imaging data pulled: 2019-12-04
clinical data pulled: 2019-12-04
code written: 2019-10-30
last ran: 2019-12-04


Here we conduct a preliminary group-wise analysis of the Trails Making Test (TMT). We use data from the N=30 participants with neuromelanin scans and TMT data as of 2019-12-04, including 16 patients with late-life depression (LLD) and 14 healthy controls (HC).

TMT Method

The Trailsmaking Test (TMT) consists of of two parts, Trails A and Trails B. Trails A requires the participant to connect a sequence of 25 numbers in order. Trails B requires the participant to alternately connect a sequence of 25 numbers and letters.

During testing, the task was explained to the participant, and then the participant was asked to indicate how they would proceed by pointing at a printed worksheet. When the RA believed the participant understood the task, they asked the participant to complete it. The RA watched and pointed out mistakes if/as they occured, so that the participant would correct the errors and then proceed. Thus, errors are represented in the main outcome measure of time.

Apparently, for Trails A, an average score in ~29 seconds, and a deficient score is >78 seconds. For Trails B, an average score is 75 seconds, and a deficient score is >273 seconds. The TMT is sensitive to age.

Raw data (table)


Raw data (visualizations)

Trails B

*Note: we may want to exclude participants with 3 or more errors on Trails B errors, as is sometimes done.

Trails A

*Note: one HC participant [SEN003], with n=31 errors, has been removed from the Trails A errors visualization.

Derived Scores

TMT summary by group (SSD, HC)

LLD, n=16 (53%) HC, n=14 (47%) p
Trails B
Trails B time (s) 117.88 (63.58) 107.71 (54.46) .644
Trails B errors 1.50 (1.51) 1.14 (1.51) .523
Trails B correct connections 28.88 (4.01) 30.29 (2.67) .274
Trails A
Trails A time (s) 42.38 (16.05) 49.38 (34.73) .478
Trails A errors 0.00 (0.00) 2.43 (8.24) .247
Trails A correct connections 31.00 (0.00) 30.57 (1.60) .293
Derived Scores
Difference Score 75.50 (58.79) 59.62 (72.89) .521
Ratio 2.94 (1.43) 2.92 (1.63) .976
Proportional Score 1.94 (1.43) 1.92 (1.63) .976

Correlations of TMT and NM (visualizations)

Locus Coreulus (LC)



Substantia Nigra (SN)



Correlations of TMT and NM (table)

Combined, n=30
LLD, n=16
HC, n=14
Trails B time Trails A time Trails B time Trails A time Trails B time Trails A time
LC Volume 0.182 -0.177 -0.312 0.035 0.576 -0.243
LC CNR 0.065 -0.252 -0.013 0.001 0.155 -0.482
SN Volume -0.070 0.165 -0.316 0.255 0.215 0.170
SN CNR -0.086 0.125 0.229 0.237 -0.587 0.174