Do the statistics of cue-associate bigrams differ across native and non-native speakers?
Munge associates
d.raw = read.csv("../../data/associations_ppdetails_en_05_01_2015.csv") %>%
rename(raw_lang_id = nativeLanguage)
d.long = d.raw %>%
gather("association", "word", 7:9) %>%
mutate(word = gsub("\\bx\\b", "NA", word)) %>% # remove missing words
spread("association", "word") %>%
rename(a1 = asso1Clean,
a2 = asso2Clean,
a3 = asso3Clean) %>%
mutate(a1 = trimws(tolower(a1)),
a2 = trimws(tolower(a2)),
a3 = trimws(tolower(a3))) %>%
gather("associate.type", "associate", 7:9) %>% ## collapse across associates
filter(cue != "NA" & associate != "NA") %>%
mutate(bigram = paste(cue, associate))
Infer native language based on ISO codes. Note that raw_lang_id is either language ISO or country ISO. It is a country ISO if the language is English, otherwise language ISO. Some raw_lang_ids do not match either. Remove these. = read.csv("../../data/language_codes.csv", fileEncoding="latin1") %>%
select(LanguageName, ISO639.2BCode)%>%
rename(langName_ISO = LanguageName) = read.csv("../../data/ISO_3_countrycodes.csv") %>%
select(name, ISO3166.1.Alpha.3) %>%
rename(countryName_ISO = name)
d.clean = d.long %>%
filter(raw_lang_id != "") %>%
left_join(, by = c("raw_lang_id" = "ISO639.2BCode")) %>%
left_join(, by = c("raw_lang_id" = "ISO3166.1.Alpha.3")) %>%
filter(! | ! %>%
mutate( = ifelse(!, as.character(langName_ISO), "English"),
native.lang = ifelse( == "English", "L1", "L2"), = ifelse(!, as.character(countryName_ISO), NA),
langName_ISO = ifelse((native.lang == "English"), "eng", raw_lang_id))%>%
select(langName_ISO, native.lang,,, userID, age, gender,
education, cue, associate.type, associate, bigram) %>%
mutate( = as.factor(,
native.lang = as.factor(native.lang), = as.factor(,
langName_ISO = as.factor(langName_ISO))
d.clean %>%
group_by(userID, native.lang) %>%
slice(1) %>%
group_by(native.lang) %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>%
arrange(-n) %>%
native.lang | n |
L1 | 62196 |
L2 | 9369 |
From Manning and Schuetze (1999; pg. 166): Discover co-occurences that best distinguish between words within the same corpus. This is slightly different than our goal, because here we want to compare across corpora, and thus our N’s are different. Here, I modify their formula to account for this (analagous to Welch’s two-sample t-test).
Manning and Schuetze: t=C(v1w)N−C(v2w)N√C(v1w)+C(v2w)N2
Welch’s version: t=C(v1w)n1−C(v2w)n2√C(v1w)n1+C(v2w)n2
So suppose we want to figure out how divergent responses are for the cue “zucchini” between native and non-native speakers. For each associate that participants produced for this cue, we’d compare the relative frequency between native and non-native. For example, let’s look at the frequency of producing “vegetable” as an associate for zucchini. Native speakers produced “vegetable” in response to zucchini 37 times and non-native 5. We also need the base rates of producing vegetable as an associate. Native speakers produced vegetable as an associate 161 times and non-native speakers produced vegetable 51 times. So, we have:
We then do this for every associate that was produced for zuchinni, and take the mean t-score across associates. This is our estimage of how “divergent” responses are between native and non-native speakers for a given cue.
Calculate t-scores
# get C(vw) in each language (bigram counts)
bigram.counts = d.clean %>%
count(native.lang, cue, associate, bigram)
# get C(v) in each langauge (associate counts)
total.bigrams.native.lang = bigram.counts %>%
group_by(native.lang, associate) %>%
summarize(n_associate = n())
# get C(vw)/C(v) in each langauge
bigram.counts.rf = bigram.counts %>%
rename(n_bigram = n) %>%
left_join(total.bigrams.native.lang) %>%
mutate(rf = n_bigram/n_associate)
t.scores <- bigram.counts.rf %>%
ungroup() %>%
as_tibble() %>%
select(native.lang, rf, cue, associate) %>%
spread(native.lang, rf) %>%
filter(!, ! %>%
mutate(t = (L1 - L2)/sqrt(L1 + L2))
Now let’s see if we can predict the t-score based on characteristics of the cue.
ggplot(t.scores, aes(x = t)) +
geom_histogram() +
theme_bw() +
ggtitle("distribution of t-scores")
Join t.scores and cues characteristics
cues.chars = read.csv("../second_orderQs/data/cues_chars.csv") %>%
t.scores.full = t.scores %>%
group_by(cue) %>%
summarize(t = mean(t),
t_abs = mean(abs(t))) %>%
Does frequency of cue predict mean t for a cue?
freq.ts = t.scores.full %>%
select(cue, t, Lg10WF) %>%
ggplot(freq.ts, aes(x = Lg10WF, y = t)) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
Less divergence for high frequency items. But clearly not the whole effect.
(Finn Arup Nielse emotion ratings)
Does sentiment of cue predict mean t for a cue? Note that there’s only 1063 words here.
quantsent.ts = t.scores.full %>%
select(quant.sent, t, Lg10WF) %>%
ggplot(quantsent.ts, aes(x = quant.sent, y = t)) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
quantsent.ts %>%
ungroup() %>%
do(tidy(cor.test(.$t, .$quant.sent))) %>%
select(estimate, statistic, p.value) %>%
estimate | statistic | p.value |
0.0264075 | 0.8649214 | 0.3872754 |
No effect here.
