
This document describes how to encode character strings in R by demonstrating Encoding(), enc2native(), enc2utf8(), iconv() and iconvlist().

Finally, it is coded and tested the custom function safe.iconvlist() that aims to list successfully tested supported encodings from a source encoding to all supposedly supported encodings for the current platform by avoiding runtime errors and non-convertible strings.

Session information

R version 3.4.0 (2017-04-21)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 14393)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=Portuguese_Brazil.1252  LC_CTYPE=Portuguese_Brazil.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=Portuguese_Brazil.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C                      
[5] LC_TIME=Portuguese_Brazil.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] compiler_3.4.0  backports_1.0.5 magrittr_1.5    rprojroot_1.2  
 [5] tools_3.4.0     htmltools_0.3.6 yaml_2.1.14     Rcpp_0.12.10   
 [9] stringi_1.1.5   rmarkdown_1.5   knitr_1.16      stringr_1.2.0  
[13] digest_0.6.12   evaluate_0.10  

      sysname       release       version      nodename       machine 
    "Windows"      "10 x64" "build 14393"     "DESKTOP"      "x86-64" 

Clarification about getOption(“encoding”)

This option is related to encoding connections (Files, URLs, etc) and not character vector encodings. Its factory fresh setting is "native.enc" if it was not previously changed with options(encoding) or in the initialization files and .Rprofile.

[1] "native.enc"

Current Locale

[1] "LC_COLLATE=Portuguese_Brazil.1252;LC_CTYPE=Portuguese_Brazil.1252;LC_MONETARY=Portuguese_Brazil.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=Portuguese_Brazil.1252"

From help(locales): For category = “LC_ALL” the details of the string are system-specific: it might be a single locale name or a set of locale names separated by “/” (Solaris, macOS) or “;” (Windows, Linux). For portability, it is best to query categories individually: it is not necessarily the case that the result of foo <- Sys.getlocale() can be used in Sys.setlocale(“LC_ALL”, locale = foo).

Saving locale categories configuration individually.

locales <- setNames(sapply(localeCategories, Sys.getlocale), localeCategories)

Restoring saved locale categories configuration.

              LC_COLLATE                 LC_CTYPE              LC_MONETARY 
"Portuguese_Brazil.1252" "Portuguese_Brazil.1252" "Portuguese_Brazil.1252" 
              LC_NUMERIC                  LC_TIME 
                     "C" "Portuguese_Brazil.1252" 
sapply(names(locales), function(x) {Sys.setlocale(x, locales[[x]])})
              LC_COLLATE                 LC_CTYPE              LC_MONETARY 
"Portuguese_Brazil.1252" "Portuguese_Brazil.1252" "Portuguese_Brazil.1252" 
              LC_NUMERIC                  LC_TIME 
                     "C" "Portuguese_Brazil.1252" 

Warning about Sys.setlocale(“LC_CTYPE”)

From help(locales): Attempts to change the character set by Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE") that implies a different character set during a session may not work and are likely to lead to some confusion because it may not affect the native encoding.

Localization information

The function l10n_info() reports on localization returning a list with three logical and one integer components:

MBCS: if a multi-byte character set in use?
UTF-8: Is this a UTF-8 locale?
Latin-1: Is this a Latin-1 locale?
codepage: the Windows codepage corresponding to the locale R is using (and not necessarily that Windows is using).



[1] TRUE

[1] 1252

Native encoding indication

The native encoding indication is reported by l10n_info() in one of the logical elements UTF-8 and Latin-1 which is TRUE.

Native encoding indication for the current platform:

[1] TRUE

Current native encoding name

Character strings in R can be declared to be encoded in "latin1" or "UTF-8" or as "bytes". A programmatic approach to deal with the current native encoding name in R functions is based on how character strings can be declared and the information reported by l10n_info.

(native <- ifelse(l10n_info()[[2]], "UTF-8", ifelse(l10n_info()[[3]], "latin1", "unknown")))
[1] "latin1"

Current foreign encoding name

A programmatic approach to deal with a foreign encoding name in R functions is based on how character strings can be declared and the information reported by l10n_info.

(native <- ifelse(l10n_info()[[2]], "UTF-8", ifelse(l10n_info()[[3]], "latin1", "unknown")))
[1] "latin1"
(foreign <- switch(native, "latin1"="UTF-8", "UTF-8"="latin1", "UTF-8"))
[1] "UTF-8"

Base R functions to declare or convert encodings

Encoding() returns the encoding mark as "latin1", "UTF-8", "bytes" or "unknown".
Encoding()<- sets the encoding mark without translating the character string.
enc2native() and enc2utf8() convert elements of character vectors to the native encoding or UTF-8 respectively, taking any marked encoding into account.
iconv() uses system facilities to convert a character vector between encoding. The names of encodings and which ones are available are platform-dependent. All R platforms support "" (for the encoding of the current locale), "latin1" and "UTF-8". Any encoding bits on elements of x are ignored: they will always be translated as if from encoding from even if declared otherwise.

