Exploratory Data Analysis

“The greatest value of a picture is when it forces us to notice what we never expected to see.” -John W. Tukey

Biases, systematic errors and unexpected variability are common in data from the life sciences. Failure to discover these problems often leads to flawed analyses and false discoveries. As an example, consider that experiments sometimes fail and not all data processing pipelines, such as the t.test function in R, are designed to detect these. Yet, these pipelines still give you an answer. Furthermore, it may be hard or impossible to notice an error was made just from the reported results.

Graphing data is a powerful approach to detecting these problems. We refer to this as exploratory data analysis (EDA). Many important methodological contributions to existing techniques in data analysis were initiated by discoveries made via EDA. In addition, EDA can lead to interesting biological discoveries which would otherwise be missed through simply subjecting the data to a battery of hypothesis tests. Through this book, we make use of exploratory plots to motivate the analyses we choose. Here we present a general introduction to EDA using height data.

We have already introduced some EDA approaches for univariate data, namely the histograms and qq-plot. Here we describe the qq-plot in more detail and some EDA and summary statistics for paired data. We also give a demonstration of commonly used figures that we recommend against.

Quantile Quantile Plots

To corroborate that a theoretical distribution, for example the normal distribution, is in fact a good approximation, we can use quantile-quantile plots (qq-plots). Quantiles are best understood by considering the special case of percentiles. The p-th percentile of a list of a distribution is defined as the number q that is bigger than p% of numbers (so the inverse of the cumulative distribution function we defined earlier). For example, the median 50-th percentile is the median. We can compute the percentiles for our list of heights:

data(father.son,package="UsingR") ##available from CRAN
x <- father.son$fheight

and for the normal distribution:

ps <- ( seq(0,99) + 0.5 )/100 
qs <- quantile(x, ps)
normalqs <- qnorm(ps, mean(x), popsd(x))
plot(normalqs,qs,xlab="Normal percentiles",ylab="Height percentiles")
abline(0,1) ##identity line
First example of qqplot. Here we compute the theoretical quantiles ourselves.

First example of qqplot. Here we compute the theoretical quantiles ourselves.

Note how close these values are. Also, note that we can see these qq-plots with less code (this plot has more points than the one we constructed manually, and so tail-behavior can be seen more clearly).

Second example of qqplot. Here we use the function qqnorm which computes the theoretical normal quantiles automatically.

Second example of qqplot. Here we use the function qqnorm which computes the theoretical normal quantiles automatically.

However, the qqnorm function plots against a standard normal distribution. This is why the line has slope popsd(x) and intercept mean(x).

In the example above, the points match the line very well. In fact, we can run Monte Carlo simulations to see plots like this for data known to be normally distributed.

n <-1000
x <- rnorm(n)
Example of the qqnorm function. Here we apply it to numbers generated to follow a normal distribution.

Example of the qqnorm function. Here we apply it to numbers generated to follow a normal distribution.

We can also get a sense for how non-normally distributed data will look in a qq-plot. Here we generate data from the t-distribution with different degrees of freedom. Notice that the smaller the degrees of freedom, the fatter the tails. We call these “fat tails” because if we plotted an empirical density or histogram, the density at the extremes would be higher than the theoretical curve. In the qq-plot, this can be seen in that the curve is lower than the identity line on the left side and higher on the right side. This means that there are more extreme values than predicted by the theoretical density plotted on the x-axis.

dfs <- c(3,6,12,30)
for(df in dfs){
  x <- rt(1000,df)
  qqnorm(x,xlab="t quantiles",main=paste0("d.f=",df),ylim=c(-6,6))
We generate t-distributed data for four degrees of freedom and make qqplots against normal theoretical quantiles.

We generate t-distributed data for four degrees of freedom and make qqplots against normal theoretical quantiles.


Data is not always normally distributed. Income is a widely cited example. In these cases, the average and standard deviation are not necessarily informative since one can’t infer the distribution from just these two numbers. The properties described above are specific to the normal. For example, the normal distribution does not seem to be a good approximation for the direct compensation for 199 United States CEOs in the year 2000.

Histogram and QQ-plot of executive pay.

Histogram and QQ-plot of executive pay.

In addition to qq-plots, a practical summary of data is to compute 3 percentiles: 25th, 50th (the median) and the 75th. A boxplot shows these 3 values along with a range of the points within median \(\pm\) 1.5 (75th percentile - 25th percentile). Values outside this range are shown as points and sometimes referred to as outliers.

boxplot(exec.pay, ylab="10,000s of dollars", ylim=c(0,400))
Simple boxplot of executive pay.