Valence, arousal and dominance norms for 13,915 lemmas total ( This provides a much larger sample to look at the relationship between valence and diveregence. Scales: unhappy/calm to happy/excited.
warriner.sent = read.csv("data/BRM-emot-submit.csv") %>%
select(Word, V.Mean.Sum, A.Mean.Sum, D.Mean.Sum)
t.scores.full = left_join(t.scores.full, warriner.sent, by=c("cue"= "Word"))
cues.ts = t.scores.full %>%
select(cue, t, t_abs, Lg10WF,V.Mean.Sum,A.Mean.Sum, D.Mean.Sum, Conc.M) %>%
distinct() %>%
filter(! & !
There are 7380 cues with both frequency and emotion words.
Look at correlation between norms
correlate(cues.ts %>% select(-1,-3,-8)) %>%
shave() %>%
fashion() %>%
rowname | t | Lg10WF | V.Mean.Sum | A.Mean.Sum | D.Mean.Sum |
t | |||||
Lg10WF | -.00 | ||||
V.Mean.Sum | .04 | .15 | |||
A.Mean.Sum | -.06 | .04 | -.17 | ||
D.Mean.Sum | .01 | .13 | .72 | -.17 |
There’s an effect of valence: Low valence items have more divergence.
kable(tidy(lm(t~ V.Mean.Sum + Lg10WF, data = cues.ts)))
term | estimate | std.error | statistic | p.value |
(Intercept) | -0.0071329 | 0.0037326 | -1.910975 | 0.0560465 |
V.Mean.Sum | 0.0020584 | 0.0005632 | 3.655105 | 0.0002589 |
Lg10WF | -0.0006985 | 0.0010830 | -0.644980 | 0.5189602 |
ggplot(cues.ts, aes(x = V.Mean.Sum, y = t)) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
There’s also an effect of arousal: High arousal words diverge more, and this doesn’t interact with frequency.
kable(tidy(lm(t ~ A.Mean.Sum+ Lg10WF, data = cues.ts)))
term | estimate | std.error | statistic | p.value |
(Intercept) | 0.0191154 | 0.0042277 | 4.5214319 | 0.0000062 |
A.Mean.Sum | -0.0041485 | 0.0007922 | -5.2369500 | 0.0000002 |
Lg10WF | 0.0001214 | 0.0010707 | 0.1133471 | 0.9097584 |
ggplot(cues.ts, aes(x = A.Mean.Sum, y = t)) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
In sum, for t, there is more diverence for words that are low valence and high arousal. This holds controling for frequency.
Now let’s look at absolute t value.
ggplot(t.scores.full, aes(x = t_abs)) +
geom_histogram() +
theme_bw() +
ggtitle("distribution of t-scores")
Does frequency of cue predict mean t for a cue?
freq.ts = t.scores.full %>%
select(cue, t_abs, Lg10WF) %>%
ggplot(freq.ts, aes(x = Lg10WF, y = t_abs)) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
Less divergence for high frequency items. But clearly not the whole effect.
Look at correlation between norms
correlate(cues.ts %>% select(-1:-2,-8)) %>%
shave() %>%
fashion() %>%
rowname | t_abs | Lg10WF | V.Mean.Sum | A.Mean.Sum | D.Mean.Sum |
t_abs | |||||
Lg10WF | -.07 | ||||
V.Mean.Sum | -.05 | .15 | |||
A.Mean.Sum | -.01 | .04 | -.17 | ||
D.Mean.Sum | -.03 | .13 | .72 | -.17 |
kable(tidy(lm(t_abs~ V.Mean.Sum + Lg10WF, data = cues.ts)))
term | estimate | std.error | statistic | p.value |
(Intercept) | 0.0642224 | 0.0025277 | 25.407167 | 0.0000000 |
V.Mean.Sum | -0.0013382 | 0.0003814 | -3.508879 | 0.0004527 |
Lg10WF | -0.0042801 | 0.0007334 | -5.835574 | 0.0000000 |
ggplot(cues.ts, aes(x = V.Mean.Sum, y = t_abs)) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
In sum, for abs t, there only an effect of valence (there’s no effect of arousal or dominance.. Need to think about what the directional effect means for arousal).
kable(tidy(lm(t~ Conc.M + Lg10WF, data = cues.ts)))
term | estimate | std.error | statistic | p.value |
(Intercept) | -0.0299568 | 0.0035328 | -8.4797021 | 0.0000000 |
Conc.M | 0.0094234 | 0.0006794 | 13.8698371 | 0.0000000 |
Lg10WF | -0.0002598 | 0.0010595 | -0.2452373 | 0.8062795 |
ggplot(cues.ts, aes(x = Conc.M, y = t)) +
#geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
There’s the predicted effect on concreteness: Words that are more concretee have less divergence.
kable(tidy(lm(t_abs~ Conc.M + Lg10WF, data = cues.ts)))
term | estimate | std.error | statistic | p.value |
(Intercept) | 0.0575290 | 0.0024230 | 23.7429134 | 0.0000000 |
Conc.M | 0.0000689 | 0.0004660 | 0.1479639 | 0.8823753 |
Lg10WF | -0.0045254 | 0.0007267 | -6.2276389 | 0.0000000 |
ggplot(cues.ts, aes(x = Conc.M, y = t_abs)) +
#geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +