
In this report, we attempt to predict the risk of the loan being default based on the past loan data. We obtained data from LendingClub’s website( We use loan data from year 2012-2014 as training and cross-validation set and loan data from year 2015 as a testing set. We also compare our investment performance against the baseline algorithm. We found that, among multiple machine learning algorithms that we tried, Logistic Regression provided a reasonable trade-off performance, and a higher return than the naive loan picking strategy can be achieved.

Explore Data

The loan dataset can be downloaded from We renamed the file of 2012-2013 loan data to loan_2012_2013.csv, 2014 loan data to loan_2014.csv and 2015 loan data to loan_2015.csv. We stored them on the same directory of the script. The data dictionary can be found at the same URL.

There are 7 loan statuses: Charged Off,Current,Default,Fully Paid,In Grace Period,Late (16-30 days),Late (31-120 days). We consider Late (31-120 days), Default, Charged Off as a default loan and Fully Paid as a desirable loan and ignore everything else. We can create a shell script to filter such loan instead of loading the entire files.

We create to perform the task:


sed '2!d' $input_file > $output_file 
awk -F '","'  'BEGIN {OFS=","} { if (toupper($17) == "FULLY PAID" || toupper($17) == "LATE (31-120 DAYS)" || toupper($17) == "DEFAULT" || toupper($17) == "CHARGED OFF")  print }' $input_file >> $output_file 

Execute the following command in the command line to filter only target statuses:

sh loan_2012_2013.csv loan_2012_2013.extract.csv
sh loan_2014.csv loan_2014.extract.csv
sh loan_2015.csv loan_2015.extract.csv

We can now use *.extract.csv as our dataset

#load all required package
#make the analysis reproducible


We firstly investigate overall data

data_a = read.csv("loan_2012_2013.extract.csv",stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
data_b = read.csv("loan_2014.extract.csv",stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
data = read.csv("loan_2015.extract.csv",stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
data = rbind(data,data_a,data_b)

We take a look at the number of each loan_status so far

data %>% group_by(loan_status) %>% summarise(count = n())
## Source: local data frame [4 x 2]
##          loan_status  count
##                <chr>  <int>
## 1        Charged Off  57896
## 2            Default    203
## 3         Fully Paid 242869
## 4 Late (31-120 days)  12665

We categorize Charged Off, Default, and Late (31-120 days) to a single category: Default. The data is moderately imbalance.

data$loan_status = ifelse(str_detect(data$loan_status,"Paid"),data$loan_status,"Default")

tmp = data %>% group_by(loan_status) %>% summarise(ncount = n())
tmp$ncount = 100 * tmp$ncount/nrow(data)
tmp$ncount_p = str_c(round(tmp$ncount,2),"%")
ggplot(tmp,aes(x=loan_status,y=ncount,fill=loan_status)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") +
    geom_text(aes(label=ncount_p),vjust = 2)

Problem Formulation

The goal of this analysis is to produce a loan picking strategy that is superior to the naive one. Let’s look at the return and default rate for each loan grade from 2012-2015.

data$int_rate = (as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "%",replacement = "",x = data$int_rate)))
#extract issued year
data$issue_y = as.numeric(sapply( data$issue_d ,function(x){str_split(x,"-")[[1]][2]}))

displayInterestByGrade <- function(dt){
    g1 = dt %>% filter(loan_status == "Default") %>% group_by(grade) %>% summarise(default_count = n())
    g2 = dt %>% group_by(grade) %>% summarise(count = n(),int_rate=mean(int_rate))
    g2 %>% left_join(g1) %>% mutate(default_rate = 100*default_count/count) %>% select(grade,count,default_count,int_rate,default_rate)

#year 2012
tmp0 = displayInterestByGrade(data %>% filter(issue_y==2012))
## Joining, by = "grade"
tmp0$year = 2012
#year 2013
tmp1 = displayInterestByGrade(data %>% filter(issue_y==2013))
## Joining, by = "grade"
tmp1$year = 2013
#year 2014
tmp2 = displayInterestByGrade(data %>% filter(issue_y==2014))
## Joining, by = "grade"
tmp2$year = 2014
#year 2015
tmp3 = displayInterestByGrade(data %>% filter(issue_y==2015))
## Joining, by = "grade"
tmp3$year = 2015
tmp = rbind(tmp0,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3)

ggplot(tmp, aes(x=grade, y=default_rate,fill=as.factor(year))) + geom_bar(stat="identity",position="dodge") + ggtitle("Default Rate(%)")

ggplot(tmp, aes(x=grade, y=int_rate,fill=as.factor(year))) + geom_bar(stat="identity",position="dodge") + ggtitle("Interest Rate(%)")


As expected, riskier loans come with higher interest rates.

We can use total_pymnt(payment obtained from borrower) and funded_amnt(money lent) to calculate Return on Investment(ROI).

For year 2015, the ROI of our baseline investment strategy-Picking every loans-, is:

all_roi = sum((data %>% filter(issue_y==2015))$total_pymnt)/sum((data %>% filter(issue_y==2015))$funded_amnt) - 1
## [1] -0.1756042

or roughly -17.56%. Noted that we excluded Current loans from our analysis(which a large amount of them typically ended up being paid-off), so negative ROI is as expected. Again, the higher the ROI is, the better.

We can look at ROI pertaining to each loan grade:

data$prediction = "Fully Paid"
createPerformanceTable <- function(dt){
    dt_pick = dt %>% filter(prediction == "Fully Paid")
    all_roi = sum(dt_pick$total_pymnt)/sum(dt_pick$funded_amnt) - 1

    temp_table = data.frame(grade=character(0),roi=numeric(0),percent_pick=numeric(0))
    for(g in c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G")){
        data_pick_grade = dt_pick %>% filter(grade==g)
            temp_table = rbind(temp_table,data.frame(grade=g,roi=0,percent_pick=0))
            data_grade = dt %>% filter(grade==g)
            roi = sum(data_pick_grade$total_pymnt)/sum(data_pick_grade$funded_amnt) - 1
            temp_table = rbind(temp_table,data.frame(grade=g,roi=roi,percent_pick=100 * nrow(data_pick_grade)/nrow(data_grade)))
    temp_table = rbind(temp_table,data.frame(grade="ALL",roi=all_roi,percent_pick=100 * nrow(dt_pick)/nrow(dt) ))

baseline_table = createPerformanceTable(data %>% filter(issue_y==2015))
##   grade         roi percent_pick
## 1     A -0.02860544          100
## 2     B -0.08447862          100
## 3     C -0.16181754          100
## 4     D -0.23565662          100
## 5     E -0.28144831          100
## 6     F -0.34315720          100
## 7     G -0.35786380          100
## 8   ALL -0.17560423          100

The baseline_table served as a baseline performance when we evaluate our model

Model Building Strategy

2012-2014 data will be served as training & cross validation set and 2015 as a test set. We will put more emphasis on avoiding default loans since they can wreak havoc on our overall investment. We also take a note of percentage of loan picked as picking a small number of loans doesn’t make a sizable investment.