Simple boxplot of executive pay.

Here we show just one boxplot. However, one of the great benefits of boxplots is that we could easily show many distributions in one plot, by lining them up, side by side. We will see several examples of this throughout the book.

Scatterplots and Correlation

The methods described above relate to univariate variables. In the biomedical sciences, it is common to be interested in the relationship between two or more variables. A classic example is the father/son height data used by Francis Galton to understand heredity. If we were to summarize these data, we could use the two averages and two standard deviations since both distributions are well approximated by the normal distribution. This summary, however, fails to describe an important characteristic of the data.

plot(x,y, xlab="Father's height in inches", 
     ylab="Son's height in inches", 
     main=paste("correlation =",signif(cor(x,y),2)))
Heights of father and son pairs plotted against each other.

Heights of father and son pairs plotted against each other.

The scatter plot shows a general trend: the taller the father, the taller the son. A summary of this trend is the correlation coefficient, which in this case is 0.5. We will motivate this statistic by trying to predict the son’s height using the father’s height.


Suppose we are asked to guess the height of randomly selected sons. The average height, 68.7 inches, is the value with the highest proportion (see histogram) and would be our prediction. But what if we are told that the father is 72 inches tall, do we still guess 68.7?

The father is taller than average. Specifically, he is 1.75 standard deviations taller than the average father. So should we predict that the son is also 1.75 standard deviations taller? It turns out that this would be an overestimate. To see this, we look at all the sons with fathers who are about 72 inches. We do this by stratifying the father heights.

groups <- split(y,round(x)) 
Boxplot of son heights stratified by father heights.

Boxplot of son heights stratified by father heights.

print(mean(y[ round(x) == 72]))
## [1] 70.67719

Stratification followed by boxplots lets us see the distribution of each group. The average height of sons with fathers that are 72 inches tall is 70.7 inches. We also see that the medians of the strata appear to follow a straight line (remember the middle line in the boxplot shows the median, not the mean). This line is similar to the regression line, with a slope that is related to the correlation, as we will learn below.

Bivariate Normal Distribution

Correlation is a widely used summary statistic in the life sciences. However, it is often misused or misinterpreted. To properly interpret correlation we actually have to understand the bivariate normal distribution.

A pair of random variables \((X,Y)\) is considered to be approximated by bivariate normal when the proportion of values below, for example \(a\) and \(b\), is approximated by this expression:

\[ \mbox{Pr}(X<a,Y<b) = \]

\[ \int_{-\infty}^{a} \int_{-\infty}^{b} \frac{1}{2\pi\sigma_x\sigma_y\sqrt{1-\rho^2}} \exp{ \left( \frac{1}{2(1-\rho^2)} \left[\left(\frac{x-\mu_x}{\sigma_x}\right)^2 - 2\rho\left(\frac{x-\mu_x}{\sigma_x}\right)\left(\frac{y-\mu_y}{\sigma_y}\right)+ \left(\frac{y-\mu_y}{\sigma_y}\right)^2 \right] \right) } \]

This may seem like a rather complicated equation, but the concept behind it is rather intuitive. An alternative definition is the following: fix a value \(x\) and look at all the pairs \((X,Y)\) for which \(X=x\). Generally, in statistics we call this exercise conditioning. We are conditioning \(Y\) on \(X\). If a pair of random variables is approximated by a bivariate normal distribution, then the distribution of \(Y\) conditioned on \(X=x\) is approximated with a normal distribution, no matter what \(x\) we choose. Let’s see if this holds with our height data. We show 4 different strata:

groups <- split(y,round(x)) 
for(i in c(5,8,11,14)){
  qqnorm(groups[[i]],main=paste0("X=",names(groups)[i]," strata"),
qqplots of son heights for four strata defined by father heights.

qqplots of son heights for four strata defined by father heights.

Now we come back to defining correlation. Mathematical statistics tells us that when two variables follow a bivariate normal distribution, then for any given value of \(x\), the average of the \(Y\) in pairs for which \(X=x\) is:

\[ \mu_Y + \rho \frac{X-\mu_X}{\sigma_X}\sigma_Y \]

Note that this is a line with slope \(\rho \frac{\sigma_Y}{\sigma_X}\). This is referred to as the regression line. If the SDs are the same, then the slope of the regression line is the correlation \(\rho\). Therefore, if we standardize \(X\) and \(Y\), the correlation is the slope of the regression line.

