 0.000 4287.944
.sigma 11059.236 12282.671
(Intercept) 15449.068 17225.702
treated -1434.047 1012.643
tidy_mixed_matched_rep <- broom.mixed::tidy(matched_mixedmodel.rep.out1, = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95) %>%
filter(term == "treated")
# A tibble: 1 x 8
effect group term estimate std.error statistic conf.low conf.high
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 fixed <NA> treated -211. 624. -0.338 -1433. 1012.
Treated individuals were estimated to spend $-210.7 less (95%CI -1433.24, 1011.84) than non-treated individuals. This finding is not significant at an α of 0.05, thus, the sensitivity analysis on the Quantitative outcome will still not make sense.
#sanity check for model
lindner_clean.matchedsample %>% group_by(treated_f) %>% summarise(mean_card = mean(cardbill))
# A tibble: 2 x 2
treated_f mean_card
* <fct> <dbl>
1 treated 16127.
2 control 16337.
within the matched sample, the mixed model results make sense.We will use conditional logistic regression to estimate the log odds (and ORs) of being alive after 6 months based on treatment status.
binary_outcome_adjusted_rep <- survival::clogit(sixMonthSurvive ~ treated + strata(matches), data=lindner_clean.matchedsample)
coxph(formula = Surv(rep(1, 1396L), sixMonthSurvive) ~ treated +
strata(matches), data = lindner_clean.matchedsample, method = "exact")
n= 1396, number of events= 1321
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z Pr(>|z|)
treated 1.8405 6.3000 0.3404 5.407 6.41e-08 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
treated 6.3 0.1587 3.233 12.28
Concordance= 0.863 (se = 0.057 )
Likelihood ratio test= 42.88 on 1 df, p=6e-11
Wald test = 29.24 on 1 df, p=6e-08
Score (logrank) test = 38.48 on 1 df, p=6e-10
#Tidy model
tidy_binary_outcome_adjusted_rep <- tidy(binary_outcome_adjusted_rep, exponentiate = TRUE, = 0.95)
# A tibble: 1 x 7
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 treated 6.30 0.340 5.41 0.0000000641 3.23 12.3
The odds of being alive after six months were 6.3 times higher in treated individuals than non-treated controls (95%CI 3.23, 12.28)
#cut into quintiles
lindner_clean$stratum <- Hmisc::cut2(lindner_clean$ps, g=5)
lindner_clean$quintile <- factor(lindner_clean$stratum, labels=1:5)
#Sanity check: check to make sure quntiles are evenish, numbers make sense, etc.
lindner_clean %>% count(stratum, quintile)
stratum quintile n
1 [0.232,0.581) 1 200
2 [0.581,0.669) 2 199
3 [0.669,0.726) 3 200
4 [0.726,0.826) 4 199
5 [0.826,0.980] 5 198
Only 20 controls were were in the largest quintile, which seems a bit low.
lindner_clean %>% count(quintile, treated_f)
quintile treated_f n
1 1 treated 105
2 1 control 95
3 2 treated 124
4 2 control 75
5 3 treated 135
6 3 control 65
7 4 treated 156
8 4 control 43
9 5 treated 178
10 5 control 20
ggplot(lindner_clean, aes(x = treated_f, y = round(ps,2), group = quintile, color = treated_f)) +
geom_jitter(width = 0.2) +
guides(color = FALSE) +
facet_wrap(~ quintile, scales = "free_y") +
labs(x = "", y = "Propensity for Treatment",
title = "Quintile Subclassification in the Lindner data")
Here we implement Dr. Love’s function to calculate the standardizes differences is utilized below.
szd <- function(covlist, g) {
covlist2 <- as.matrix(covlist)
g <- as.factor(g)
res <- NA
for(i in 1:ncol(covlist2)) {
cov <- as.numeric(covlist2[,i])
num <- 100*diff(tapply(cov, g, mean, na.rm=TRUE))
den <- sqrt(mean(tapply(cov, g, var, na.rm=TRUE)))
res[i] <- round(num/den,2)
names(res) <- names(covlist)
Now we’ll split data into quintiles - and give them each their own dataframe.