Feature Engineering

We explore some features in the dataset. We will create transformation model for the 2012-2014 data. We will later apply it to 2015 data.

data1 = data %>% filter(issue_y != 2015)
#look at number of row and column
## [1] 246073    113

Looking at the data dictionary, we can identify and drop irrelevant features(features that do not appear at the issued time, or id field). emp_title may be useful but it needed to be effectively categorized.

discard_column = c("collection_recovery_fee","emp_title",

data1 = (data1[,!(names(data1) %in% discard_column)])

We also drop grade featrue as such data also carried in sub_grade

data1$grade = NULL

We drop features that contain too many NA values. We can list the raito of NA value for each feature:

tmp = sort(sapply(data1, function(x) sum(length(which(,decreasing = TRUE)

Drop features that have more than 50% missing and take a look at what features that are still missing:

discard_column = names(tmp[tmp>0.5])
data1 = (data1[,!(names(data1) %in% discard_column)])

tmp = sort(sapply(data1, function(x) sum(length(which(,decreasing = TRUE)
##         mo_sin_old_il_acct      mths_since_recent_inq 
##                 0.13758925                 0.11994815 
##             pct_tl_nvr_dlq                avg_cur_bal 
##                 0.10749656                 0.10719177 
##       mo_sin_old_rev_tl_op      mo_sin_rcnt_rev_tl_op 
##                 0.10715113                 0.10715113 
##               tot_coll_amt                tot_cur_bal 
##                 0.10714707                 0.10714707 
##           total_rev_hi_lim             mo_sin_rcnt_tl 
##                 0.10714707                 0.10714707 
##      num_accts_ever_120_pd             num_actv_bc_tl 
##                 0.10714707                 0.10714707 
##            num_actv_rev_tl                  num_bc_tl 
##                 0.10714707                 0.10714707 
##                  num_il_tl              num_op_rev_tl 
##                 0.10714707                 0.10714707 
##              num_rev_accts        num_rev_tl_bal_gt_0 
##                 0.10714707                 0.10714707 
##         num_tl_90g_dpd_24m         num_tl_op_past_12m 
##                 0.10714707                 0.10714707 
##            tot_hi_cred_lim total_il_high_credit_limit 
##                 0.10714707                 0.10714707 
##                num_bc_sats                   num_sats 
##                 0.06212384                 0.06212384 
##                    bc_util           percent_bc_gt_75 
##                 0.03882994                 0.03843168 
##             bc_open_to_buy       mths_since_recent_bc 
##                 0.03821630                 0.03720441 
##       acc_open_past_24mths                   mort_acc 
##                 0.02899952                 0.02899952 
##          total_bal_ex_mort             total_bc_limit 
##                 0.02899952                 0.02899952
tmp = tmp[tmp>0]

for(feature_name in names(tmp)){
    hist(data1[[feature_name]],main = str_c(feature_name,"(missing=",100* round(as.numeric(tmp[feature_name]),2) ,"%)") )


From the look of distributions, it is reasonable to impute missing values with the median value. We store median_impute_model for further use.

median_impute_model = preProcess(data1[names(tmp)],method="medianImpute")
data1 = predict(median_impute_model,data1)

Let’s re-check the columns left, there should be no feature with NA value

sort(sapply(data1, function(x) sum(length(which(,decreasing = TRUE)
##                funded_amnt                       term 
##                          0                          0 
##                   int_rate                  sub_grade 
##                          0                          0 
##                 emp_length             home_ownership 
##                          0                          0 
##                 annual_inc        verification_status 
##                          0                          0 
##                    issue_d                loan_status 
##                          0                          0 
##                 pymnt_plan                       desc 
##                          0                          0 
##                    purpose                      title 
##                          0                          0 
##                 addr_state                        dti 
##                          0                          0 
##                delinq_2yrs           earliest_cr_line 
##                          0                          0 
##             inq_last_6mths                   open_acc 
##                          0                          0 
##                    pub_rec                  revol_bal 
##                          0                          0 
##                 revol_util                  total_acc 
##                          0                          0 
##        initial_list_status collections_12_mths_ex_med 
##                          0                          0 
##                policy_code           application_type 
##                          0                          0 
##             acc_now_delinq               tot_coll_amt 
##                          0                          0 
##                tot_cur_bal           total_rev_hi_lim 
##                          0                          0 
##       acc_open_past_24mths                avg_cur_bal 
##                          0                          0 
##             bc_open_to_buy                    bc_util 
##                          0                          0 
##   chargeoff_within_12_mths                delinq_amnt 
##                          0                          0 
##         mo_sin_old_il_acct       mo_sin_old_rev_tl_op 
##                          0                          0 
##      mo_sin_rcnt_rev_tl_op             mo_sin_rcnt_tl 
##                          0                          0 
##                   mort_acc       mths_since_recent_bc 
##                          0                          0 
##      mths_since_recent_inq      num_accts_ever_120_pd 
##                          0                          0 
##             num_actv_bc_tl            num_actv_rev_tl 
##                          0                          0 
##                num_bc_sats                  num_bc_tl 
##                          0                          0 
##                  num_il_tl              num_op_rev_tl 
##                          0                          0 
##              num_rev_accts        num_rev_tl_bal_gt_0 
##                          0                          0 
##                   num_sats         num_tl_90g_dpd_24m 
##                          0                          0 
##         num_tl_op_past_12m             pct_tl_nvr_dlq 
##                          0                          0 
##           percent_bc_gt_75       pub_rec_bankruptcies 
##                          0                          0 
##                  tax_liens            tot_hi_cred_lim 
##                          0                          0 
##          total_bal_ex_mort             total_bc_limit 
##                          0                          0 
## total_il_high_credit_limit                    issue_y 
##                          0                          0 
##                 prediction 
##                          0

