Basic MOnte Carlo practice

x <- rnorm(n = 28, mean = 10, sd =  2)
##  [1] 11.590906 10.836967 12.615093 10.180441 13.498127  8.633502  9.741254
##  [8]  9.544412  9.893518  7.767800 11.445249  8.724177 12.450644 10.911855
## [15]  8.236261  7.768533 10.566323  6.872776 10.941408  7.743053  9.316467
## [22]  8.405518  8.366940  7.035457  9.441074  6.118694  6.984528 11.402068
## [1] 9.536895
## [1] 1.915777

Generating random number

runif(n=5, min=0, max=1)
## [1] 0.6992383 0.7317137 0.9417769 0.9002684 0.1346130
runif(n=5, min=0, max=1)
## [1] 0.6661019 0.1851698 0.5794496 0.5384452 0.2722011
runif(n=5, min=0, max=1)
## [1] 0.2655087 0.3721239 0.5728534 0.9082078 0.2016819
runif(n=5, min=0, max=1)
## [1] 0.2655087 0.3721239 0.5728534 0.9082078 0.2016819
x <- runif(10)


x <- runif(100)


x <- runif(1000)


x <- runif(10000)


Monte Carlo method in GNU MCSim

MonteCarlo() specification

MonteCarlo specification gives general information required for the runs: the output file name, the number of runs to perform, and a starting seed for the random number generator. Its syntax is:

MonteCarlo("<OutputFilename>", <nRuns>, <RandomSeed>);

The character string , enclosed in double quotes, should be a valid filename for your operating system. If a null-string "" is given, the default name simmc.out will be used. The number of runs should be an integer, and is only limited by either your storage space for the output file or the largest (long) integer available on your machine. When using the GNU Scientific Library, the seed of the pseudo-random number generator can be any positive integer (including zero). When using the native code, it can be any positive real number (seeds between 1.0 and 2147483646.0 are used as is, the others are rescaled silently within those bounds). Here is an example of use:

MonteCarlo("percsimmc.out", 50000, 9386);

Distrib() specification

Distrib() specifies the name of the parameter to sample, and its sampling distribution. Its syntax is:

Distrib(<parameter identifier>, <distribution-name>, [<shape parameters>]);

For example Normal, takes two reals numbers as parameters: the mean and the standard deviation, the latter being strictly positive. LogNormal, takes two reals numbers as parameters: the geometric mean (exponential of the mean in log-space) and the geometric standard deviation (exponential, strictly superior to 1, of the standard deviation in log-space).




Uncertainty analysis of PK model in R


ffpk <- function(IngDose, Fgutabs, kgutabs, kelim, Vdist, BW, t){
    A <- (IngDose * Fgutabs * kgutabs)/(Vdist * BW * (kgutabs - kelim))
    Conc <- A * exp(-kelim * t) - A * exp(-kgutabs * t)


parms <- httk::parameterize_1comp(chem.name = "theophylline")
## Warning in available_rblood2plasma(chem.cas = chem.cas, chem.name =
## chem.name, : Human in vivo Rblood2plasma returned.
Fgutabs <- parms$Fgutabs * parms$hepatic.bioavailability
kgutabs <- parms$kgutabs
kelim <- parms$kelim
Vdist <- parms$Vdist