quin1 <- filter(lindner_clean, quintile==1)
quin2 <- filter(lindner_clean, quintile==2)
quin3 <- filter(lindner_clean, quintile==3)
quin4 <- filter(lindner_clean, quintile==4)
quin5 <- filter(lindner_clean, quintile==5)
Now we’ll run the function above to calculate the standardized differences for each covariate in each quintile.
covs <- c("stent", "height", "female", "diabetic", "acutemi", "ejecfrac", "ves1proc", "ps", "linps")
d.q1 <- szd(quin1[covs], quin1$treated)
d.q2 <- szd(quin2[covs], quin2$treated)
d.q3 <- szd(quin3[covs], quin3$treated)
d.q4 <- szd(quin4[covs], quin4$treated)
d.q5 <- szd(quin5[covs], quin5$treated)
d.all <- szd(lindner_clean[covs], lindner_clean$treated)
lindner_clean.szd <- tibble(covs, Overall = d.all, Q1 = d.q1, Q2 = d.q2, Q3 = d.q3, Q4 = d.q4, Q5 = d.q5)
lindner_clean.szd <- gather(lindner_clean.szd, "quint", "sz.diff", 2:7)
ggplot(lindner_clean.szd, aes(x = sz.diff, y = reorder(covs, -sz.diff), group = quint)) +
geom_point() +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +
geom_vline(xintercept = c(-10,10), linetype = "dashed", col = "blue") +
facet_wrap(~ quint) +
labs(x = "Standardized Difference, %", y = "",
title = "Comparing Standardized Differences by PS Quintile")
Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
The results of the standardized differences by quintile are failry variable.
rubin1.q1 <- with(quin1, abs(100*(mean(linps[treated==1]) - mean(linps[treated==0]))/sd(linps)))
rubin1.q2 <- with(quin2, abs(100*(mean(linps[treated==1]) -mean(linps[treated==0]))/sd(linps)))
rubin1.q3 <- with(quin3, abs(100*(mean(linps[treated==1]) -mean(linps[treated==0]))/sd(linps)))
rubin1.q4 <- with(quin4, abs(100*(mean(linps[treated==1]) -mean(linps[treated==0]))/sd(linps)))
rubin1.q5 <- with(quin5, abs(100*(mean(linps[treated==1]) -mean(linps[treated==0]))/sd(linps)))
rubin1.sub <- c(rubin1.q1, rubin1.q2, rubin1.q3, rubin1.q4, rubin1.q5)
names(rubin1.sub)=c("Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4", "Q5")
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
42.633282 10.122973 9.054266 23.662028 20.717673
All are under 50. Not great, but OK. For comparison, the original Rubin’s Rule 1 value was 61.87.
rubin2.q1 <- with(quin1, var(linps[treated==1])/var(linps[treated==0]))
rubin2.q2 <- with(quin2, var(linps[treated==1])/var(linps[treated==0]))
rubin2.q3 <- with(quin3, var(linps[treated==1])/var(linps[treated==0]))
rubin2.q4 <- with(quin4, var(linps[treated==1])/var(linps[treated==0]))
rubin2.q5 <- with(quin5, var(linps[treated==1])/var(linps[treated==0]))
rubin2.sub <- c(rubin2.q1, rubin2.q2, rubin2.q3, rubin2.q4, rubin2.q5)
names(rubin2.sub)=c("Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4", "Q5")
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
0.6582169 1.2083230 1.1754770 1.2154060 1.2353984
All but Q1 are at least close to passing Rule 2. For comparison, the original Rubin’s Rule 2 value was 1.67.