Let’s take a look at all features left

## 'data.frame':    246073 obs. of  67 variables:
##  $ funded_amnt               : int  20800 3000 12000 12000 28000 11100 8000 24000 15000 12000 ...
##  $ term                      : chr  " 36 months" " 36 months" " 36 months" " 36 months" ...
##  $ int_rate                  : num  13.53 12.85 13.53 7.62 7.62 ...
##  $ sub_grade                 : chr  "B5" "B4" "B5" "A3" ...
##  $ emp_length                : chr  "10+ years" "10+ years" "10+ years" "3 years" ...
##  $ home_ownership            : chr  "RENT" "RENT" "RENT" "MORTGAGE" ...
##  $ annual_inc                : num  81500 25000 40000 96500 325000 90000 33000 100000 98000 60000 ...
##  $ verification_status       : chr  "Verified" "Verified" "Source Verified" "Not Verified" ...
##  $ issue_d                   : chr  "Dec-2013" "Dec-2013" "Dec-2013" "Dec-2013" ...
##  $ loan_status               : chr  "Fully Paid" "Fully Paid" "Fully Paid" "Fully Paid" ...
##  $ pymnt_plan                : chr  "n" "n" "n" "n" ...
##  $ desc                      : chr  "  Borrower added on 12/31/13 > My goal is to purchase a home. I am consolidating my debt to lower interest rate to pay off debt"| __truncated__ "" "" "  Borrower added on 12/31/13 > Bought a new house, furniture, water softener, a second car, etc. Got our lives started and now "| __truncated__ ...
##  $ purpose                   : chr  "debt_consolidation" "debt_consolidation" "debt_consolidation" "debt_consolidation" ...
##  $ title                     : chr  "Reducing Debt to Purchase Home" "debt" "Debt consolidation" "Debt Consolidation and Credit Transfer" ...
##  $ addr_state                : chr  "NY" "FL" "NM" "TX" ...
##  $ dti                       : num  16.7 24.7 16.9 12.6 18.6 ...
##  $ delinq_2yrs               : int  0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ earliest_cr_line          : chr  "Jun-1998" "May-1991" "Oct-1998" "Sep-2003" ...
##  $ inq_last_6mths            : int  2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 ...
##  $ open_acc                  : int  29 5 7 17 15 9 9 14 16 15 ...
##  $ pub_rec                   : int  0 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ...
##  $ revol_bal                 : int  23473 2875 5572 13248 29581 6619 7203 21617 5749 7137 ...
##  $ revol_util                : chr  "54.5%" "54.2%" "68.8%" "55.7%" ...
##  $ total_acc                 : int  41 26 32 30 31 12 16 39 16 18 ...
##  $ initial_list_status       : chr  "f" "f" "w" "f" ...
##  $ collections_12_mths_ex_med: int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ policy_code               : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ application_type          : chr  "INDIVIDUAL" "INDIVIDUAL" "INDIVIDUAL" "INDIVIDUAL" ...
##  $ acc_now_delinq            : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ tot_coll_amt              : num  0 154 15386 0 0 ...
##  $ tot_cur_bal               : num  23473 19530 13605 200314 799592 ...
##  $ total_rev_hi_lim          : num  43100 5300 8100 23800 54200 10000 20800 28200 25800 29700 ...
##  $ acc_open_past_24mths      : num  9 3 4 4 6 2 2 7 6 8 ...
##  $ avg_cur_bal               : num  869 3906 2268 11783 53306 ...
##  $ bc_open_to_buy            : num  6811 2050 1428 2441 13901 ...
##  $ bc_util                   : num  54.6 52.3 79.6 83.5 67.1 74.6 72.5 77.6 27.6 15.9 ...
##  $ chargeoff_within_12_mths  : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ delinq_amnt               : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ mo_sin_old_il_acct        : num  115 164 124 123 125 128 129 179 2 128 ...
##  $ mo_sin_old_rev_tl_op      : num  186 271 182 118 229 150 269 299 257 48 ...
##  $ mo_sin_rcnt_rev_tl_op     : num  0 7 1 10 5 11 14 18 7 1 ...
##  $ mo_sin_rcnt_tl            : num  0 7 1 9 2 11 14 7 2 1 ...
##  $ mort_acc                  : num  0 6 0 1 5 1 0 3 0 0 ...
##  $ mths_since_recent_bc      : num  0 14 11 10 5 11 18 18 7 1 ...
##  $ mths_since_recent_inq     : num  0 8 17 10 3 11 6 7 2 3 ...
##  $ num_accts_ever_120_pd     : num  1 1 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ num_actv_bc_tl            : num  8 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 8 4 ...
##  $ num_actv_rev_tl           : num  24 3 2 5 5 8 5 5 8 7 ...
##  $ num_bc_sats               : num  11 3 3 4 6 4 4 5 13 8 ...
##  $ num_bc_tl                 : num  17 6 14 10 8 4 7 10 13 10 ...
##  $ num_il_tl                 : num  1 11 8 15 11 0 2 17 1 0 ...
##  $ num_op_rev_tl             : num  29 4 6 8 9 8 8 8 15 15 ...
##  $ num_rev_accts             : num  40 9 24 14 15 11 14 19 15 18 ...
##  $ num_rev_tl_bal_gt_0       : num  24 3 2 5 5 8 5 5 8 7 ...
##  $ num_sats                  : num  29 5 7 17 15 9 9 14 16 15 ...
##  $ num_tl_90g_dpd_24m        : num  0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ num_tl_op_past_12m        : num  3 1 2 3 5 1 0 2 2 4 ...
##  $ pct_tl_nvr_dlq            : num  90.2 91.3 81.2 100 100 75 100 100 100 100 ...
##  $ percent_bc_gt_75          : num  50 66.7 33.3 100 16.7 50 75 75 7.7 0 ...
##  $ pub_rec_bankruptcies      : int  0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ...
##  $ tax_liens                 : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ tot_hi_cred_lim           : num  43100 32082 18130 233004 850886 ...
##  $ total_bal_ex_mort         : num  23473 19530 13605 46738 199739 ...
##  $ total_bc_limit            : num  15000 4300 7000 14800 42200 4000 8200 21500 20800 18100 ...
##  $ total_il_high_credit_limit: num  0 26782 10030 53404 196686 ...
##  $ issue_y                   : num  2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 ...
##  $ prediction                : chr  "Fully Paid" "Fully Paid" "Fully Paid" "Fully Paid" ...

We parse revol_util to numeric

data1$revol_util = (as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "%",replacement = "",x = data1$int_rate)))

earliest_cr_line is transformed to the number of days before the loan is issued

data1$earliest_cr_line = parse_date_time(str_c("01",data1$issue_d),"dmy" ) - parse_date_time(str_c("01",data1$earliest_cr_line),"dmy" )
data1$earliest_cr_line = as.numeric(data1$earliest_cr_line,units = "days")

We can see that the default rate doesn’t vary much by the month it issued. We will drop issue_d

#extract issued month
data1$issue_m = sapply( data1$issue_d ,function(x){str_split(x,"-")[[1]][1]})

tmp = data1 %>% filter(loan_status=="Default") %>% group_by(issue_m) %>% summarise(default_count = n())
tmp2 = data1 %>% group_by(issue_m) %>% summarise(count = n())
tmp2 %>% left_join(tmp) %>% mutate(default_rate = default_count/count)
## Joining, by = "issue_m"
## Source: local data frame [12 x 4]
##    issue_m count default_count default_rate
##      <chr> <int>         <int>        <dbl>
## 1      Apr 20828          4134    0.1984828
## 2      Aug 20604          4592    0.2228693
## 3      Dec 17151          3452    0.2012711
## 4      Feb 17129          3391    0.1979684
## 5      Jan 17315          3356    0.1938204
## 6      Jul 24245          5663    0.2335739
## 7      Jun 20575          4230    0.2055893
## 8      Mar 18570          3599    0.1938072
## 9      May 21288          4357    0.2046693
## 10     Nov 22413          5007    0.2233971
## 11     Oct 28244          6553    0.2320139
## 12     Sep 17711          3714    0.2097002
data1$issue_m = NULL
data1$issue_d = NULL


Let’s see if there are any features that have zero variance:

#define some functions to be used later on
    tn = sapply(t,function(x){is.numeric(x)})

    tn = sapply(t,function(x){is.character(x)})

    tn = sapply(t,function(x){is.factor(x)})

getIndexsOfColumns <- function(t,column_names){
tmp = apply(data1[getCharColumns(data1)],2,function(x){length(unique(x))})
tmp = tmp[tmp==1]

tmp2 = apply(data1[getNumericColumns(data1)],2,function(x){(sd(x))})
tmp2 = tmp2[tmp2==0]

discard_column = c(names(tmp),names(tmp2))
## [1] "application_type" "prediction"       "policy_code"

We then proceed to drop the zero variance features

data1 = (data1[,!(names(data1) %in% discard_column)])

Next, we investigate whether desc(description) can be useful in determining Default and Fully Paid loan. However, noted that our test dataset(2015 loans) has only 9 loans with non-empty description’s length so desc is quite useless for current 2015 data. Also noted that information in title is replicated in purpose so we will drop them.

data1$desc = NULL
data1$title = NULL

We take a look at default rate for each state from year 2012-2014. We filter out states that have too small number of loans(less than 1000):

tmp = data1 %>% filter(loan_status=="Default") %>% group_by(addr_state,issue_y) %>% summarise(default_count = n())
tmp2 = data1 %>% group_by(addr_state,issue_y) %>% summarise(count = n())
tmp3 = tmp2 %>% left_join(tmp) %>% mutate(default_rate = default_count/count)
## Joining, by = c("addr_state", "issue_y")
#order by highest default rate
a0 = (tmp3 %>% filter(issue_y == 2012 & count > 1000) %>% arrange(desc(default_rate)))[1:10,"addr_state"]$addr_state
a1 = (tmp3 %>% filter(issue_y == 2013 & count > 1000) %>% arrange(desc(default_rate)))[1:10,"addr_state"]$addr_state
a2 = (tmp3 %>% filter(issue_y == 2014 & count > 1000) %>% arrange(desc(default_rate)))[1:10,"addr_state"]$addr_state
high_default = intersect(intersect(a0,a1),a2)