Monte Carlo simulation

LL <- 0.2
Fgutabs_LL <- 0.8
kgutabs_LL <- kgutabs * LL
kelim_LL <- kelim * LL
Vdist_LL <- Vdist * LL
c(Fgutabs_LL, kgutabs_LL, kelim_LL, Vdist_LL)
## [1] 0.80000000 0.43600000 0.05307864 0.15603994
UL <- 5
Fgutabs_UL <- 1
kgutabs_UL <- kgutabs * UL
kelim_UL <- kelim * UL
Vdist_UL <- Vdist * UL
c(Fgutabs_UL, kgutabs_UL, kelim_UL, Vdist_UL)
## [1]  1.000000 10.900000  1.326966  3.900998
n <- 1000
dist_Fgutabs <- runif(n, Fgutabs_LL, Fgutabs_UL)
dist_kgutabs <- runif(n, kgutabs_LL, kgutabs_UL)
dist_kelim <- runif(n, kelim_LL, kelim_UL)
dist_Vdist <- runif(n, Vdist_LL, Vdist_UL)
df <- data.frame(dist_Fgutabs, dist_kgutabs, dist_kelim, dist_Vdist)
##   dist_Fgutabs dist_kgutabs dist_kelim dist_Vdist
## 1    0.8531017     3.214283  0.3913068  1.1503589
## 2    0.8744248     4.329904  0.5271226  1.5496285
## 3    0.9145707     6.430338  0.7828293  2.3013520
## 4    0.9816416     9.939486  1.2100331  3.5572404
## 5    0.8403364     2.546400  0.3099987  0.9113304
## 6    0.9796779     9.836750  1.1975259  3.5204720
names(df) <- c("Fgutabs", "kgutabs", "kelim", "Vdist")
## [1] "Fgutabs" "kgutabs" "kelim"   "Vdist"

S1 <- subset(Theoph, Subject==1)
t1 <- S1$Time
Dose1 <- mean(S1$Dose)
BW1 <- mean(S1$Wt)
m.Conc <- matrix(nrow=n, ncol=11)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11]
## [1,]   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA    NA    NA
## [2,]   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA    NA    NA
## [3,]   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA    NA    NA
## [4,]   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA    NA    NA
## [5,]   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA    NA    NA
## [6,]   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA    NA    NA
colnames(m.Conc) <- t1
##       0 0.25 0.57 1.12 2.02 3.82 5.1 7.03 9.05 12.12 24.37
## [1,] NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA  NA   NA   NA    NA    NA
## [2,] NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA  NA   NA   NA    NA    NA
## [3,] NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA  NA   NA   NA    NA    NA
## [4,] NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA  NA   NA   NA    NA    NA
## [5,] NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA  NA   NA   NA    NA    NA
## [6,] NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA  NA   NA   NA    NA    NA
## [1] 1000   11
m.Conc[1,] <- ffpk(IngDose = Dose1*BW1, 
     Fgutabs = df$Fgutabs[1], kgutabs = df$kgutabs[1], 
     kelim = df$kelim[1], 
     Vdist =  df$Vdist[1],
     BW = BW1,
     t = t1)
##       0     0.25     0.57     1.12    2.02      3.82       5.1      7.03
## [1,]  0 1.558323 2.172482 2.097204 1.53474 0.7613451 0.4613856 0.2168081
## [2,] NA       NA       NA       NA      NA        NA        NA        NA
## [3,] NA       NA       NA       NA      NA        NA        NA        NA
## [4,] NA       NA       NA       NA      NA        NA        NA        NA
## [5,] NA       NA       NA       NA      NA        NA        NA        NA
## [6,] NA       NA       NA       NA      NA        NA        NA        NA
##            9.05      12.12        24.37
## [1,] 0.09835398 0.02958481 0.0002450613
## [2,]         NA         NA           NA
## [3,]         NA         NA           NA
## [4,]         NA         NA           NA
## [5,]         NA         NA           NA
## [6,]         NA         NA           NA
for(i in 2:n){
  m.Conc[i,] <- ffpk(IngDose = Dose1*BW1, 
                     Fgutabs = df$Fgutabs[i], kgutabs = df$kgutabs[i], 
                     kelim = df$kelim[i], 
                     Vdist =  df$Vdist[i],
                     BW = BW1,
                     t = t1)
##         0     0.25      0.57      1.12      2.02       3.82         5.1
##  [995,] 0 1.806089 3.0447556 3.7401290 3.5158665 2.43752291 1.833251849
##  [996,] 0 0.931611 0.7765811 0.4436527 0.1736169 0.02657661 0.006996459
##  [997,] 0 1.063668 0.9930997 0.6354214 0.2924619 0.06184090 0.020484321
##  [998,] 0 1.530190 2.0867733 1.9640102 1.4016315 0.66871352 0.394406361
##  [999,] 0 1.692536 2.6177876 2.8679642 2.3834973 1.41555760 0.968489824
## [1000,] 0 1.558275 2.1723333 2.0969694 1.5345017 0.76117664 0.461262443
##                 7.03         9.05        12.12        24.37
##  [995,] 1.1900928379 0.7569719786 3.805660e-01 2.447643e-02
##  [996,] 0.0009352291 0.0001138159 4.634657e-06 1.314802e-11
##  [997,] 0.0038716083 0.0006770512 4.783229e-05 1.222831e-09
##  [998,] 0.1779102432 0.0773277104 2.179570e-02 1.392796e-04
##  [999,] 0.5462534367 0.2999769340 1.206351e-01 3.183336e-03
## [1000,] 0.2167352700 0.0983138348 2.956949e-02 2.448272e-04