quin1.out1 <- lm(cardbill ~ treated, data=quin1)
quin2.out1 <- lm(cardbill ~ treated, data=quin2)
quin3.out1 <- lm(cardbill ~ treated, data=quin3)
quin4.out1 <- lm(cardbill ~ treated, data=quin4)
quin5.out1 <- lm(cardbill ~ treated, data=quin5)
coef(summary(quin1.out1)); coef(summary(quin2.out1)); coef(summary(quin3.out1)); coef(summary(quin4.out1)); coef(summary(quin5.out1))
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 14262.49474 1083.197 13.16704155 7.497113e-29
treated -67.69474 1494.953 -0.04528217 9.639280e-01
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 15038.427 1794.884 8.378497 1.000329e-14
treated 1412.154 2273.799 0.621055 5.352814e-01
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 13259.415 1099.734 12.05693 1.846022e-25
treated 2837.814 1338.554 2.12006 3.524616e-02
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 14474.19 1620.396 8.932501 2.966193e-16
treated 2979.16 1830.144 1.627828 1.051596e-01
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 19398.350 1967.305 9.860368 7.011002e-19
treated -3498.063 2074.886 -1.685906 9.340509e-02
The mean of the five quintile-specific estimated regression coefficients is below. <- (coef(quin1.out1)[2] + coef(quin2.out1)[2] + coef(quin3.out1)[2] +
coef(quin4.out1)[2] + coef(quin5.out1)[2])/5
The mean SE is below.
se.q1 <- summary(quin1.out1)$coefficients[2,2]
se.q2 <- summary(quin2.out1)$coefficients[2,2]
se.q3 <- summary(quin3.out1)$coefficients[2,2]
se.q4 <- summary(quin4.out1)$coefficients[2,2]
se.q5 <- summary(quin5.out1)$coefficients[2,2] <- sqrt((se.q1^2 + se.q2^2 + se.q3^2 + se.q4^2 + se.q5^2)*(1/25))
[1] 821.008
The mean estimate, with a 95% CI, is below.
strat.result1 <- data_frame(estimate =,
conf.low = - 1.96*,
conf.high = + 1.96*
Warning: `data_frame()` was deprecated in tibble 1.1.0.
Please use `tibble()` instead.
# A tibble: 1 x 3
estimate conf.low conf.high
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 733. -877. 2342.
So treated individuals were estimated to spend $732.67 more (95%CI -876.5, 2341.85) than non treated individuals.
quin1.out2 <- glm(sixMonthSurvive ~ treated, data=quin1, family=binomial())
quin2.out2 <- glm(sixMonthSurvive ~ treated, data=quin2, family=binomial())
quin3.out2 <- glm(sixMonthSurvive ~ treated, data=quin3, family=binomial())
quin4.out2 <- glm(sixMonthSurvive ~ treated, data=quin4, family=binomial())
quin5.out2 <- glm(sixMonthSurvive ~ treated, data=quin5, family=binomial())
coef(summary(quin1.out2)); coef(summary(quin2.out2)); coef(summary(quin3.out2)); coef(summary(quin4.out2)); coef(summary(quin5.out2))
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 3.124565 0.5108708 6.116155 9.586018e-10
treated 1.519826 1.1272001 1.348319 1.775557e-01
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 2.876386 0.5138915 5.597262 2.177636e-08
treated 1.935799 1.1278865 1.716306 8.610597e-02
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 3.028522 0.5911534 5.123073 3.005960e-07
treated 1.869318 1.1648042 1.604834 1.085303e-01
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 3.737670 1.011815 3.6940239 0.0002207331
treated 0.194156 1.167726 0.1662684 0.8679457146
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 1.734601 0.6262243 2.769936 0.005606735
treated 1.809253 0.7732630 2.339764 0.019295953
Estimated log-odds (averaged over the quintiles). <- (coef(quin1.out2)[2] + coef(quin2.out2)[2] + coef(quin3.out2)[2] +
coef(quin4.out2)[2] + coef(quin5.out2)[2])/5
Estimated odds ratio (averaged over the quintiles).
The average SE (averaged over the quintiles).
se.q1.log <- summary(quin1.out2)$coefficients[2,2]
se.q2.log <- summary(quin2.out2)$coefficients[2,2]
se.q3.log <- summary(quin3.out2)$coefficients[2,2]
se.q4.log <- summary(quin4.out2)$coefficients[2,2]
se.q5.log <- summary(quin5.out2)$coefficients[2,2] <- sqrt((se.q1.log^2 + se.q2.log^2 + se.q3.log^2 + se.q4.log^2 + se.q5.log^2)*(1/25)) #log odds
[1] 0.4841899
strat.result2 <- data_frame(estimate = exp(,
conf.low = exp( - 1.96*,
conf.high = exp( + 1.96*
# A tibble: 1 x 3
estimate conf.low conf.high
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 4.33 1.68 11.2
The odds of being alive after 6 months was 4.33 (95%CI 1.68, 11.19) times higher in treated individuals than non-treated individuals.