#order by lowest default rate
a0 = (tmp3 %>% filter(issue_y == 2012 & count > 1000) %>% arrange((default_rate)))[1:10,"addr_state"]$addr_state
a1 = (tmp3 %>% filter(issue_y == 2013 & count > 1000) %>% arrange((default_rate)))[1:10,"addr_state"]$addr_state
a2 = (tmp3 %>% filter(issue_y == 2014 & count > 1000) %>% arrange((default_rate)))[1:10,"addr_state"]$addr_state
low_default = intersect(intersect(a0,a1),a2)

We noticed Florida and New York consistently constitute in top 10 - highest default rate from year 2012 - 2014

## [1] "FL" "NY"

While Illinois, Texas, California, Georgia have lowest default rate

## [1] "IL" "TX" "CA" "GA"

We then create binary variable for 6 states and discard the rest

data1$is_fl = ifelse(data1$addr_state=="FL",1,0)
data1$is_ny = ifelse(data1$addr_state=="NY",1,0)

data1$is_il = ifelse(data1$addr_state=="IL",1,0)
data1$is_tx = ifelse(data1$addr_state=="TX",1,0)
data1$is_ca = ifelse(data1$addr_state=="CA",1,0)
data1$is_ga = ifelse(data1$addr_state=="GA",1,0)

data1$addr_state = NULL


We will investigate if there are any correlation among features


We found some features are quite correlated, we can remove correlated features with findCorrelation function. The function will find all correlated pairs that have correlation exceed a specified threshold and try to remove one of them in such a way that overall correlation is reduced.

high_corr <- findCorrelation(cor(data1[getNumericColumns(data1)]), cutoff = .75)
high_corr = getNumericColumns(data1)[high_corr]
##  [1] "num_sats"            "open_acc"            "num_op_rev_tl"      
##  [4] "num_rev_accts"       "num_bc_sats"         "total_bc_limit"     
##  [7] "num_rev_tl_bal_gt_0" "num_actv_rev_tl"     "tot_hi_cred_lim"    
## [10] "total_rev_hi_lim"    "tot_cur_bal"         "total_bal_ex_mort"  
## [13] "earliest_cr_line"    "int_rate"            "bc_util"
data1 = (data1[,!(names(data1) %in% high_corr)])

Let’s look at all numeric features we have left.

## 'data.frame':    246073 obs. of  42 variables:
##  $ funded_amnt               : int  20800 3000 12000 12000 28000 11100 8000 24000 15000 12000 ...
##  $ annual_inc                : num  81500 25000 40000 96500 325000 90000 33000 100000 98000 60000 ...
##  $ dti                       : num  16.7 24.7 16.9 12.6 18.6 ...
##  $ delinq_2yrs               : int  0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ inq_last_6mths            : int  2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 ...
##  $ pub_rec                   : int  0 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ...
##  $ revol_bal                 : int  23473 2875 5572 13248 29581 6619 7203 21617 5749 7137 ...
##  $ revol_util                : num  13.53 12.85 13.53 7.62 7.62 ...
##  $ total_acc                 : int  41 26 32 30 31 12 16 39 16 18 ...
##  $ collections_12_mths_ex_med: int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ acc_now_delinq            : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ tot_coll_amt              : num  0 154 15386 0 0 ...
##  $ acc_open_past_24mths      : num  9 3 4 4 6 2 2 7 6 8 ...
##  $ avg_cur_bal               : num  869 3906 2268 11783 53306 ...
##  $ bc_open_to_buy            : num  6811 2050 1428 2441 13901 ...
##  $ chargeoff_within_12_mths  : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ delinq_amnt               : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ mo_sin_old_il_acct        : num  115 164 124 123 125 128 129 179 2 128 ...
##  $ mo_sin_old_rev_tl_op      : num  186 271 182 118 229 150 269 299 257 48 ...
##  $ mo_sin_rcnt_rev_tl_op     : num  0 7 1 10 5 11 14 18 7 1 ...
##  $ mo_sin_rcnt_tl            : num  0 7 1 9 2 11 14 7 2 1 ...
##  $ mort_acc                  : num  0 6 0 1 5 1 0 3 0 0 ...
##  $ mths_since_recent_bc      : num  0 14 11 10 5 11 18 18 7 1 ...
##  $ mths_since_recent_inq     : num  0 8 17 10 3 11 6 7 2 3 ...
##  $ num_accts_ever_120_pd     : num  1 1 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ num_actv_bc_tl            : num  8 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 8 4 ...
##  $ num_bc_tl                 : num  17 6 14 10 8 4 7 10 13 10 ...
##  $ num_il_tl                 : num  1 11 8 15 11 0 2 17 1 0 ...
##  $ num_tl_90g_dpd_24m        : num  0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ num_tl_op_past_12m        : num  3 1 2 3 5 1 0 2 2 4 ...
##  $ pct_tl_nvr_dlq            : num  90.2 91.3 81.2 100 100 75 100 100 100 100 ...
##  $ percent_bc_gt_75          : num  50 66.7 33.3 100 16.7 50 75 75 7.7 0 ...
##  $ pub_rec_bankruptcies      : int  0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ...
##  $ tax_liens                 : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ total_il_high_credit_limit: num  0 26782 10030 53404 196686 ...
##  $ issue_y                   : num  2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 ...
##  $ is_fl                     : num  0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ is_ny                     : num  1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 ...
##  $ is_il                     : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ is_tx                     : num  0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ is_ca                     : num  0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ...
##  $ is_ga                     : num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...

We transform annual_inc, revol_bal, avg_cur_bal, bc_open_to_buy, total_il_high_credit_limit by deviding them by funded_amnt(amount of loan)

data1$annual_inc = data1$annual_inc/data1$funded_amnt
data1$revol_bal = data1$revol_bal/data1$funded_amnt
data1$avg_cur_bal = data1$avg_cur_bal/data1$funded_amnt
data1$bc_open_to_buy = data1$bc_open_to_buy/data1$funded_amnt
data1$total_il_high_credit_limit = data1$total_il_high_credit_limit/data1$funded_amnt

data1$funded_amnt = NULL

Let’s look at all character features we have left.

## 'data.frame':    246073 obs. of  9 variables:
##  $ term               : chr  " 36 months" " 36 months" " 36 months" " 36 months" ...
##  $ sub_grade          : chr  "B5" "B4" "B5" "A3" ...
##  $ emp_length         : chr  "10+ years" "10+ years" "10+ years" "3 years" ...
##  $ home_ownership     : chr  "RENT" "RENT" "RENT" "MORTGAGE" ...
##  $ verification_status: chr  "Verified" "Verified" "Source Verified" "Not Verified" ...
##  $ loan_status        : chr  "Fully Paid" "Fully Paid" "Fully Paid" "Fully Paid" ...
##  $ pymnt_plan         : chr  "n" "n" "n" "n" ...
##  $ purpose            : chr  "debt_consolidation" "debt_consolidation" "debt_consolidation" "debt_consolidation" ...
##  $ initial_list_status: chr  "f" "f" "w" "f" ...