There are other ways for character strings to acquire a declared encodings. Some of them have an encoding argument that is used to declare encodings. Most character manipulation functions will set the encoding on output strings if it was declared on the corresponding input. These have changed as R has evolved and are mentioned in help(Encoding). There are also external packages but are out of the scope of this document.

Custom function to display details about a string

details <- function(x) {
    details <-

Character vector encoding

Character strings in R can be declared to be encoded in "latin1" or "UTF-8" or as "bytes".

An encoded character string contains characters beyond the basic ASCII characters. For instance, the string "Maurício" contains an i-acute.

When assigning an string to a name, it is marked with the native encoding indicated in l10n_info(), except for ASCII strings which are always marked as "unknown".

x <- "Maurício"
c(x, Encoding(x))
[1] "Maurício" "latin1"  

ASCII strings

ASCII strings will never be marked with a declared encoding, since their representation is the same in all supported encodings.

x <- "ABC"
Encoding(c(x, enc2native(x), enc2utf8(x)))
[1] "unknown" "unknown" "unknown"

Escaped strings

The string "Maurício" is escaped "Maur\xEDcio" if intended to be in "latin1" encoding and "Maur\xC3\xADcio" if intended to be in "UTF-8" encoding, therefore, they should be marked accordingly with Encoding()<- to let them portable between different encoding locales.

If your native encoding is "latin1"

x <- "Maur\xC3\xADcio"
Encoding(x) <- "UTF-8"
     x          encoding bytes chars width raw                         
[1,] "Maurício" "UTF-8"  9     8     8     "4d:61:75:72:c3:ad:63:69:6f"

If your native encoding is "UTF-8".

x <- "Maur\xEDcio"
Encoding(x) <- "latin1"
     x          encoding bytes chars width raw                      
[1,] "Maurício" "latin1" 8     8     8     "4d:61:75:72:ed:63:69:6f"

Converting encoded strings

Base R provides enc2native() and enc2utf8() but doesn’t provide an "enc2latin1()". Therefore, one can use iconv() but must use the from argument with careful because it must match the correct encoding mark of the input string, doesn’t accept "unknown" and be aware that its result is platform dependent. More details in help(iconv).

From "latin1" to "UTF-8".

x <- "Maur\xEDcio"
Encoding(x) <- "latin1"
     x          encoding bytes chars width raw                      
[1,] "Maurício" "latin1" 8     8     8     "4d:61:75:72:ed:63:69:6f"
x <- enc2utf8(x)
     x          encoding bytes chars width raw                         
[1,] "Maurício" "UTF-8"  9     8     8     "4d:61:75:72:c3:ad:63:69:6f"

From "UTF-8" to "latin1".

x <- "Maur\xC3\xADcio"
Encoding(x) <- "UTF-8"
     x          encoding bytes chars width raw                         
[1,] "Maurício" "UTF-8"  9     8     8     "4d:61:75:72:c3:ad:63:69:6f"
x <- iconv(x, from=Encoding(x), to="latin1", sub="byte")
     x          encoding bytes chars width raw                      
[1,] "Maurício" "latin1" 8     8     8     "4d:61:75:72:ed:63:69:6f"

Internationalization Convertion Test

From help(iconvlist): On most platforms iconvlist provides an alphabetical list of the supported encodings. On others, the information is on the man page for iconv(5) or elsewhere in the man pages (but beware that the system command iconv may not support the same set of encodings as the C functions R calls). Unfortunately, the names are rarely supported across all platforms. Value for iconvlist(), a character vector (typically of a few hundred elements) of known encoding names.

Number of supposed supported encodings.

(encodings <- length(iconvlist()))
[1] 374

Number of unique supported encodings may be differ.

[1] 365

Test string “Maurício” as “latin1”

x <- "Maur\xEDcio"
Encoding(x) <- "latin1"
     x          encoding bytes chars width raw                      
[1,] "Maurício" "latin1" 8     8     8     "4d:61:75:72:ed:63:69:6f"

Trying to convert the string in 374 supposedly supported target encodings.

results <- 
               try(iconv(x, from = Encoding(x), to = to), silent = TRUE))

Target locales that produce R runtime errors

sum(isErrors <- grepl("^Error in iconv", results))
[1] 48
errors <- results[isErrors]
 [1] "CP-GR"          "CP-IS"          "cp1025"         "CP1125"        
 [5] "CP1133"         "CP1200"         "CP12000"        "CP12001"       
 [9] "CP1201"         "CP154"          "CP367"          "CP819"         
[13] "CP853"          "CSPTCP154"      "CYRILLIC-ASIAN" "EUC-CN"        
[17] "EUCCN"          "IBM-CP1133"     "PT154"          "PTCP154"       
[21] "UCS-2"          "UCS-2BE"        "UCS-2LE"        "UCS-4"         
[25] "UCS-4BE"        "UCS-4BE"        "UCS-4LE"        "UCS-4LE"       
[29] "UCS2"           "UCS2BE"         "UCS2LE"         "UCS4"          
[33] "UCS4BE"         "UCS4LE"         "unicodeFFFE"    "UTF-16"        
[37] "UTF-16BE"       "UTF-16LE"       "UTF-32"         "UTF-32BE"      
[41] "UTF-32LE"       "UTF16"          "UTF16BE"        "UTF16LE"       
[45] "UTF32"          "UTF32BE"        "UTF32LE"        "x-Europa"      