First, we can use tge average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) approach where we weight treated subjects as 1 and controls as ps/(1-ps)
lindner_clean$wts1 <- ifelse(lindner_clean$treated==1, 1, lindner_clean$ps/(1-lindner_clean$ps))
We can also use the average treatment effect (ATE) weights where we weight treated subjects by 1/ps and controls by 1/(1-PS)
lindner_clean$wts2 <- ifelse(lindner_clean$treated==1, 1/lindner_clean$ps, 1/(1-lindner_clean$ps))
ggplot(lindner_clean, aes(x = ps, y = wts1, color = treated_f)) +
geom_point() +
guides(color = FALSE) +
facet_wrap(~ treated_f) +
labs(x = "Estimated Propensity for Treatment",
y = "ATT weight",
title = "ATT weighting structure")
#turn dataset into a dataframe for twang (its a tibble now)
lindner_clean_df <- data.frame(lindner_clean)
#name covariates
covlist <- c("stent", "height", "female", "diabetic", "acutemi", "ejecfrac", "ves1proc", "ps", "linps")
bal.wts1 <- dx.wts(x=lindner_clean_df$wts1, data=lindner_clean_df, vars=covlist,
treat.var="treated", estimand="ATT")
type n.treat n.ctrl ess.treat ess.ctrl max.ks
1 unw 698 298 698 298.0000 0.66091743 0.29567509 0.27599469
2 698 298 698 149.4503 0.08471131 0.03315857 0.06089807
mean.ks iter
1 0.13749095 NA
2 0.03182485 NA
$unw stat p ks ks.pval
stent 0.705 0.456 0.584 0.494 0.265 3.624 0.000 0.121 0.004
height 171.443 10.695 171.446 10.589 0.000 -0.005 0.996 0.025 0.999
female 0.331 0.471 0.386 0.488 -0.117 -1.647 0.100 0.055 0.531
diabetic 0.205 0.404 0.268 0.444 -0.157 -2.127 0.034 0.064 0.349
acutemi 0.179 0.384 0.060 0.239 0.309 5.923 0.000 0.119 0.005
ejecfrac 50.403 10.419 52.289 10.297 -0.181 -2.640 0.008 0.114 0.008
ves1proc 1.463 0.706 1.205 0.480 0.365 6.693 0.000 0.188 0.000
ps 0.727 0.130 0.641 0.123 0.661 9.928 0.000 0.276 0.000
linps 1.115 0.796 0.633 0.616 0.605 10.321 0.000 0.276 0.000
[[2]] stat p ks ks.pval
stent 0.705 0.456 0.702 0.458 0.005 0.065 0.948 0.002 1.000
height 171.443 10.695 171.568 11.934 -0.012 -0.102 0.919 0.042 0.974
female 0.331 0.471 0.311 0.464 0.042 0.497 0.620 0.020 1.000
diabetic 0.205 0.404 0.235 0.425 -0.074 -0.716 0.474 0.030 1.000
acutemi 0.179 0.384 0.180 0.385 -0.001 -0.011 0.991 0.001 1.000
ejecfrac 50.403 10.419 50.384 10.358 0.002 0.019 0.985 0.032 0.999
ves1proc 1.463 0.706 1.523 0.749 -0.085 -0.647 0.518 0.038 0.990
ps 0.727 0.130 0.730 0.134 -0.030 -0.273 0.785 0.061 0.725
linps 1.115 0.796 1.153 0.839 -0.048 -0.360 0.719 0.061 0.725
bal.before.wts1 <- bal.table(bal.wts1)[1]
bal.after.wts1 <- bal.table(bal.wts1)[2]
balance.att.weights <- data_frame(names = rownames(bal.before.wts1$unw),
pre.weighting = 100*bal.before.wts1$unw$,
ATT.weighted = 100*bal.after.wts1[[1]]$
balance.att.weights <- gather(balance.att.weights, timing, szd, 2:3)
Now we can plot the standardized differences after ATT weighting.
ggplot(balance.att.weights, aes(x = szd, y = reorder(names, szd), color = timing)) +
geom_point() +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +
geom_vline(xintercept = c(-10,10), linetype = "dashed", col = "blue") +
labs(x = "Standardized Difference",
y = "",
title = "Standardized Difference before and after ATT Weighting")
The standardized differences look much better here in this approach.
Numbers from balance table above: (-0.048 * 100) = 4.8%. So passes Rule 1.
Numbers from balance table above:(0.7962)/(0.8392) = 0.9001237. Passes Rule 2
To estimate the effect of the treatment on cardbill
, we’ll use svyglm from the survey
package to apply the ATT weights in a linear model. <- svydesign(ids=~1, weights=~wts1, data=lindner_clean) # using ATT weights
adjout1.wt1 <- svyglm(cardbill ~ treated,
wt_att_results1 <- tidy(adjout1.wt1, = TRUE) %>% filter(term == "treated")
# A tibble: 1 x 7
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 treated -239. 1417. -0.169 0.866 -3017. 2538.
Estimate (95%CI) -239.28 (-3016.54, 2537.99)
We’ll do similar coding for the binary outcome.
adjout2.wt1 <- svyglm(sixMonthSurvive ~ treated,, family=quasibinomial())
wt_att_results2 <- tidy(adjout2.wt1, = TRUE, exponentiate = TRUE) %>%
filter(term == "treated")
# A tibble: 1 x 7
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 treated 6.50 0.537 3.49 0.000509 2.27 18.6
Estimate (95%CI) 6.5 (2.27, 18.63)
Now, we’ll go through the same steps with the ATE weights.
ggplot(lindner_clean, aes(x = ps, y = wts2, color = treated_f)) +
geom_point() +
guides(color = FALSE) +
facet_wrap(~ treated_f) +
labs(x = "Estimated Propensity for Treatment",
y = "ATE weights",
title = "ATE weighting structure")
bal.wts2 <- dx.wts(x=lindner_clean_df$wts2, data=lindner_clean_df, vars=covlist,
treat.var="treated", estimand="ATE")
type n.treat n.ctrl ess.treat ess.ctrl max.ks
1 unw 698 298 698.000 298.0000 0.64205075 0.29974928 0.27599469
2 698 298 671.093 199.6805 0.06759172 0.02390944 0.04595042
mean.ks iter
1 0.13749095 NA
2 0.02622715 NA
$unw stat p ks ks.pval
stent 0.705 0.456 0.584 0.494 0.257 3.624 0.000 0.121 0.004
height 171.443 10.695 171.446 10.589 0.000 -0.005 0.996 0.025 0.999
female 0.331 0.471 0.386 0.488 -0.115 -1.647 0.100 0.055 0.531
diabetic 0.205 0.404 0.268 0.444 -0.152 -2.127 0.034 0.064 0.349
acutemi 0.179 0.384 0.060 0.239 0.338 5.923 0.000 0.119 0.005
ejecfrac 50.403 10.419 52.289 10.297 -0.181 -2.640 0.008 0.114 0.008
ves1proc 1.463 0.706 1.205 0.480 0.393 6.693 0.000 0.188 0.000
ps 0.727 0.130 0.641 0.123 0.642 9.928 0.000 0.276 0.000
linps 1.115 0.796 0.633 0.616 0.619 10.321 0.000 0.276 0.000
[[2]] stat p ks ks.pval
stent 0.670 0.470 0.667 0.472 0.006 0.081 0.936 0.003 1.000
height 171.404 10.602 171.532 11.552 -0.012 -0.124 0.902 0.038 0.974
female 0.344 0.475 0.333 0.472 0.022 0.283 0.777 0.010 1.000
diabetic 0.223 0.416 0.245 0.431 -0.052 -0.601 0.548 0.022 1.000
acutemi 0.143 0.351 0.144 0.352 -0.003 -0.026 0.979 0.001 1.000