We look at home_ownership and filter only observations that have value “MORTGAGE”,“OWN”, or “RENT” as these are only values that appear in 2015 data

##      ANY MORTGAGE     NONE    OTHER      OWN     RENT 
##        1   123973       40       43    21228   100788
data1 = data1 %>% filter(home_ownership == "MORTGAGE" | home_ownership == "OWN" | home_ownership == "RENT")

We see there are 3 loans with pymnt_plan=“y”, all ended in being default

data1 %>% filter(pymnt_plan=="y") %>% select(loan_status)
##   loan_status
## 1     Default
## 2     Default
## 3     Default

But 3 loans is too small to make the conclusive finding. We will just remove pymnt_plan feature.

data1$pymnt_plan = NULL

remove issue_y as it has no further use

## Warning in rm(all_roi, c, discard_column, feature_name, high_corr,
## numeric_column): object 'c' not found
## Warning in rm(all_roi, c, discard_column, feature_name, high_corr,
## numeric_column): object 'numeric_column' not found

We will transform all character predictor features to binary dummy variables

loan_status = data1$loan_status
dummy_model = dummyVars(loan_status ~ .,data1,fullRank = TRUE)
data1 =,data1))
data1$loan_status = loan_status

#set loan with status 'Fully Paid' as a positive sample
data1$loan_status = ifelse(data1$loan_status == "Fully Paid","Fully.Paid",data1$loan_status)
data1$loan_status = factor(data1$loan_status,levels = c("Default","Fully.Paid"))

The data is centered and scaled. We can try to remove the number of dimensions further by fitting Logistic regression and investigate p-value of the coefficients. The null hypothesis is that each feature makes no contribution to the predictive model(its coefficient is zero). We then discard each feature that fails to reject the hypothesis.

trans_model = preProcess(data1,method=c("center","scale"))
data1 = predict(trans_model, data1)

model = lrm(loan_status ~ .,data1)
## Logistic Regression Model
## lrm(formula = loan_status ~ ., data = data1)
##                        Model Likelihood     Discrimination    Rank Discrim.    
##                           Ratio Test            Indexes          Indexes       
## Obs         245989    LR chi2   24375.03    R2       0.147    C       0.714    
##  Default     52032    d.f.           103    g        0.968    Dxy     0.428    
##  Fully.Paid 193957    Pr(> chi2) <0.0001    gr       2.632    gamma   0.430    
## max |deriv|  7e-11                          gp       0.142    tau-a   0.143    
##                                             Brier    0.150                     
##                                    Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
## Intercept                           1.5087 0.0059 255.30 <0.0001 
## term 60 months                     -0.2062 0.0061 -34.04 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeA2                        -0.0644 0.0142  -4.53 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeA3                        -0.1097 0.0145  -7.57 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeA4                        -0.1864 0.0163 -11.45 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeA5                        -0.2593 0.0173 -15.00 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeB1                        -0.3310 0.0185 -17.89 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeB2                        -0.4134 0.0210 -19.70 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeB3                        -0.5064 0.0235 -21.55 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeB4                        -0.5522 0.0237 -23.32 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeB5                        -0.5411 0.0218 -24.83 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeC1                        -0.5974 0.0233 -25.67 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeC2                        -0.6219 0.0235 -26.51 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeC3                        -0.6453 0.0233 -27.69 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeC4                        -0.6569 0.0234 -28.06 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeC5                        -0.6666 0.0233 -28.59 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeD1                        -0.6597 0.0230 -28.67 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeD2                        -0.6445 0.0223 -28.91 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeD3                        -0.6108 0.0214 -28.58 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeD4                        -0.6266 0.0213 -29.47 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeD5                        -0.5803 0.0200 -29.07 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeE1                        -0.5178 0.0177 -29.29 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeE2                        -0.5465 0.0183 -29.83 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeE3                        -0.4929 0.0170 -29.07 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeE4                        -0.4856 0.0166 -29.30 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeE5                        -0.4608 0.0157 -29.36 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeF1                        -0.4137 0.0146 -28.42 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeF2                        -0.3745 0.0133 -28.10 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeF3                        -0.3769 0.0132 -28.64 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeF4                        -0.3256 0.0116 -27.99 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeF5                        -0.2906 0.0106 -27.35 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeG1                        -0.2538 0.0094 -27.15 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeG2                        -0.2050 0.0082 -25.04 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeG3                        -0.1826 0.0073 -24.98 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeG4                        -0.1331 0.0063 -21.06 <0.0001 
## sub_gradeG5                        -0.1389 0.0062 -22.29 <0.0001 
## emp_length< 1 year                 -0.0273 0.0057  -4.83 <0.0001 
## emp_length1 year                    0.0015 0.0057   0.26 0.7911  
## emp_length2 years                   0.0002 0.0058   0.03 0.9749  
## emp_length3 years                  -0.0016 0.0057  -0.28 0.7826  
## emp_length4 years                   0.0013 0.0056   0.22 0.8229  
## emp_length5 years                   0.0023 0.0057   0.40 0.6917  
## emp_length6 years                  -0.0118 0.0056  -2.11 0.0345  
## emp_length7 years                  -0.0004 0.0056  -0.07 0.9425  
## emp_length8 years                  -0.0121 0.0055  -2.22 0.0265  
## emp_length9 years                  -0.0187 0.0053  -3.51 0.0004  
## emp_lengthn/a                      -0.1086 0.0051 -21.22 <0.0001 
## home_ownershipOWN                  -0.0256 0.0056  -4.61 <0.0001 
## home_ownershipRENT                 -0.0949 0.0067 -14.11 <0.0001 
## annual_inc                          0.1356 0.0118  11.54 <0.0001 
## verification_statusSource Verified -0.0386 0.0065  -5.91 <0.0001 
## verification_statusVerified         0.0074 0.0070   1.07 0.2850  
## purposecredit_card                  0.0161 0.0253   0.64 0.5244  
## purposedebt_consolidation          -0.0110 0.0295  -0.37 0.7090  
## purposehome_improvement            -0.0316 0.0147  -2.15 0.0316  
## purposehouse                       -0.0001 0.0068  -0.01 0.9889  
## purposemajor_purchase              -0.0178 0.0098  -1.82 0.0695  
## purposemedical                     -0.0246 0.0077  -3.20 0.0014  
## purposemoving                      -0.0198 0.0067  -2.93 0.0033  
## purposeother                       -0.0365 0.0135  -2.69 0.0071  
## purposerenewable_energy            -0.0006 0.0055  -0.11 0.9111  
## purposesmall_business              -0.0679 0.0084  -8.12 <0.0001 
## purposevacation                    -0.0167 0.0067  -2.49 0.0129  
## purposewedding                      0.0199 0.0072   2.77 0.0055  
## dti                                -0.2184 0.0064 -34.26 <0.0001 
## delinq_2yrs                        -0.0920 0.0071 -12.93 <0.0001 
## inq_last_6mths                     -0.0438 0.0066  -6.68 <0.0001 
## pub_rec                            -0.0337 0.0148  -2.28 0.0226  
## revol_bal                          -0.0166 0.0081  -2.06 0.0399  
## revol_util                          0.6408 0.0336  19.06 <0.0001 
## total_acc                           0.1322 0.0131  10.11 <0.0001 
## initial_list_statusw               -0.0022 0.0054  -0.41 0.6791  
## collections_12_mths_ex_med         -0.0110 0.0048  -2.29 0.0217  
## acc_now_delinq                     -0.0035 0.0049  -0.72 0.4739  
## tot_coll_amt                        0.0030 0.0109   0.27 0.7854  
## acc_open_past_24mths               -0.1285 0.0077 -16.72 <0.0001 
## avg_cur_bal                         0.0353 0.0100   3.52 0.0004  
## bc_open_to_buy                      0.0351 0.0096   3.64 0.0003  
## chargeoff_within_12_mths            0.0121 0.0056   2.19 0.0288  
## delinq_amnt                         0.0022 0.0058   0.37 0.7084  
## mo_sin_old_il_acct                 -0.0186 0.0057  -3.25 0.0011  
## mo_sin_old_rev_tl_op                0.0175 0.0061   2.84 0.0044  
## mo_sin_rcnt_rev_tl_op              -0.0161 0.0081  -1.97 0.0483  
## mo_sin_rcnt_tl                      0.0221 0.0079   2.81 0.0050  
## mort_acc                            0.0618 0.0075   8.26 <0.0001 
## mths_since_recent_bc                0.0555 0.0070   7.89 <0.0001 
## mths_since_recent_inq              -0.0064 0.0067  -0.96 0.3394  
## num_accts_ever_120_pd              -0.0285 0.0067  -4.26 <0.0001 
## num_actv_bc_tl                     -0.0526 0.0066  -8.03 <0.0001 
## num_bc_tl                           0.0279 0.0097   2.88 0.0040  
## num_il_tl                           0.0168 0.0099   1.70 0.0894  
## num_tl_90g_dpd_24m                  0.0175 0.0067   2.62 0.0088  
## num_tl_op_past_12m                 -0.0088 0.0076  -1.16 0.2462  
## pct_tl_nvr_dlq                     -0.0228 0.0070  -3.24 0.0012  
## percent_bc_gt_75                   -0.0766 0.0065 -11.73 <0.0001 
## pub_rec_bankruptcies                0.0391 0.0118   3.32 0.0009  
## tax_liens                           0.0090 0.0097   0.92 0.3550  
## total_il_high_credit_limit          0.0721 0.0098   7.36 <0.0001 
## is_fl                              -0.0178 0.0052  -3.42 0.0006  
## is_ny                              -0.0284 0.0053  -5.34 <0.0001 
## is_il                               0.0130 0.0054   2.39 0.0166  
## is_tx                               0.0375 0.0055   6.77 <0.0001 
## is_ca                               0.0402 0.0057   7.09 <0.0001 
## is_ga                               0.0181 0.0054   3.34 0.0008