Runtime error messages

errors <-
    gsub("Error in iconv\\(x, from = Encoding\\(x), to = to) : \n  |\n",
         "", errors)
cat(errors, fill = TRUE, labels=paste0(names(errors), ": "))
CP-GR:  unsupported conversion from 'latin1' to 'CP-GR' in codepage 1252 
CP-IS:  unsupported conversion from 'latin1' to 'CP-IS' in codepage 1252 
cp1025:  unsupported conversion from 'latin1' to 'cp1025' in codepage 1252 
CP1125:  unsupported conversion from 'latin1' to 'CP1125' in codepage 1252 
CP1133:  unsupported conversion from 'latin1' to 'CP1133' in codepage 1252 
CP1200:  embedded nul in string: 'M\0a\0u\0r\0í\0c\0i\0o\0' 
CP12000:  embedded nul in string: 'M\0\0\0a\0\0\0u\0\0\0r\0\0\0í\0\0\0c\0\0\0i\0\0\0o\0\0\0' 
CP12001:  embedded nul in string: '\0\0\0M\0\0\0a\0\0\0u\0\0\0r\0\0\0í\0\0\0c\0\0\0i\0\0\0o' 
CP1201:  embedded nul in string: '\0M\0a\0u\0r\0í\0c\0i\0o' 
CP154:  unsupported conversion from 'latin1' to 'CP154' in codepage 1252 
CP367:  unsupported conversion from 'latin1' to 'CP367' in codepage 1252 
CP819:  unsupported conversion from 'latin1' to 'CP819' in codepage 1252 
CP853:  unsupported conversion from 'latin1' to 'CP853' in codepage 1252 
CSPTCP154:  unsupported conversion from 'latin1' to 'CSPTCP154' in codepage 1252 
CYRILLIC-ASIAN:  unsupported conversion from 'latin1' to 'CYRILLIC-ASIAN' in codepage 1252 
EUC-CN:  unsupported conversion from 'latin1' to 'EUC-CN' in codepage 1252 
EUCCN:  unsupported conversion from 'latin1' to 'EUCCN' in codepage 1252 
IBM-CP1133:  unsupported conversion from 'latin1' to 'IBM-CP1133' in codepage 1252 
PT154:  unsupported conversion from 'latin1' to 'PT154' in codepage 1252 
PTCP154:  unsupported conversion from 'latin1' to 'PTCP154' in codepage 1252 
UCS-2:  embedded nul in string: 'þÿ\0M\0a\0u\0r\0í\0c\0i\0o' 
UCS-2BE:  embedded nul in string: '\0M\0a\0u\0r\0í\0c\0i\0o' 
UCS-2LE:  embedded nul in string: 'M\0a\0u\0r\0í\0c\0i\0o\0' 
UCS-4:  embedded nul in string: '\0\0þÿ\0\0\0M\0\0\0a\0\0\0u\0\0\0r\0\0\0í\0\0\0c\0\0\0i\0\0\0o' 
UCS-4BE:  embedded nul in string: '\0\0\0M\0\0\0a\0\0\0u\0\0\0r\0\0\0í\0\0\0c\0\0\0i\0\0\0o' 
UCS-4BE:  embedded nul in string: '\0\0\0M\0\0\0a\0\0\0u\0\0\0r\0\0\0í\0\0\0c\0\0\0i\0\0\0o' 
UCS-4LE:  embedded nul in string: 'M\0\0\0a\0\0\0u\0\0\0r\0\0\0í\0\0\0c\0\0\0i\0\0\0o\0\0\0' 
UCS-4LE:  embedded nul in string: 'M\0\0\0a\0\0\0u\0\0\0r\0\0\0í\0\0\0c\0\0\0i\0\0\0o\0\0\0' 
UCS2:  embedded nul in string: 'þÿ\0M\0a\0u\0r\0í\0c\0i\0o' 
UCS2BE:  embedded nul in string: '\0M\0a\0u\0r\0í\0c\0i\0o' 
UCS2LE:  embedded nul in string: 'M\0a\0u\0r\0í\0c\0i\0o\0' 
UCS4:  embedded nul in string: '\0\0þÿ\0\0\0M\0\0\0a\0\0\0u\0\0\0r\0\0\0í\0\0\0c\0\0\0i\0\0\0o' 
UCS4BE:  embedded nul in string: '\0\0\0M\0\0\0a\0\0\0u\0\0\0r\0\0\0í\0\0\0c\0\0\0i\0\0\0o' 
UCS4LE:  embedded nul in string: 'M\0\0\0a\0\0\0u\0\0\0r\0\0\0í\0\0\0c\0\0\0i\0\0\0o\0\0\0' 
unicodeFFFE:  embedded nul in string: '\0M\0a\0u\0r\0í\0c\0i\0o' 
UTF-16:  embedded nul in string: 'þÿ\0M\0a\0u\0r\0í\0c\0i\0o' 
UTF-16BE:  embedded nul in string: '\0M\0a\0u\0r\0í\0c\0i\0o' 
UTF-16LE:  embedded nul in string: 'M\0a\0u\0r\0í\0c\0i\0o\0' 
UTF-32:  embedded nul in string: '\0\0þÿ\0\0\0M\0\0\0a\0\0\0u\0\0\0r\0\0\0í\0\0\0c\0\0\0i\0\0\0o' 
UTF-32BE:  embedded nul in string: '\0\0\0M\0\0\0a\0\0\0u\0\0\0r\0\0\0í\0\0\0c\0\0\0i\0\0\0o' 
UTF-32LE:  embedded nul in string: 'M\0\0\0a\0\0\0u\0\0\0r\0\0\0í\0\0\0c\0\0\0i\0\0\0o\0\0\0' 
UTF16:  embedded nul in string: 'þÿ\0M\0a\0u\0r\0í\0c\0i\0o' 
UTF16BE:  embedded nul in string: '\0M\0a\0u\0r\0í\0c\0i\0o' 
UTF16LE:  embedded nul in string: 'M\0a\0u\0r\0í\0c\0i\0o\0' 
UTF32:  embedded nul in string: '\0\0þÿ\0\0\0M\0\0\0a\0\0\0u\0\0\0r\0\0\0í\0\0\0c\0\0\0i\0\0\0o' 
UTF32BE:  embedded nul in string: '\0\0\0M\0\0\0a\0\0\0u\0\0\0r\0\0\0í\0\0\0c\0\0\0i\0\0\0o' 
UTF32LE:  embedded nul in string: 'M\0\0\0a\0\0\0u\0\0\0r\0\0\0í\0\0\0c\0\0\0i\0\0\0o\0\0\0' 
x-Europa:  unsupported conversion from 'latin1' to 'x-Europa' in codepage 1252