ejecfrac 50.943 10.109 50.948 10.377 0.000 -0.006 0.995 0.042 0.934
ves1proc 1.384 0.663 1.428 0.696 -0.068 -0.586 0.558 0.028 0.999
ps 0.701 0.133 0.704 0.137 -0.018 -0.185 0.853 0.046 0.884
linps 0.973 0.774 0.999 0.815 -0.034 -0.292 0.771 0.046 0.884
bal.before.wts2 <- bal.table(bal.wts2)[1]
bal.after.wts2 <- bal.table(bal.wts2)[2]
balance.ate.weights <- data_frame(names = rownames(bal.before.wts2$unw),
pre.weighting = 100*bal.before.wts2$unw$,
ATE.weighted = 100*bal.after.wts2[[1]]$
balance.ate.weights <- gather(balance.ate.weights, timing, szd, 2:3)
ggplot(balance.ate.weights, aes(x = szd, y = reorder(names, szd), color = timing)) +
geom_point() +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +
geom_vline(xintercept = c(-10,10), linetype = "dashed", col = "blue") +
labs(x = "Standardized Difference", y = "",
title = "Standardized Difference before and after ATE Weighting")
Again, the standardized differences look good here.
-0.033*100 = 3.3%. Passes Rule 1 (numbers from ATE weight balance table above).
(0.7742)/(0.8152) = 0.9019173. Passes Rule 2 (numbers from ATE weight balance table above). <- svydesign(ids=~1, weights=~wts2, data=lindner_clean) # using ATE weights
adjout1.wt2 <- svyglm(cardbill ~ treated,
wt_ate_results1 <- tidy(adjout1.wt2, = TRUE) %>% filter(term == "treated")
# A tibble: 1 x 7
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 treated 147. 1192. 0.124 0.902 -2190. 2484.
adjout2.wt2 <- svyglm(sixMonthSurvive ~ treated,, family=quasibinomial())
wt_ate_results2 <- tidy(adjout2.wt2, = TRUE, exponentiate = TRUE) %>%
filter(term == "treated")
# A tibble: 1 x 7
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 treated 5.74 0.503 3.47 0.000538 2.14 15.4
ps.toy <- ps(treated ~ stent + height + female + diabetic + acutemi + ejecfrac + ves1proc,
data = lindner_clean_df,
n.trees = 3000,
interaction.depth = 2,
stop.method = c("es.mean"),
estimand = "ATT",
verbose = FALSE)
n.treat n.ctrl ess.treat ess.ctrl max.ks
unw 698 298 698 298.00 0.36544982 0.19933096 0.1884195
es.mean.ATT 698 298 698 172.19 0.08373615 0.04075872 0.0388038
max.ks.p mean.ks iter
unw NA 0.09791845 NA
es.mean.ATT NA 0.02469335 1628
plot(ps.toy, plots = 2)
plot(ps.toy, plots = 3), full.stop.method = "es.mean.att")
ps(formula = treated ~ stent + height + female + diabetic + acutemi +
ejecfrac + ves1proc, data = lindner_clean_df, n.trees = 3000,
interaction.depth = 2, verbose = FALSE, estimand = "ATT",
stop.method = c("es.mean"))
Balance Measures
Type Diff.Adj
prop.score Distance 0.2497
stent Binary 0.0263
height Contin. -0.0068
female Binary 0.0082
diabetic Binary -0.0235
acutemi Binary 0.0321
ejecfrac Contin. -0.0614
ves1proc Contin. 0.0001
Effective sample sizes
Control Treated
Unadjusted 298. 698
Adjusted 172.19 698
p <- love.plot(,
threshold = .1, size = 1.5,
title = "Standardized Differences and TWANG ATT Weighting")
Warning: Standardized mean differences and raw mean differences are present in the same plot.