We set our two-tailed p-value cutoff at 0.01, we discard features with p-value exceed this threshold.

tmp =
tmp$feature = rownames(tmp)
tmp = tmp %>% filter(P > 0.01) %>% select(feature,P)
##                        feature          P
## 1             emp_length1 year 0.79109580
## 2            emp_length2 years 0.97486100
## 3            emp_length3 years 0.78255500
## 4            emp_length4 years 0.82290650
## 5            emp_length5 years 0.69167559
## 6            emp_length6 years 0.03454150
## 7            emp_length7 years 0.94254322
## 8            emp_length8 years 0.02648818
## 9  verification_statusVerified 0.28497122
## 10          purposecredit_card 0.52436187
## 11   purposedebt_consolidation 0.70902630
## 12     purposehome_improvement 0.03161482
## 13                purposehouse 0.98894832
## 14       purposemajor_purchase 0.06951881
## 15     purposerenewable_energy 0.91112091
## 16             purposevacation 0.01287300
## 17                     pub_rec 0.02260737
## 18                   revol_bal 0.03987652
## 19        initial_list_statusw 0.67910967
## 20  collections_12_mths_ex_med 0.02174068
## 21              acc_now_delinq 0.47394870
## 22                tot_coll_amt 0.78543120
## 23    chargeoff_within_12_mths 0.02876742
## 24                 delinq_amnt 0.70839057
## 25       mo_sin_rcnt_rev_tl_op 0.04832643
## 26       mths_since_recent_inq 0.33939555
## 27                   num_il_tl 0.08944578
## 28          num_tl_op_past_12m 0.24616264
## 29                   tax_liens 0.35499506
## 30                       is_il 0.01664836
data1 = (data1[,!(names(data1) %in% tmp$feature)])


Some feature names are invalid, replace invalid characters with “_"

colnames(data1) = str_replace_all(colnames(data1)," ","_")
colnames(data1) = str_replace_all(colnames(data1),"<","_")
colnames(data1) = str_replace_all(colnames(data1),"/","_")

We then create function to apply all of the above feature engineering:

#derived from str_c("'",paste(colnames(data1),collapse="','"),"'")
#kept_column = colnames(data1)
kept_column = c('term_60_months','sub_gradeA2','sub_gradeA3','sub_gradeA4','sub_gradeA5','sub_gradeB1','sub_gradeB2','sub_gradeB3','sub_gradeB4','sub_gradeB5','sub_gradeC1','sub_gradeC2','sub_gradeC3','sub_gradeC4','sub_gradeC5','sub_gradeD1','sub_gradeD2','sub_gradeD3','sub_gradeD4','sub_gradeD5','sub_gradeE1','sub_gradeE2','sub_gradeE3','sub_gradeE4','sub_gradeE5','sub_gradeF1','sub_gradeF2','sub_gradeF3','sub_gradeF4','sub_gradeF5','sub_gradeG1','sub_gradeG2','sub_gradeG3','sub_gradeG4','sub_gradeG5','emp_length__1_year','emp_length9_years','emp_lengthn_a','home_ownershipOWN','home_ownershipRENT','annual_inc','verification_statusSource_Verified','purposemedical','purposemoving','purposeother','purposesmall_business','purposewedding','dti','delinq_2yrs','inq_last_6mths','revol_util','total_acc','acc_open_past_24mths','avg_cur_bal','bc_open_to_buy','mo_sin_old_il_acct','mo_sin_old_rev_tl_op','mo_sin_rcnt_tl','mort_acc','mths_since_recent_bc','num_accts_ever_120_pd','num_actv_bc_tl','num_bc_tl','num_tl_90g_dpd_24m','pct_tl_nvr_dlq','percent_bc_gt_75','pub_rec_bankruptcies','total_il_high_credit_limit','is_fl','is_ny','is_tx','is_ca','is_ga','loan_status')

applyFeatureEngineering <- function(dt,use_kept_column = kept_column,use_median_impute_model=median_impute_model,  use_dummy_model=dummy_model,use_trans_model=trans_model){
    #consolidate loan status
    dt$loan_status = ifelse(str_detect(dt$loan_status,"Paid"),dt$loan_status,"Default")
    #parse int_rate
    dt$int_rate = (as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "%",replacement = "",x = dt$int_rate)))
    #impute median
    dt = predict(median_impute_model,dt)
    #parse revol_util
    dt$revol_util = (as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "%",replacement = "",x = dt$int_rate)))
    #binary variables for addr_state
    dt$is_fl = ifelse(dt$addr_state=="FL",1,0)
    dt$is_ny = ifelse(dt$addr_state=="NY",1,0)
    dt$is_il = ifelse(dt$addr_state=="IL",1,0)
    dt$is_tx = ifelse(dt$addr_state=="TX",1,0)
    dt$is_ca = ifelse(dt$addr_state=="CA",1,0)
    dt$is_ga = ifelse(dt$addr_state=="GA",1,0)
    #transform transactions
    dt$annual_inc = dt$annual_inc/dt$funded_amnt
    dt$revol_bal = dt$revol_bal/dt$funded_amnt
    dt$avg_cur_bal = dt$avg_cur_bal/dt$funded_amnt
    dt$bc_open_to_buy = dt$bc_open_to_buy/dt$funded_amnt
    dt$total_il_high_credit_limit = dt$total_il_high_credit_limit/dt$funded_amnt
    #if purpose falling outside of recognized values
    all_purpose = c('debt_consolidation','small_business','other','credit_card','major_purchase','moving','home_improvement','house','car','medical','renewable_energy','vacation','wedding')
    dt$purpose = ifelse(dt$purpose %in% all_purpose,dt$purpose,"other")
    #create dummy variables
    loan_status = dt$loan_status
    dt =,dt))
    dt$loan_status = loan_status
    #center,scale data
    dt = predict(use_trans_model, dt)
    #remove all unused features
    colnames(dt) = str_replace_all(colnames(dt)," ","_")
    colnames(dt) = str_replace_all(colnames(dt),"<","_")
    colnames(dt) = str_replace_all(colnames(dt),"/","_")
    dt = dt[use_kept_column]
    #set loan with status 'Fully Paid' as a positive sample
    dt$loan_status = ifelse(dt$loan_status == "Fully Paid","Fully.Paid",dt$loan_status)
    dt$loan_status = factor(dt$loan_status,levels = c("Default","Fully.Paid"))