Another way to see this is to form a prediction \(\hat{Y}\): for every SD away from the mean in \(x\), we predict \(\rho\) SDs away for \(Y\):

\[ \frac{\hat{Y} - \mu_Y}{\sigma_Y} = \rho \frac{x-\mu_X}{\sigma_X} \]

If there is perfect correlation, we predict the same number of SDs. If there is 0 correlation, then we don’t use \(x\) at all. For values between 0 and 1, the prediction is somewhere in between. For negative values, we simply predict in the opposite direction.

To confirm that the above approximations hold in this case, let’s compare the mean of each strata to the identity line and the regression line:

x=( x-mean(x) )/sd(x)
y=( y-mean(y) )/sd(y)
means=tapply(y, round(x*4)/4, mean)
plot(fatherheights, means, ylab="average of strata of son heights", ylim=range(fatherheights))
abline(0, cor(x,y))
Average son height of each strata plotted against father heights defining the strata

Average son height of each strata plotted against father heights defining the strata

Variance explained

The standard deviation of the conditional distribution described above is:

\[ \sqrt{1-\rho^2} \sigma_Y \]

This is where statements like \(X\) explains \(\rho^2 \times 100\) % of the variation in \(Y\): the variance of \(Y\) is \(\sigma^2\) and, once we condition, it goes down to \((1-\rho^2) \sigma^2_Y\) . It is important to remember that the “variance explained” statement only makes sense when the data is approximated by a bivariate normal distribution.

Plots to Avoid

This section is based on a talk by Karl W. Broman titled “How to Display Data Badly,” in which he described how the default plots offered by Microsoft Excel “obscure your data and annoy your readers” (here is a link to a collection of Karl Broman’s talks). His lecture was inspired by the 1984 paper by H. Wainer: How to display data badly. American Statistician 38(2): 137–147. Dr. Wainer was the first to elucidate the principles of the bad display of data. However, according to Karl Broman, “The now widespread use of Microsoft Excel has resulted in remarkable advances in the field.” Here we show examples of “bad plots” and how to improve them in R.

General principles

The aim of good data graphics is to display data accurately and clearly. According to Karl Broman, some rules for displaying data badly are:

  • Display as little information as possible.
  • Obscure what you do show (with chart junk).
  • Use pseudo-3D and color gratuitously.
  • Make a pie chart (preferably in color and 3D).
  • Use a poorly chosen scale.
  • Ignore significant figures.

Pie charts

Let’s say we want to report the results from a poll asking about browser preference (taken in August 2013). The standard way of displaying these is with a pie chart:

pie(browsers,main="Browser Usage (August 2013)")
Pie chart of browser usage.

Pie chart of browser usage.

Nonetheless, as stated by the help file for the pie function:

“Pie charts are a very bad way of displaying information. The eye is good at judging linear measures and bad at judging relative areas. A bar chart or dot chart is a preferable way of displaying this type of data.”

To see this, look at the figure above and try to determine the percentages just from looking at the plot. Unless the percentages are close to 25%, 50% or 75%, this is not so easy. Simply showing the numbers is not only clear, but also saves on printing costs.

##   Opera  Safari Firefox      IE  Chrome 
##       1       9      20      26      44

If you do want to plot them, then a barplot is appropriate. Here we add horizontal lines at every multiple of 10 and then redraw the bars:

barplot(browsers, main="Browser Usage (August 2013)", ylim=c(0,55))
abline(h=1:5 * 10)
barplot(browsers, add=TRUE)
Barplot of browser usage.

Barplot of browser usage.

Notice that we can now pretty easily determine the percentages by following a horizontal line to the x-axis. Do avoid a 3D version since it obfuscates the plot, making it more difficult to find the percentages by eye.

3D version.

3D version.

Even worse than pie charts are donut plots.

Donut plot.

Donut plot.

The reason is that by removing the center, we remove one of the visual cues for determining the different areas: the angles. There is no reason to ever use a donut plot to display data.

Barplots as data summaries

While barplots are useful for showing percentages, they are incorrectly used to display data from two groups being compared. Specifically, barplots are created with height equal to the group means; an antenna is added at the top to represent standard errors. This plot is simply showing two numbers per group and the plot adds nothing:

Bad bar plots.

Bad bar plots.

Much more informative is to summarize with a boxplot. If the number of points is small enough, we might as well add them to the plot. When the number of points is too large for us to see them, just showing a boxplot is preferable. We can even set range=0 in boxplot to avoid drawing many outliers when the data is in the range of millions.