Use the 'stars' argument to distinguish between them and appropriately label the x-axis.
p + theme_bw()
Compared to the manual ATT/ATE weights, the standardized differences look a bit worse here. <- svydesign(ids=~1,
stop.method = "es.mean"),
data=lindner_clean) # using twang ATT weights
adjout1.wt3 <- svyglm(cardbill ~ treated,
wt_twangatt_results1 <- tidy(adjout1.wt3, = TRUE) %>% filter(term == "treated")
# A tibble: 1 x 7
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 treated 501. 1102. 0.454 0.650 -1660. 2661.
adjout2.wt3 <- svyglm(sixMonthSurvive ~ treated,,
wt_twangatt_results2 <- tidy(adjout2.wt3, = TRUE, exponentiate = TRUE) %>%
filter(term == "treated")
# A tibble: 1 x 7
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 treated 4.02 0.487 2.86 0.00438 1.55 10.4
Here we’ll directly adjust for the linear propensity score by including it as a covariate in the model.
direct_out1 <- lm(cardbill ~ treated + linps, data=lindner_clean)
adj_out1 <- tidy(direct_out1, = TRUE) %>% filter(term == "treated")
# A tibble: 1 x 7
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 treated 1168. 805. 1.45 0.147 -412. 2748.
direct_out2 <- glm(sixMonthSurvive ~ treated + linps, data=lindner_clean, family=binomial())
adj_out2 <- tidy(direct_out2, exponentiate = TRUE, = TRUE) %>%
filter(term == "treated")
# A tibble: 1 x 7
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 treated 4.64 0.438 3.50 0.000463 1.99 11.3
Here we’ll adjust for the linear propensity score and the ATT/ATE/TWANG weights when predicting the quantitative outcome.
design_att <- svydesign(ids=~1, weights=~wts1, data=lindner_clean) # using ATT weights
dr.out1.wt1 <- svyglm(cardbill ~ treated + linps, design=design_att)
dr_att_out1 <- tidy(dr.out1.wt1, = TRUE) %>% filter(term == "treated")
# A tibble: 1 x 7
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 treated -127. 1217. -0.104 0.917 -2511. 2258.
design_ate<- svydesign(ids=~1, weights=~wts2, data=lindner_clean) # using ATE weights
dr.out1.wt2 <- svyglm(cardbill ~ treated + linps, design=design_ate)
dr_ate_out1 <- tidy(dr.out1.wt2, = TRUE) %>% filter(term == "treated")
# A tibble: 1 x 7
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 treated 217. 1069. 0.203 0.839 -1879. 2312.
wts3 <- get.weights(ps.toy, stop.method = "es.mean") <- svydesign(ids=~1, weights=~wts3, data=lindner_clean) # twang ATT weights
dr.out1.wt3 <- svyglm(cardbill ~ treated + linps,
dr_twangatt_out1 <- tidy(dr.out1.wt3, = TRUE) %>% filter(term == "treated")
# A tibble: 1 x 7
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 treated 375. 1103. 0.340 0.734 -1787. 2537.
Now we’ll adjust for the linear propensity score and the ATT/ATE/TWANG weights when predicting the binary outcome.
dr.out2.wt1 <- svyglm(sixMonthSurvive ~ treated + linps, design=design_att,
dr_att_out2 <- tidy(dr.out2.wt1, exponentiate = TRUE, = TRUE) %>%
filter(term == "treated")
# A tibble: 1 x 7
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 treated 6.90 0.563 3.43 0.000634 2.29 20.8
dr.out2.wt2 <- svyglm(sixMonthSurvive ~ treated + linps, design=design_ate,
dr_ate_out2 <- tidy(dr.out2.wt2, exponentiate = TRUE, = TRUE) %>%
filter(term == "treated")
# A tibble: 1 x 7
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 treated 5.95 0.517 3.45 0.000590 2.16 16.4
dr.out2.wt3 <- svyglm(sixMonthSurvive ~ treated + linps,,
dr_twangatt_out2 <- tidy(dr.out2.wt3, exponentiate = TRUE, = TRUE) %>%
filter(term == "treated")
# A tibble: 1 x 7
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 treated 4.87 0.554 2.86 0.00436 1.64 14.4
R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
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Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19041)
LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252
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LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
Package version:
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