plot(t1, m.Conc[1,], type="l")

max.conc <- max(m.Conc)
plot(t1, m.Conc[1,], type="l", col="grey", ylim = c(0, max.conc))
for(i in 2:n){
  lines(t1, m.Conc[i,], col="grey")

Conc1 <- S1$conc
plot(t1, Conc1)

max.conc <- max(m.Conc)
plot(t1, m.Conc[1,], type="l", col="grey", ylim = c(0, max.conc))
for(i in 2:n){
  lines(t1, m.Conc[i,], col="grey")
points(t1, Conc1)

Uncertainty analysis of PK model in GNU MCSim


Input file

MonteCarlo ("simmc.out", 

# Constant
IngDose    = 319.992;     # ingested dose (mg)
BW         = 79.6;        # body weight (kg)

# Distribution
Distrib (Fgutabs, Uniform, 0.8, 1);              # bioavailability (-) 
Distrib (kgutabs, LogUniform, 0.218, 21.8);      # absortion rate (/h)
Distrib (kelim, Uniform, 0.05307864, 1.326966);  # elimination rate constant (/h)
Distrib (Vdist, Uniform, 0.15603994, 3.900998);  # volumes (L/kg BW)

Simulation {
  Print (Conc 0.0   0.25   0.57   1.12   2.02   3.82   5.10   7.03   9.05  12.12  24.37);
ffpk.mtc.out <- mcsim("models/ffpk.model", "inputs/ffpk.mtc.in")
## * Creating executable program, pleas wait...
## * Created executable program 'models/mcsim.ffpk.model'.
## Executing...
##   Iter  Fgutabs  kgutabs    kelim    Vdist Conc_1.1 Conc_1.2 Conc_1.3
## 1    0 0.807641 0.379285 0.201795 0.489291 0.585159 1.216130  2.03917
## 2    1 0.919264 1.060440 0.628445 0.477700 1.661360 2.896870  3.60328
## 3    2 0.915694 1.186920 0.918978 0.976574 0.859788 1.400660  1.54659
## 4    3 0.895485 0.365263 0.868337 0.470008 0.599851 1.125800  1.59117
## 5    4 0.811464 1.270980 0.570105 1.561480 0.528015 0.901527  1.08805
## 6    5 0.893335 1.618240 1.289530 0.556894 1.814340 2.600850  2.30672
##   Conc_1.4 Conc_1.5  Conc_1.6   Conc_1.7    Conc_1.8    Conc_1.9
## 1  2.84207 3.229880 3.0173300 2.44664000 1.825100000 1.08586e+00
## 2  3.10623 1.391020 0.6850830 0.21800400 0.063052700 9.29577e-03
## 3  1.09045 0.319671 0.1146470 0.02214660 0.003719590 2.33483e-04
## 4  1.69653 1.176140 0.7968850 0.41413500 0.201807000 6.63069e-02
## 5  0.90691 0.399686 0.2010870 0.06834660 0.021725600 3.78039e-03
## 6  1.13856 0.164716 0.0359404 0.00330585 0.000257402 5.08044e-06
##     Conc_1.10
## 1 1.02361e-01
## 2 4.23833e-06
## 3 3.13170e-09
## 4 7.57347e-04
## 5 3.50433e-06
## 6 7.13627e-13
par(mfrow = c(1,4))
hist(ffpk.mtc.out$Fgutabs, main = "Fgutabs", xlab = "", ylab = "")
hist(ffpk.mtc.out$kgutabs, main = "kgutabs", xlab = "", ylab = "")
hist(ffpk.mtc.out$kelim, main = "kelim", xlab = "", ylab = "")
hist(ffpk.mtc.out$Vdist, main = "Vdist", xlab = "", ylab = "")