Model Training

We need to determine which performance metric we want to focus on. We load the 2015 test dataset and apply feature engineering procedure.

test_data = read.csv("loan_2015.extract.csv",stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#later used for evaluate investment
test_data_grade = test_data$grade
test_data_funded_amnt = test_data$funded_amnt
test_data_total_pymnt = test_data$total_pymnt

test_data = applyFeatureEngineering(test_data)

The loan data typically have a higher proportion of good loans. We can achieve high accuracy just by labeling all loans as Fully Paid

100*nrow(test_data %>% filter(loan_status=="Fully.Paid"))/nrow(test_data)
## [1] 72.29722

For our test data, we gain 72.3% accuracy by just following the above strategy. Recall that we yet to include the outcome of Current loans. In a real situation, the ratio of Fully Paid loans is usually much higher so accuracy metric is not our main concern here. We instead focus on a trade-off in identifying a default loan as an expense of mislabelling some good loans. We will look at ROC curve and pay particular focus on AUC when we train our models.

Because there is a disproportion of the target variable, we downsampling the Fully Paid loans to be equal to Default loans. This method tends to work well and run faster than upsampling or cost-sensitive training.

Noted that at the end, we aim to stack the results of various learning models(Logistic Regression,SVM,RandomForest, and XGB). Since the downside of downsampling is that information of majority class is discarded, we will continue to make a new downsampling data when we feed it to each model along the way. We anticipate that better result can be obtained by stacking all 4 models since it gets more information from the majority class.

Logistic Regression

We tune Logistic Regression to our training dataset. We use Elastic Net regularization, which comprised of Ridge and Lasso regularization, with cross-validation to prevent overfitting. Our goal is maximizing AUC.

Due to limited computation resource, we run model tunning on small data and fixed lambda parameter. We use small fold: 3-fold cross validation. We then refit the best model with the whole data.
(Noted:we put the final tuning result here instead of running through the whole process. We disable the execution of tuning code although readers can enable it back by setting eval = TRUE )

samp = downSample(data1[-getIndexsOfColumns(data1, c( "loan_status") )],data1$loan_status,yname="loan_status")
#choose small data for tuning 
train_index = createDataPartition(samp$loan_status,p = 0.05,list=FALSE,times=1)
#run tuning in parallel using available computing cores(you may need to change this)
registerDoMC(cores = 4)

ctrl <- trainControl(method = "cv",
    summaryFunction = twoClassSummary,
    classProbs = TRUE,
    number = 3

glmnGrid = expand.grid(.alpha = seq(0, 1, length = 10), .lambda = 0.01)

glmnTuned = train(samp[train_index,-getIndexsOfColumns(samp,"loan_status")],y = samp[train_index,"loan_status"],method = "glmnet",tuneGrid = glmnGrid,metric = "ROC",trControl = ctrl)

The best penalty parameter is alpha = 0.7777778(more weight on Ridge) with fixed shrinking lambda = 0.01. We use this parameter to retrain the whole sample.

model = glmnet(
    x = as.matrix(samp[-getIndexsOfColumns(samp,"loan_status")]),
    alpha = 0.7777778,
    lambda = 0.01,
    family = "binomial",
    standardize = FALSE)

The finalized Logistic Regression model is applied to the 2015 loan data. We look at ROC graph and AUC. We also set probability prediction cutoff at 50%(noted that the higher this value is, the more likely the loan is Fully Paid) and collect some performance metrics for a later comparison.

#data frame for collect model's performance
table_perf = data.frame(model=character(0),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

predict_loan_status_logit = predict(model,newx = as.matrix(test_data[-getIndexsOfColumns(test_data,"loan_status")]),type="response")

rocCurve_logit = roc(response = test_data$loan_status,
               predictor = predict_loan_status_logit)
## Warning in roc.default(response = test_data$loan_status, predictor
## = predict_loan_status_logit): Deprecated use a matrix as predictor.
## Unexpected results may be produced, please pass a numeric vector.
auc_curve = auc(rocCurve_logit)

plot(rocCurve_logit,legacy.axes = TRUE,print.auc = TRUE,col="red",main="ROC(Logistic Regression)")

## Call:
## roc.default(response = test_data$loan_status, predictor = predict_loan_status_logit)
## Data: predict_loan_status_logit in 18716 controls (test_data$loan_status Default) < 48844 cases (test_data$loan_status Fully.Paid).
## Area under the curve: 0.7042
#make a prediction on 50% cutoff
predict_loan_status_label = ifelse(predict_loan_status_logit<0.5,"Default","Fully.Paid")
c = confusionMatrix(predict_loan_status_label,test_data$loan_status,positive="Fully.Paid")

table_perf[1,] = c("logistic regression",

The model’s performance is as follow

##                 model   auc accuracy sensitivity specificity kappa
## 1 logistic regression 0.704    0.643       0.636       0.662 0.251


For SVM, we use Radial Basis as a kernel function. Due to limited computation reason, we use 5% of downsampling data for tunning parameter and 10% of downsampling data for training.

#down sampling again so than we get more info when stacking
samp = downSample(data1[-getIndexsOfColumns(data1, c( "loan_status") )],data1$loan_status,yname="loan_status")
#choose small data for tuning 
train_index_tuning = createDataPartition(samp$loan_status,p = 0.05,list=FALSE,times=1)
#choose small data for re-train
train_index_training = createDataPartition(samp$loan_status,p = 0.1,list=FALSE,times=1)
svmGrid = expand.grid(
                .sigma = as.numeric(sigest(loan_status ~.,data = samp[train_index_tuning,],scaled=FALSE)),
                .C = c(0.1,1,10)

svmTuned = train(
    y = samp[train_index_tuning,"loan_status"],
    method = "svmRadial",
    tuneGrid = svmGrid,
    metric = "ROC",
    trControl = ctrl,
    preProcess = NULL,
    scaled = FALSE,
    fit = FALSE)



The best parameter for the model is sigma = 0.003909534, and C = 0.1. We use this values to fit the 10% of downsampling data and collect its performance based on test set.

svm_model = ksvm(loan_status ~ .,
                 data = samp[train_index_training,],
                 kernel = "rbfdot",
                 kpar = list(sigma=0.003909534),
                 C = 0.1,
                 prob.model = TRUE,
                 scaled = FALSE)

predict_loan_status_svm = predict(svm_model,test_data,type="probabilities")
predict_loan_status_svm =$Fully.Paid

rocCurve_svm = roc(response = test_data$loan_status,
               predictor = predict_loan_status_svm)

auc_curve = auc(rocCurve_svm)

plot(rocCurve_svm,legacy.axes = TRUE,print.auc = TRUE,col="red",main="ROC(SVM)")

## Call:
## roc.default(response = test_data$loan_status, predictor = predict_loan_status_svm)
## Data: predict_loan_status_svm in 18716 controls (test_data$loan_status Default) < 48844 cases (test_data$loan_status Fully.Paid).
## Area under the curve: 0.6976
predict_loan_status_label = ifelse(predict_loan_status_svm<0.5,"Default","Fully.Paid")
c = confusionMatrix(predict_loan_status_label,test_data$loan_status,positive="Fully.Paid")

This is the summary of model’s performance

table_perf[2,] = c("SVM",

##   model   auc accuracy sensitivity specificity kappa
## 2   SVM 0.698    0.592       0.536       0.739 0.213


Now, we tune RandomForest model. Like SVM, we tune parameter based on 5% downsampling data.

