setwd(getwd())  # Setting the working directory


In this tutorial we will take a look at the analysis of categorical data. We will consider two types of tests. In the first, we only have a single variable, where we count the unique sample space data point values and measure it against an expected count. In the second, we actually explore the dependence between two categorical variables.

In its simplest form then, we have a count of two or more unique sample space data point values for a categorical variable and an expected count for each of these. If the sample space only contains two unique values, the expected count is binomial and if there are more than two, we use the term multinomial. As a simple example, we might have a fair die that we roll \(1200\) times. We count how many of each of the six possible values land face up and compare it against a known frequency that expects \(200\) of each value.

As mentioned, we can also look for dependence between two categorical variables. Once again, we count the unique data point values for each and create a contingency table (a table of observations). This allows us to construct an expected table to compare our observations to.

\(\chi^2\) goodness of fit test

In the first test, we will count the number of unique data point values for a categorical variable and compare them to an expected count.

Let’s consider a test in which we draw \(100\) samples from a population and measure a multinomial, categorical variable with a sample space containing four values, i.e. strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree. We might, for the sake of argument, expect a count of \(25\) each. When we look at our collected data, we find counts of \(10\), \(30\), \(35\), \(25\).

If we label each observed count as \(Y_i\), we have \(Y_1 = 10\), \(Y_2 = 30\), \(Y_3 = 35\), and \(Y_4 = 25\). There are a total of \(n = 100\) subjects and the expected probabilities, \(p_i\) are \(p_1 = 0.25\), \(p_2 = 0.25\), \(p_3 = 0.25\), and \(p_4 = 0.25\).

The standard form for these tests are shown in equation (1).

\[\sum \frac{{\left( \text{observed - expected} \right)}^2}{\text{expected}} \tag{1}\]

For our example, we will have the equation shown in (2) below, where \(n \times p_i\) is the expected count.

\[\chi^2 = \sum \frac{{\left( Y_i - n p_i \right)}^2}{n p_i} \tag{2}\]

Let’s calculate the \(\chi^2\) value by hand (code). Once we calculate this test statistic, we can calculate a p value based on the known \(\chi^2\) distribution for the specific degrees of freedom. In this case with four unique data point values and only a single variable we have \(\text{df} = 4 - 1 = 3\), that is three degrees of freedom. We use the pchisq() function to calculate the p value. Since we want to calculate the area under the curve from the statistic out towards positive infinity, we use the keyword argument lower_tail = FALSE.

y <- c(10, 30, 35, 25)  # Observed count
p <- rep(0.25, 4)  # Expected probability
n <- sum(y)  # Total number of subject
chi2 <- sum((y - n * p)^2 / (n * p))
## [1] 14
df <- 4 - 1
       df = df,
       lower.tail = FALSE)
## [1] 0.002905153

We note \(\chi^2 = 14\). For a chosen \(\alpha = 0.05\) we have a significant result with a small p value.

We can also use the chisq.test() function that will do all of the calculations for us.

           p = p)
##  Chi-squared test for given probabilities
## data:  y
## X-squared = 14, df = 3, p-value = 0.002905

\(\chi^2\) test of independence

This is the most common test for categorical data. In essence, we want to see if two variables are independent of each other. Consider then an experiment where we have a categorical variable with a sample space containing two values, i.e. the variable is Group and the values are I, and II. The second variable is Outcome and the sample space is Worse, Same, and Improve. These results might follow the administration of a new drug. We collect data and find that there are 102 subjects in group I and 69 in group II. A total of 44 worsened, 72 stayed the same, and 55 improved. We can break this down with \(33\) subjects in group I improving, \(44\) staying the same, and \(25\) improving. In group II the counts are \(11\), \(28\), and \(30\). We can create a table of observations. This is our observed (contingency) table. In the code chunk below we add row and column names to clarify the findings. (Note that this is not required for the purposes of analysis.)

obs <- rbind(c(33, 44, 25),
             c(11, 28, 30))
rownames(obs) <- c("Group I", "Group II")
colnames(obs) <- c("Worse", "Same", "Improve")
##          Worse Same Improve
## Group I     33   44      25
## Group II    11   28      30

Our research question is whether outcome is independent of which group the subject was in. The null hypothesis states that the variables are independent (similar proportions in each). Using the idea expressed in equation (1), we need to construct an expected table. Let’s start with the number of expected subjects in group I that worsened. The observed count was \(33\). Given that there was \(44\) subjects who worsened and 102 subjects in group I, with a total of 171 subjects we expect a value of \(44 \times 102 \div 171 = 26.2\). For each of the six value we multiply the row and the column totals and divide this by the sum total.

The chisq.test() will do all of this for us, including the calculation of a p value.

           correct = FALSE)  # Omit Yates correction
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  obs
## X-squared = 8.976, df = 2, p-value = 0.01124

Once again we find a p value less than \(0.05\) and state that the outcome is not independent from the group in which the subject was.

Fisher’s exact test

The last test in this tutorial is Fisher’s exact test. The term exact stems from the fact that we are not approximating a distribution in the limit, but calculating a p value as given in equation (4).

\[p = \frac{\left( a + b \right)! \left( c + d \right)! \left( a + c \right)! \left( b + d \right)!}{a! b! c! d! \left( a + b + c + d \right)!}\tag{4}\]

Here \(a\), \(b\), \(c\), and \(d\) refer to the four values in the contingency table marked from top-left to bottom-right. Note that this is a \(2 \times 2\) contingency table. If one of the two categorical variables is not binomial, then a grouping of some of the unique sample space values will be required according to the judgement of the researcher(s).

Fisher’s exact test replaces both the \(\chi^2\) for independence and G test for independence when the data point values as small and we cannot rely on the \(\chi^2\) distribution to accurately approximate our findings.

The fisher.test() functions takes the contingency table (in matrix form) as argument. (the table names are not required for the analysis.)

vals <- matrix(c(3, 1, 3, 2),
               nrow = 2,
               dimnames = list(Group = c("Control", "Experimental"),
                               Outcome = c("Worsened", "Improved")))
##  Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data
## data:  vals
## p-value = 1
## alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is not equal to 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##    0.06060903 156.52286969
## sample estimates:
## odds ratio 
##   1.852496

Whilst Fisher’s exact test considers two categorical variables (it is a test of independence), there is an exact test that can be used for only a single variable (a goodness of fit test).


Analyzing categorical variables is easy and the interpretation of the results is intuitive. R has all the functions to conduct these tests.