Target locales that cannot convert all bytes

It is due to character strings that cannot be converted because of any of their bytes that cannot be represented in the target encoding, producing NA results.

sum(isNAs <-
[1] 84
 [1] "ANSI_X3.4-1968"          "ANSI_X3.4-1986"         
 [3] "ASCII"                   "ASMO-708"               
 [5] "CP1255"                  "CP1256"                 
 [7] "CP1257"                  "CP1361"                 
 [9] "CP50221"                 "CP737"                  
[11] "CP775"                   "CP864"                  
[13] "CP874"                   "cp875"                  
[15] "CSASCII"                 "CSIBM864"               
[17] "csISO2022JP"             "CSPC775BALTIC"          
[19] "DOS-720"                 "hz-gb-2312"             
[21] "IBM-Thai"                "IBM290"                 
[23] "IBM367"                  "IBM420"                 
[25] "IBM423"                  "IBM424"                 
[27] "ibm737"                  "ibm775"                 
[29] "IBM775"                  "IBM864"                 
[31] "IBM864"                  "IBM880"                 
[33] "iso-2022-jp"             "iso-2022-jp"            
[35] "ISO-2022-JP"             "ISO-2022-JP-MS"         
[37] "iso-2022-kr"             "ISO-IR-6"               
[39] "ISO_646.IRV:1991"        "ISO2022-JP"             
[41] "ISO2022-JP-MS"           "iso2022-kr"             
[43] "ISO646-US"               "Johab"                  
[45] "JOHAB"                   "maccyrillic"            
[47] "macgreek"                "macthai"                
[49] "macukraine"              "macukrainian"           
[51] "MS-ARAB"                 "MS-HEBR"                
[53] "MS50221"                 "US"                     
[55] "US-ASCII"                "WINBALTRIM"             
[57] "windows-1255"            "windows-1256"           
[59] "windows-1257"            "WINDOWS-50221"          
[61] "windows-874"             "x-Chinese_CNS"          
[63] "x-cp20001"               "x-cp20003"              
[65] "x-cp20004"               "x-cp20005"              
[67] "x-cp20269"               "x-cp50227"              
[69] "x-EBCDIC-KoreanExtended" "x-iscii-as"             
[71] "x-iscii-be"              "x-iscii-de"             
[73] "x-iscii-gu"              "x-iscii-ka"             
[75] "x-iscii-ma"              "x-iscii-or"             
[77] "x-iscii-pa"              "x-iscii-ta"             
[79] "x-iscii-te"              "x-mac-cyrillic"         
[81] "x-mac-greek"             "x-mac-thai"             
[83] "x-mac-ukrainian"         "x_Chinese-Eten"         

Here it is used the sub = "byte" argument to replace any non-convertible byte in the input with its hex code indicated with "<xx>" in order to inspect which bytes in the input are non-convertible.

results2 <- 
               try(iconv(x, from = Encoding(x), to = to, sub = "byte"),
                   silent = TRUE))
nonconvertibles <- results2[isNAs]

Contingency table of non-convertible strings.