hist(log(ffpk.mtc.out$kgutabs), main = "kgutabs", xlab = "", ylab = "")

Conc.str <- which(names(ffpk.mtc.out)=="Conc_1.1")
Conc.end <- which(names(ffpk.mtc.out)=="Conc_1.10")
df.Conc <- ffpk.mtc.out[,Conc.str:Conc.end]
##   Conc_1.1 Conc_1.2 Conc_1.3 Conc_1.4 Conc_1.5  Conc_1.6   Conc_1.7
## 1 0.585159 1.216130  2.03917  2.84207 3.229880 3.0173300 2.44664000
## 2 1.661360 2.896870  3.60328  3.10623 1.391020 0.6850830 0.21800400
## 3 0.859788 1.400660  1.54659  1.09045 0.319671 0.1146470 0.02214660
## 4 0.599851 1.125800  1.59117  1.69653 1.176140 0.7968850 0.41413500
## 5 0.528015 0.901527  1.08805  0.90691 0.399686 0.2010870 0.06834660
## 6 1.814340 2.600850  2.30672  1.13856 0.164716 0.0359404 0.00330585
##      Conc_1.8    Conc_1.9   Conc_1.10
## 1 1.825100000 1.08586e+00 1.02361e-01
## 2 0.063052700 9.29577e-03 4.23833e-06
## 3 0.003719590 2.33483e-04 3.13170e-09
## 4 0.201807000 6.63069e-02 7.57347e-04
## 5 0.021725600 3.78039e-03 3.50433e-06
## 6 0.000257402 5.08044e-06 7.13627e-13
max.Conc <- max(df.Conc)
plot(t1[-1], df.Conc[1,], type="l", col="grey", ylim=c(0,max.Conc))
for(i in 2:1000){
  lines(t1[-1], df.Conc[i,], col="grey")
points(t1, Conc1)


  1. Set parameter distributions (assign parms, dist, q.qarg)
parameters <- c("Fgutabs",  "kgutabs", "kelim", "Vdist")  
dist <- c("Uniform", "LogUniform", "Uniform", "Uniform") # MCSim definition
q.arg <- list(list(0.8, 1.0), 
              list(0.218, 21.8),
              list(0.05307864, 1.326966),
              list(0.15603994, 3.900998))
  1. Set experiment time-points, output variables, and conditions
outputs <- c("Ccpt")
times <- c(0.00, 0.25, 0.57, 1.12, 2.02, 3.82, 5.10, 7.03, 9.05, 12.12, 24.37)
conditions <- c("BW = 79.6", "Period = 48", "IngDose = 319.992")
  1. Modeling
model <- "models/pbtk1cpt.model"
y<-solve_mcsim(mName = model, params = parameters, vars = outputs, monte_carlo = 10000,
               dist = dist, q.arg = q.arg, time = times, condition = conditions)
## Starting time: 2019-12-07 20:57:26
## * Created input file "sim.in".
## Execute: models/mcsim.pbtk1cpt.model sim.in
## Ending time: 2019-12-07 20:57:27
points(t1, Conc1)