SIR models in R


Demo by Dr Aidan Findlater (slightly modified)

This example is originally in Modeling Infectious Diseases in Humans and Animals:

## Load deSolve package

## Create an SIR function
sir <- function(time, state, parameters) {

  with(as.list(c(state, parameters)), {

    dS <- -beta * S * I
    dI <-  beta * S * I - gamma * I
    dR <-                 gamma * I

    return(list(c(dS, dI, dR)))

### Set parameters
## Proportion in each compartment: Susceptible 0.999999, Infected 0.000001, Recovered 0
init       <- c(S = 1-1e-6, I = 1e-6, R = 0.0)
## beta: infection parameter; gamma: recovery parameter
parameters <- c(beta = 1.4247, gamma = 0.14286)
## Time frame
times      <- seq(0, 70, by = 1)

## Solve using ode (General Solver for Ordinary Differential Equations)
out <- ode(y = init, times = times, func = sir, parms = parameters)
## change to data frame
out <-
## Delete time variable
out$time <- NULL
## Show data
head(out, 10)
        S           I            R
1  1.0000 0.000001000 0.0000000000
2  1.0000 0.000003968 0.0000003308
3  1.0000 0.000014339 0.0000014866
4  0.9999 0.000052804 0.0000057737
5  0.9998 0.000192686 0.0000213659
6  0.9992 0.000699082 0.0000778350
7  0.9972 0.002516429 0.0002807825
8  0.9900 0.009000750 0.0010086591
9  0.9649 0.031522809 0.0035835022
10 0.8846 0.103084442 0.0122934382

## Plot
matplot(x = times, y = out, type = "l",
        xlab = "Time", ylab = "Susceptible and Recovered", main = "SIR Model",
        lwd = 1, lty = 1, bty = "l", col = 2:4)

## Add legend
legend(40, 0.7, c("Susceptible", "Infected", "Recovered"), pch = 1, col = 2:4, bty = "n")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

HSPH EPI 203 examples

The code here is originally by Dr Caroline Buckee and colleagues. I have modified it slightly.

Basic SIR model

## Define as a function
epi203 <- function(pars){

    ## Show parameters

    ## Additional parameters
    times <- seq(from = 0, to = 600, by = 1)              # we want to run the model for 3000 time steps
    yinit <- c(Susc = 0.9, Infected = 0.1, Recovered = 0) # this parameter sets the initial conditions

    ## below is the code for the actual model including the equations that you should recognize
    SIR_model <- function(times, yinit, pars){

    with(as.list(c(yinit,pars)), {

            dSusc      <- birth - beta*Infected*Susc                     - death*Susc
            dInfected  <-         beta*Infected*Susc - recovery*Infected - death*Infected
            dRecovered <-                              recovery*Infected - death*Recovered

            return(list(c(dSusc, dInfected, dRecovered)))})

    ## run the ode solver for the function specified (function defined above is used)
    ## return the value of each compartment (Susc, Infected, Recovered) for each time step.
    results <- ode(func = SIR_model, times = times, y = yinit, parms = pars)
    results <-

    ## Return result

############################################################################## <- c(beta = 0.1, recovery = 0.005, death = 0.001, birth = 0.001)
results   <- epi203(
    beta recovery    death    birth 
   0.100    0.005    0.001    0.001 

## Plotting
matplot(results[, 1], results[, 2:4], type="l", lty=1)
legend("topright", col=1:3, legend=c("S", "I", "R"), lwd=1)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

Model with vaccination

epi203v <- function(pars){

    ## NOTICE that this includes a new parameter "vaccination"

    ## Show parameters

    ## Additional parameters
    times <- seq(from = 0, to = 600, by = 1)
    yinit <- c(Susc=0.9, Infected=0.1, Recovered=0)  

    ## SIR model with vaccination (vaccine takes people from the Susceptible and put them in the Recovered)
    SIR_model <- function(times,yinit,pars){

    with(as.list(c(yinit,pars)), {

            dSusc      <- birth - beta*Infected*Susc                     - vaccination*Susc - death*Susc
            dInfected  <-         beta*Infected*Susc - recovery*Infected                    - death*Infected
            dRecovered <-                              recovery*Infected + vaccination*Susc - death*Recovered

            return(list(c(dSusc, dInfected, dRecovered)))}) 


    ## run the ode solver for the function specified (function defined above is used)
    ## return the value of each compartment (Susc, Infected, Recovered) for each time step.
    results <- ode(func = SIR_model,times = times,y = yinit,parms = pars)
    results <-

    ## Return results
} <- c(beta = 0.1, recovery = 0.005, death = 0.001, birth = 0.001, vaccination = 0.1)
results.v   <- epi203v(
       beta    recovery       death       birth vaccination 
      0.100       0.005       0.001       0.001       0.100 

## Plotting
matplot(x = results.v[,1], y = results.v[,2:4], type="l",lty=1)
legend("topright", col=1:3, legend=c("S", "I", "R"), lwd=1)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4