<4d><61><75><72><ed><63><69><6f>                      Maur<ed>cio 
                              14                               62 
                     ԁ¤™<ed>ƒ‰–                      Ôb´›<ed>dqw 
                               7                                1 

Target locales grouped by non-convertible strings

split(names(nonconvertibles), nonconvertibles)
 [1] "hz-gb-2312"  "iso-2022-kr" "iso2022-kr"  "x-cp50227"   "x-iscii-as" 
 [6] "x-iscii-be"  "x-iscii-de"  "x-iscii-gu"  "x-iscii-ka"  "x-iscii-ma" 
[11] "x-iscii-or"  "x-iscii-pa"  "x-iscii-ta"  "x-iscii-te" 

 [1] "ANSI_X3.4-1968"   "ANSI_X3.4-1986"   "ASCII"           
 [4] "ASMO-708"         "CP1255"           "CP1256"          
 [7] "CP1257"           "CP1361"           "CP50221"         
[10] "CP737"            "CP775"            "CP864"           
[13] "CP874"            "CSASCII"          "CSIBM864"        
[16] "csISO2022JP"      "CSPC775BALTIC"    "DOS-720"         
[19] "IBM367"           "ibm737"           "ibm775"          
[22] "IBM775"           "IBM864"           "IBM864"          
[25] "iso-2022-jp"      "iso-2022-jp"      "ISO-2022-JP"     
[28] "ISO-2022-JP-MS"   "ISO-IR-6"         "ISO_646.IRV:1991"
[31] "ISO2022-JP"       "ISO2022-JP-MS"    "ISO646-US"       
[34] "Johab"            "JOHAB"            "maccyrillic"     
[37] "macgreek"         "macthai"          "macukraine"      
[40] "macukrainian"     "MS-ARAB"          "MS-HEBR"         
[43] "MS50221"          "US"               "US-ASCII"        
[46] "WINBALTRIM"       "windows-1255"     "windows-1256"    
[49] "windows-1257"     "WINDOWS-50221"    "windows-874"     
[52] "x-Chinese_CNS"    "x-cp20001"        "x-cp20003"       
[55] "x-cp20004"        "x-cp20005"        "x-cp20269"       
[58] "x-mac-cyrillic"   "x-mac-greek"      "x-mac-thai"      
[61] "x-mac-ukrainian"  "x_Chinese-Eten"  

[1] "cp875"                   "IBM-Thai"               
[3] "IBM420"                  "IBM423"                 
[5] "IBM424"                  "IBM880"                 
[7] "x-EBCDIC-KoreanExtended"

[1] "IBM290"

Target locales that encoded “unknown”