Let’s recreate these barplots as boxplots. First let’s download the data:

filename <- "fig1.RData"
url <- "https://github.com/kbroman/Talk_Graphs/raw/master/R/fig1.RData"
if (!file.exists(filename)) download(url,filename)

Now we can simply show the points and make simple boxplots:

dat <- list(Treatment=x,Control=y)
Treatment data and control data shown with a boxplot.

Treatment data and control data shown with a boxplot.

Notice how much more we see here: the center, spread, range, and the points themselves. In the barplot, we only see the mean and the SE, and the SE has more to do with sample size than with the spread of the data.

This problem is magnified when our data has outliers or very large tails. In the plot below, there appears to be very large and consistent differences between the two groups:

Bar plots with outliers.

Bar plots with outliers.

However, a quick look at the data demonstrates that this difference is mostly driven by just two points. A version showing the data in the log-scale is much more informative.

Start by downloading data:

url <- "https://github.com/kbroman/Talk_Graphs/raw/master/R/fig3.RData"
filename <- "fig3.RData"
if (!file.exists(filename)) download(url, filename)

Now we can show data and boxplots in original scale and log-scale.

dat <- list(Treatment=x,Control=y)


Data and boxplots for original data (left) and in log scale (right).

Data and boxplots for original data (left) and in log scale (right).

Show the scatter plot

The purpose of many statistical analyses is to determine relationships between two variables. Sample correlations are typically reported and sometimes plots are displayed to show this. However, showing just the regression line is one way to display your data badly since it hides the scatter. Surprisingly, plots such as the following are commonly seen.

Again start by loading data:

url <- "https://github.com/kbroman/Talk_Graphs/raw/master/R/fig4.RData"
filename <- "fig4.RData"
if (!file.exists(filename)) download(url, filename)
fit <- lm(y~x)
b <- round(fit$coef,4)
text(78, 200, paste("y =", b[1], "+", b[2], "x"), adj=c(0,0.5))
rho <- round(cor(x,y),4) 
text(78, 187,expression(paste(rho," = 0.8567")),adj=c(0,0.5))

fit <- lm(y~x)
The plot on the left shows a regression line that was fitted to the data shown on the right. It is much more informative to show all the data.

The plot on the left shows a regression line that was fitted to the data shown on the right. It is much more informative to show all the data.

When there are large amounts of points, the scatter can be shown by binning in two dimensions and coloring the bins by the number of points in the bin. An example of this is the hexbin function in the hexbin package.

High correlation does not imply replication

When new technologies or laboratory techniques are introduced, we are often shown scatter plots and correlations from replicated samples. High correlations are used to demonstrate that the new technique is reproducible. Correlation, however, can be very misleading. Below is a scatter plot showing data from replicated samples run on a high throughput technology. This technology outputs 12,626 simultaneous measurements.

In the plot on the left, we see the original data which shows very high correlation. Yet the data follows a distribution with very fat tails. Furthermore, 95% of the data is below the green line. The plot on the right is in the log scale:

Gene expression data from two replicated samples. Left is in original scale and right is in log scale.

Gene expression data from two replicated samples. Left is in original scale and right is in log scale.

Barplots for paired data

A common task in data analysis is the comparison of two groups. When the dataset is small and data are paired, such as the outcomes before and after a treatment, two-color barplots are unfortunately often used to display the results.

Barplot for two variables.

Barplot for two variables.

There are better ways of showing these data to illustrate that there is an increase after treatment. One is to simply make a scatter plot, which shows that most points are above the identity line. Another alternative is to plot the differences against the before values.

before <- runif(6, 5, 8)
after <- rnorm(6, before*1.05, 2)
li <- range(c(before, after))
ymx <- max(abs(after-before))

plot(before, after, xlab="Before", ylab="After",
     ylim=li, xlim=li)
abline(0,1, lty=2, col=1)

plot(before, after-before, xlab="Before", ylim=c(-ymx, ymx),
     ylab="Change (After - Before)", lwd=2)
abline(h=0, lty=2, col=1)
For two variables a scatter plot or a 'rotated' plot similar to an MA plot is much more informative.

For two variables a scatter plot or a ‘rotated’ plot similar to an MA plot is much more informative.

Line plots are not a bad choice, although they are harder to follow than the previous two. Boxplots show the increase, but lose the paired information.

z <- rep(c(0,1), rep(6,2))
plot(z, c(before, after),
     xaxt="n", ylab="Response",
     xlab="", xlim=c(-0.5, 1.5))
axis(side=1, at=c(0,1), c("Before","After"))
segments(rep(0,6), before, rep(1,6), after, col=1)     

Another alternative is a line plot. If we don't care about pairings, then the boxplot is appropriate.