sum(isUnknown <- !isNAs & !isErrors & Encoding(results) == "unknown")
[1] 238
names(unknown <- results[isUnknown])
  [1] "437"                 "850"                 "852"                
  [4] "855"                 "857"                 "860"                
  [7] "861"                 "862"                 "863"                
 [10] "865"                 "866"                 "869"                
 [13] "BIG-5"               "BIG-FIVE"            "big5"               
 [16] "BIG5"                "big5-hkscs"          "BIG5-HKSCS"         
 [19] "big5hkscs"           "BIG5HKSCS"           "CP1250"             
 [22] "CP1251"              "CP1253"              "CP1254"             
 [25] "CP1258"              "CP437"               "CP51932"            
 [28] "CP65001"             "CP850"               "CP852"              
 [31] "CP855"               "CP857"               "CP858"              
 [34] "CP860"               "CP861"               "CP862"              
 [37] "CP863"               "CP865"               "cp866"              
 [40] "CP866"               "CP869"               "CP932"              
 [43] "CP936"               "CP949"               "CP950"              
 [46] "CSIBM855"            "CSIBM857"            "CSIBM860"           
 [49] "CSIBM861"            "CSIBM863"            "CSIBM865"           
 [52] "CSIBM866"            "CSIBM869"            "CSISOLATIN1"        
 [58] "CSPCP852"            "CSWINDOWS31J"        "DOS-862"            
 [61] "euc-jp"              "euc-kr"              "EUC-KR"             
 [64] "eucjp"               "euckr"               "GB18030"            
 [67] "gb2312"              "GBK"                 "IBM00858"           
 [70] "IBM00924"            "IBM01047"            "IBM01140"           
 [73] "IBM01141"            "IBM01142"            "IBM01143"           
 [76] "IBM01144"            "IBM01145"            "IBM01146"           
 [79] "IBM01147"            "IBM01148"            "IBM01149"           
 [82] "IBM037"              "IBM1026"             "IBM273"             
 [85] "IBM277"              "IBM278"              "IBM280"             
 [88] "IBM284"              "IBM285"              "IBM297"             
 [91] "IBM437"              "IBM437"              "IBM500"             
 [94] "IBM819"              "ibm850"              "IBM850"             
 [97] "ibm852"              "IBM852"              "IBM855"             
[100] "IBM855"              "ibm857"              "IBM857"             
[103] "IBM860"              "IBM860"              "ibm861"             
[106] "IBM861"              "IBM862"              "IBM863"             
[109] "IBM863"              "IBM865"              "IBM865"             
[112] "IBM866"              "ibm869"              "IBM869"             
[115] "IBM870"              "IBM871"              "IBM905"             
[118] "ISO-8859-1"          "iso-8859-13"         "iso-8859-15"        
[121] "iso-8859-2"          "iso-8859-3"          "iso-8859-4"         
[124] "iso-8859-5"          "iso-8859-6"          "iso-8859-7"         
[127] "iso-8859-8"          "iso-8859-8-i"        "iso-8859-9"         
[130] "ISO-IR-100"          "iso_8859-1"          "ISO_8859-1:1987"    
[133] "iso_8859-13"         "iso_8859-15"         "iso_8859-2"         
[136] "iso_8859-3"          "iso_8859-4"          "iso_8859-5"         
[139] "iso_8859-6"          "iso_8859-7"          "iso_8859-8"         
[142] "iso_8859-8-i"        "iso_8859-9"          "iso_8859_1"         
[145] "iso_8859_13"         "iso_8859_15"         "iso_8859_2"         
[148] "iso_8859_3"          "iso_8859_4"          "iso_8859_5"         
[151] "iso_8859_6"          "iso_8859_7"          "iso_8859_8"         
[154] "iso_8859_8-i"        "iso_8859_9"          "iso8859-1"          
[157] "ISO8859-1"           "iso8859-13"          "iso8859-15"         
[160] "iso8859-2"           "iso8859-3"           "iso8859-4"          
[163] "iso8859-5"           "iso8859-6"           "iso8859-7"          
[166] "iso8859-8"           "iso8859-8-i"         "iso8859-9"          
[169] "koi8-r"              "koi8-u"              "ks_c_5601-1987"     
[172] "L1"                  "latin-9"             "LATIN1"             
[175] "latin2"              "latin3"              "latin4"             
[178] "latin5"              "latin7"              "latin9"             
[181] "mac"                 "mac-centraleurope"   "mac-is"             
[184] "macarabic"           "maccentraleurope"    "maccroatian"        
[187] "machebrew"           "maciceland"          "macintosh"          
[190] "macis"               "macroman"            "macromania"         
[193] "macturkish"          "MS-ANSI"             "MS-CYRL"            
[196] "MS-EE"               "MS-GREEK"            "MS-TURK"            
[199] "MS51932"             "MS932"               "MS936"              
[202] "SHIFFT_JIS"          "SHIFFT_JIS-MS"       "shift-jis"          
[205] "shift_jis"           "SJIS"                "SJIS-MS"            
[208] "SJIS-OPEN"           "SJIS-WIN"            "UHC"                
[211] "windows-1250"        "windows-1251"        "windows-1252"       
[214] "windows-1253"        "windows-1254"        "windows-1258"       
[217] "WINDOWS-31J"         "WINDOWS-51932"       "WINDOWS-932"        
[220] "WINDOWS-936"         "x-cp20261"           "x-cp20936"          
[223] "x-cp20949"           "x-IA5"               "x-IA5-German"       
[226] "x-IA5-Norwegian"     "x-IA5-Swedish"       "x-mac-arabic"       
[229] "x-mac-ce"            "x-mac-chinesesimp"   "x-mac-chinesetrad"  
[232] "x-mac-croatian"      "x-mac-hebrew"        "x-mac-icelandic"    
[235] "x-mac-japanese"      "x-mac-korean"        "x-mac-romanian"     
[238] "x-mac-turkish"      

Contingency table of results encoded “unknown”

 Maur¡cio Maur¨ªcio  Maur’cio Maurício MaurÂicio  Mauricio  Maurício 
       42         8        20         1         1        94        47 

Target locales grouped by results encoded “unknown”

split(names(unknown), unknown)
 [1] "437"                 "850"                 "852"                
 [4] "857"                 "860"                 "861"                
 [7] "862"                 "865"                 "CP437"              
[10] "CP850"               "CP852"               "CP857"              
[13] "CP858"               "CP860"               "CP861"              
[16] "CP862"               "CP865"               "CSIBM857"           
[19] "CSIBM860"            "CSIBM861"            "CSIBM865"           
[25] "CSPCP852"            "DOS-862"             "IBM00858"           
[28] "IBM437"              "IBM437"              "ibm850"             
[31] "IBM850"              "ibm852"              "IBM852"             
[34] "ibm857"              "IBM857"              "IBM860"             
[37] "IBM860"              "ibm861"              "IBM861"             
[40] "IBM862"              "IBM865"              "IBM865"             

[1] "CP936"             "GB18030"           "gb2312"           
[4] "GBK"               "MS936"             "WINDOWS-936"      
[7] "x-cp20936"         "x-mac-chinesesimp"

 [1] "mac"               "mac-centraleurope" "mac-is"           
 [4] "macarabic"         "maccentraleurope"  "maccroatian"      
 [7] "machebrew"         "maciceland"        "macintosh"        
[10] "macis"             "macroman"          "macromania"       
[13] "macturkish"        "x-mac-arabic"      "x-mac-ce"         
[16] "x-mac-croatian"    "x-mac-hebrew"      "x-mac-icelandic"  
[19] "x-mac-romanian"    "x-mac-turkish"    

[1] "CP65001"

[1] "x-cp20261"

 [1] "855"               "863"               "866"              
 [4] "869"               "BIG-5"             "BIG-FIVE"         
 [7] "big5"              "BIG5"              "big5-hkscs"       
[10] "BIG5-HKSCS"        "big5hkscs"         "BIG5HKSCS"        
[13] "CP1251"            "CP1253"            "CP51932"          
[16] "CP855"             "CP863"             "cp866"            
[19] "CP866"             "CP869"             "CP932"            
[22] "CP949"             "CP950"             "CSIBM855"         
[25] "CSIBM863"          "CSIBM866"          "CSIBM869"         
[28] "CSWINDOWS31J"      "euc-jp"            "euc-kr"           
[31] "EUC-KR"            "eucjp"             "euckr"            
[34] "IBM855"            "IBM855"            "IBM863"           
[37] "IBM863"            "IBM866"            "ibm869"           
[40] "IBM869"            "iso-8859-13"       "iso-8859-5"       
[43] "iso-8859-6"        "iso-8859-7"        "iso-8859-8"       
[46] "iso-8859-8-i"      "iso_8859-13"       "iso_8859-5"       
[49] "iso_8859-6"        "iso_8859-7"        "iso_8859-8"       
[52] "iso_8859-8-i"      "iso_8859_13"       "iso_8859_5"       
[55] "iso_8859_6"        "iso_8859_7"        "iso_8859_8"       
[58] "iso_8859_8-i"      "iso8859-13"        "iso8859-5"        
[61] "iso8859-6"         "iso8859-7"         "iso8859-8"        
[64] "iso8859-8-i"       "koi8-r"            "koi8-u"           
[67] "ks_c_5601-1987"    "latin7"            "MS-CYRL"          
[70] "MS-GREEK"          "MS51932"           "MS932"            
[73] "SHIFFT_JIS"        "SHIFFT_JIS-MS"     "shift-jis"        
[76] "shift_jis"         "SJIS"              "SJIS-MS"          
[79] "SJIS-OPEN"         "SJIS-WIN"          "UHC"              
[82] "windows-1251"      "windows-1253"      "WINDOWS-31J"      
[85] "WINDOWS-51932"     "WINDOWS-932"       "x-cp20949"        
[88] "x-IA5"             "x-IA5-German"      "x-IA5-Norwegian"  
[91] "x-IA5-Swedish"     "x-mac-chinesetrad" "x-mac-japanese"   
[94] "x-mac-korean"     

 [1] "CP1250"          "CP1254"          "CP1258"         
 [4] "CSISOLATIN1"     "IBM819"          "ISO-8859-1"     
 [7] "iso-8859-15"     "iso-8859-2"      "iso-8859-3"     
[10] "iso-8859-4"      "iso-8859-9"      "ISO-IR-100"     
[13] "iso_8859-1"      "ISO_8859-1:1987" "iso_8859-15"    
[16] "iso_8859-2"      "iso_8859-3"      "iso_8859-4"     
[19] "iso_8859-9"      "iso_8859_1"      "iso_8859_15"    
[22] "iso_8859_2"      "iso_8859_3"      "iso_8859_4"     
[25] "iso_8859_9"      "iso8859-1"       "ISO8859-1"      
[28] "iso8859-15"      "iso8859-2"       "iso8859-3"      
[31] "iso8859-4"       "iso8859-9"       "L1"             
[34] "latin-9"         "LATIN1"          "latin2"         
[37] "latin3"          "latin4"          "latin5"         
[40] "latin9"          "MS-ANSI"         "MS-EE"          
[43] "MS-TURK"         "windows-1250"    "windows-1252"   
[46] "windows-1254"    "windows-1258"   

 [1] "IBM00924" "IBM01047" "IBM01140" "IBM01141" "IBM01142" "IBM01143"
 [7] "IBM01144" "IBM01145" "IBM01146" "IBM01147" "IBM01148" "IBM01149"
[13] "IBM037"   "IBM1026"  "IBM273"   "IBM277"   "IBM278"   "IBM280"  
[19] "IBM284"   "IBM285"   "IBM297"   "IBM500"   "IBM870"   "IBM871"  
[25] "IBM905"  

Target locales that encoded as native “latin1”

sum(isUnchanged <- !isNAs & !isErrors & Encoding(results) == native)
[1] 2
names(unchanged <- results[isUnchanged])
[1] "CP1252"     "ISO_8859-1"

Contingency table of results encoded as native “latin1”


Target locales grouped by results encoded as native “latin1”

split(names(unchanged), unchanged)
[1] "CP1252"     "ISO_8859-1"

Target locales that produced new encodings different from “unknown”

sum(isRemarked <- !isNAs & !isErrors & Encoding(results) != native
    & Encoding(results) != "unknown")
[1] 2
names(remarked <- results[isRemarked])
[1] "UTF-8" "UTF8" 