Another alternative is a line plot. If we don’t care about pairings, then the boxplot is appropriate.

Gratuitous 3D

The figure below shows three curves. Pseudo 3D is used, but it is not clear why. Maybe to separate the three curves? Notice how difficult it is to determine the values of the curves at any given point:

Gratuitous 3-D.

Gratuitous 3-D.

This plot can be made better by simply using color to distinguish the three lines:

##First read data
url <- "https://github.com/kbroman/Talk_Graphs/raw/master/R/fig8dat.csv"
x <- read.csv(url)

##Now make alternative plot
plot(x[,1],x[,2],xlab="log Dose",ylab="Proportion survived",ylim=c(0,1),
legend(1,0.4,c("Drug A","Drug B","Drug C"),lwd=2, col=1:3)
This plot demonstrates that using color is more than enough to distinguish the three lines.

This plot demonstrates that using color is more than enough to distinguish the three lines.

Ignoring important factors

In this example, we generate data with a simulation. We are studying a dose-response relationship between two groups: treatment and control. We have three groups of measurements for both control and treatment. Comparing treatment and control using the common barplot.

Ignoring important factors.

Ignoring important factors.

Instead, we should show each curve. We can use color to distinguish treatment and control, and dashed and solid lines to distinguish the original data from the mean of the three groups.

plot(x, y1, ylim=c(0,1), type="n", xlab="Dose", ylab="Response") 
for(i in 1:3) lines(x, y[,i], col=1, lwd=1, lty=2)
for(i in 1:3) lines(x, z[,i], col=2, lwd=1, lty=2)
lines(x, ym, col=1, lwd=2)
lines(x, zm, col=2, lwd=2)
legend("bottomleft", lwd=2, col=c(1, 2), c("Control", "Treated"))
Because dose is an important factor, we show it in this plot.

Because dose is an important factor, we show it in this plot.

Too many significant digits

By default, statistical software like R returns many significant digits. This does not mean we should report them. Cutting and pasting directly from R is a bad idea since you might end up showing a table, such as the one below, comparing the heights of basketball players:

heights <- cbind(rnorm(8,73,3),rnorm(8,73,3),rnorm(8,80,3),
rownames(heights)<- paste("team",1:8)
##              SG       PG        C       PF       SF
## team 1 76.39843 76.21026 81.68291 75.32815 77.18792
## team 2 74.14399 71.10380 80.29749 81.58405 73.01144
## team 3 71.51120 69.02173 85.80092 80.08623 72.80317
## team 4 78.71579 72.80641 81.33673 76.30461 82.93404
## team 5 73.42427 73.27942 79.20283 79.71137 80.30497
## team 6 72.93721 71.81364 77.35770 81.69410 80.39703
## team 7 68.37715 73.01345 79.10755 71.24982 77.19851
## team 8 73.77538 75.59278 82.99395 75.57702 87.68162

We are reporting precision up to 0.00001 inches. Do you know of a tape measure with that much precision? This can be easily remedied:

##          SG   PG    C   PF   SF
## team 1 76.4 76.2 81.7 75.3 77.2
## team 2 74.1 71.1 80.3 81.6 73.0
## team 3 71.5 69.0 85.8 80.1 72.8
## team 4 78.7 72.8 81.3 76.3 82.9
## team 5 73.4 73.3 79.2 79.7 80.3
## team 6 72.9 71.8 77.4 81.7 80.4
## team 7 68.4 73.0 79.1 71.2 77.2
## team 8 73.8 75.6 83.0 75.6 87.7

Displaying data well

In general, you should follow these principles:

  • Be accurate and clear.
  • Let the data speak.
  • Show as much information as possible, taking care not to obscure the message.
  • Science not sales: avoid unnecessary frills (especially gratuitous 3D).
  • In tables, every digit should be meaningful. Don’t drop ending 0’s.

Some further reading:

  • ER Tufte (1983) The visual display of quantitative information. Graphics Press.
  • ER Tufte (1990) Envisioning information. Graphics Press.
  • ER Tufte (1997) Visual explanations. Graphics Press.
  • WS Cleveland (1993) Visualizing data. Hobart Press.
  • WS Cleveland (1994) The elements of graphing data. CRC Press.
  • A Gelman, C Pasarica, R Dodhia (2002) Let’s practice what we preach: Turning tables into graphs. The American Statistician 56:121-130.
  • NB Robbins (2004) Creating more effective graphs. Wiley.
  • Nature Methods columns