Contingency table of results with new encoding


Target locales grouped by new encodings different from “unknown”

split(names(remarked), remarked)
[1] "UTF-8" "UTF8" 


As one can see through the tests above, iconvlist() returns an unsafe list of encodings that may even stop() your R code. All these tests made possible to develop the custom function safe.iconvlist that aims to list successfully tested supported encodings from a source encoding (defaults to from=Encoding(x)) to all supposedly supported encodings for the current platform by avoiding runtime errors and non-convertible strings.

safe.iconvlist <- function(x, from = Encoding(x)) {
    from <- switch(from, "unknown" = "", from)
    results <- 
               function(to) try(iconv(x, from = from, to = to), silent = TRUE))
    results <- results[(! & !grepl("^Error in iconv", results))]

safe.iconvlist() test for latin1 characters strings

The test strings are defined by the ISO-8859-1 codepoints:

ISO88591 <- list(
    alphabetic = c(65:90,97:122),
    numeric = c(48:57),
    punctuation = c(32:47, 58:64, 91:96, 123:126, 178:179, 185),
    extended.punctuation = c(160:169, 171:177, 180, 182:184, 187:191, 215, 247),
    international = c(170, 181, 186, 192:214, 216:246, 248:255),
    undefined = c(0:31, 127:159))

Number of ISO-8859-1 codepoints

sapply(ISO88591, length)
          alphabetic              numeric          punctuation 
                  52                   10                   36 
extended.punctuation        international            undefined 
                  28                   65                   65 
sum(sapply(ISO88591, length))
[1] 256

Character strings created from raw vectors are marked “unknown”

ISO88591 <- lapply(ISO88591, function(x)
    paste0(rawToChar(as.raw(x), multiple = TRUE), collapse = ""))
sapply(ISO88591, function(x) Encoding(x))
          alphabetic              numeric          punctuation 
           "unknown"            "unknown"            "unknown" 
extended.punctuation        international            undefined 
           "unknown"            "unknown"            "unknown" 

Therefore they should be marked as “latin1” wherever possible for the test

ISO88591 <- lapply(ISO88591, function(x) { Encoding(x) <- "latin1"; x })
sapply(ISO88591, function(x) Encoding(x))
          alphabetic              numeric          punctuation 
           "unknown"            "unknown"             "latin1" 
extended.punctuation        international            undefined 
            "latin1"             "latin1"             "latin1" 

Number of real supported encodings for the test strings.

sapply(ISO88591, function(x) length(safe.iconvlist(x)))
          alphabetic              numeric          punctuation 
                 312                  312                  211 
extended.punctuation        international            undefined 
                  81                  121                  103 

A merged test string shows real supported encodings for the full ISO-88591 character set.

safe.iconvlist(paste0(ISO88591, collapse=""))
 [1] "CP65001"         "CSISOLATIN1"     "GB18030"        
 [4] "IBM01047"        "IBM037"          "IBM273"         
 [7] "IBM277"          "IBM278"          "IBM280"         
[10] "IBM284"          "IBM285"          "IBM297"         
[13] "IBM500"          "IBM871"          "ISO-8859-1"     
[16] "ISO-IR-100"      "iso_8859-1"      "ISO_8859-1"     
[19] "ISO_8859-1:1987" "iso_8859_1"      "iso8859-1"      
[22] "ISO8859-1"       "L1"              "LATIN1"         
[25] "UTF-8"           "UTF8"           

safe.iconvlist() test for UTF-8 character strings

The test strings are based on Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) which contains characters for almost all modern languages, and a large number of symbols. Most of the assigned code points in the BMP are used to encode Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) characters.

UTF8 <- list(
    onebyte.BMP.ASCII = c(0x0000:0x007F),
    twobytes.BMP = c(0x0080:0x07FF), 
    threebytes.BMP = c(0x0800:0x085F, 0x08A0:0x1C8F, 0x1CC0:0x2FDF,
                       0x2FF0:0xD7FF, 0xF900:0xFFFF))

There is large number of assigned UTF-8 codepoints:

sapply(UTF8, length)
onebyte.BMP.ASCII      twobytes.BMP    threebytes.BMP 
              128              1920             54912 
sum(sapply(UTF8, length))
[1] 56960

The only test string encoded “unknown” is the ASCII string as expected.

UTF8 <- lapply(UTF8, intToUtf8)
sapply(UTF8, function(x) Encoding(x))
onebyte.BMP.ASCII      twobytes.BMP    threebytes.BMP 
        "unknown"           "UTF-8"           "UTF-8" 

Number of real supported encodings for the test strings.

sapply(UTF8, function(x) length(safe.iconvlist(x)))
onebyte.BMP.ASCII      twobytes.BMP    threebytes.BMP 
              292                 4                 4 

A merged test string shows real supported encodings for the full UTF-8 character set.

safe.iconvlist(paste0(UTF8, collapse=""))
[1] "CP65001" "GB18030" "UTF-8"   "UTF8"