#down sampling again so than we get more info when stacking
samp = downSample(data1[-getIndexsOfColumns(data1, c( "loan_status") )],data1$loan_status,yname="loan_status")
#choose small data for tuning 
train_index_tuning = createDataPartition(samp$loan_status,p = 0.05,list=FALSE,times=1)
#choose small data for re-train
train_index_training = createDataPartition(samp$loan_status,p = 0.1,list=FALSE,times=1)
rfGrid = expand.grid(
                .mtry = as.integer(seq(2,ncol(samp), (ncol(samp) - 2)/4))

rfTuned = train(
    y = samp[train_index_tuning,"loan_status"],
    method = "rf",
    tuneGrid = rfGrid,
    metric = "ROC",
    trControl = ctrl,
    preProcess = NULL,
    ntree = 100



The best parameter is mtry(number of predictors) = 2. Like SVM, we fit 10% of downsampling data with this value.

rf_model = randomForest(loan_status ~ . ,data = samp[train_index_training,],mtry = 2,ntree=400)

predict_loan_status_rf = predict(rf_model,test_data,"prob")
predict_loan_status_rf =$Fully.Paid

rocCurve_rf = roc(response = test_data$loan_status,
               predictor = predict_loan_status_rf)

auc_curve = auc(rocCurve_rf)

plot(rocCurve_rf,legacy.axes = TRUE,print.auc = TRUE,col="red",main="ROC(RandomForest)")

## Call:
## roc.default(response = test_data$loan_status, predictor = predict_loan_status_rf)
## Data: predict_loan_status_rf in 18716 controls (test_data$loan_status Default) < 48844 cases (test_data$loan_status Fully.Paid).
## Area under the curve: 0.7046
predict_loan_status_label = ifelse(predict_loan_status_rf<0.5,"Default","Fully.Paid")
c = confusionMatrix(predict_loan_status_label,test_data$loan_status,positive="Fully.Paid")

table_perf[3,] = c("RandomForest",

The model’s performance is as follow

##          model   auc accuracy sensitivity specificity kappa
## 3 RandomForest 0.705    0.638       0.622       0.679  0.25

Extreme Gradient Boosting

Extreme Gradient Boosting has a very efficient implementation. Unlike SVM and RandomForest, we can tune parameter using the whole downsampling set. We focus on varying Ridge & Lasso regularization and learning rate. We use 10% of data for validating tuning parameter.

#down sampling again so than we get more info when stacking
samp = downSample(data1[-getIndexsOfColumns(data1, c( "loan_status") )],data1$loan_status,yname="loan_status")
#choose small data for validating
train_index_tuning= createDataPartition(samp$loan_status,p = 0.1,list=FALSE,times=1)
etas = c(0.1,0.3)
alphas = c(0,0.5,1)
lambdas = c(0,0.5,1)

test_watchlist = list(
    test = xgb.DMatrix(
        data = as.matrix(samp[train_index_tuning,][getNumericColumns(samp)]),
        label = as.numeric(samp[train_index_tuning,"loan_status"])-1

gbm_perf = data.frame(eta=numeric(0),alpha=numeric(0),lambda=numeric(0),auc=numeric(0))
for(eta in etas){
    for(alpha in alphas){
        for(lambda in lambdas){
            model = xgb.train(
                data= xgb.DMatrix(
                    data = as.matrix(samp[-train_index_tuning,][getNumericColumns(samp)]),
                    label = as.numeric(samp[-train_index_tuning,"loan_status"])-1
                objective = "binary:logistic",
                nrounds = 350,
                watchlist = test_watchlist,
                eval_metric = "auc",
                early.stop.round = 10,
                alpha = alpha,
                lambda = lambda,
                eta = eta)
            gbm_perf[nrow(gbm_perf)+1,] = c(eta,alpha,lambda,model$bestScore)

gbm_perf %>% arrange(desc(auc))

The best tuning parameter is eta = 0.1, alpha = 0.5, and lambda = 1.0. We retrain it again here in case readers didn’t run the tuning code. We collect its performance.

test_watchlist = list(
    test = xgb.DMatrix(
        data = as.matrix(samp[train_index_tuning,][getNumericColumns(samp)]),
        label = as.numeric(samp[train_index_tuning,"loan_status"])-1

xgb_model = xgb.train(
                data= xgb.DMatrix(
                    data = as.matrix(samp[-train_index_tuning,][getNumericColumns(samp)]),
                    label = as.numeric(samp[-train_index_tuning,"loan_status"])-1
                objective = "binary:logistic",
                nrounds = 350,
                watchlist = test_watchlist,
                eval_metric = "auc",
                early.stop.round = 10,
                alpha = 0.5,
                lambda = 1.0,
                eta = 0.1)
## [0]  test-auc:0.692064
## [1]  test-auc:0.693999
## [2]  test-auc:0.697318
## [3]  test-auc:0.699014
## [4]  test-auc:0.699192
## [5]  test-auc:0.700705
## [6]  test-auc:0.701450
## [7]  test-auc:0.702239
## [8]  test-auc:0.702641
## [9]  test-auc:0.703252
## [10] test-auc:0.703859
## [11] test-auc:0.704341
## [12] test-auc:0.704865
## [13] test-auc:0.705212
## [14] test-auc:0.705281
## [15] test-auc:0.705811
## [16] test-auc:0.706393
## [17] test-auc:0.706762
## [18] test-auc:0.707394
## [19] test-auc:0.707741
## [20] test-auc:0.708143
## [21] test-auc:0.708453
## [22] test-auc:0.708823
## [23] test-auc:0.709150
## [24] test-auc:0.709570
## [25] test-auc:0.709920
## [26] test-auc:0.710222
## [27] test-auc:0.710539
## [28] test-auc:0.710843
## [29] test-auc:0.711221
## [30] test-auc:0.711444
## [31] test-auc:0.711497
## [32] test-auc:0.711852
## [33] test-auc:0.712029
## [34] test-auc:0.712396
## [35] test-auc:0.712686
## [36] test-auc:0.712853
## [37] test-auc:0.712997
## [38] test-auc:0.713061
## [39] test-auc:0.713231
## [40] test-auc:0.713370
## [41] test-auc:0.713491
## [42] test-auc:0.713599
## [43] test-auc:0.713893
## [44] test-auc:0.713867
## [45] test-auc:0.714141
## [46] test-auc:0.714303
## [47] test-auc:0.714376
## [48] test-auc:0.714483
## [49] test-auc:0.714808
## [50] test-auc:0.715020
## [51] test-auc:0.715061
## [52] test-auc:0.715091
## [53] test-auc:0.715098
## [54] test-auc:0.715198
## [55] test-auc:0.715272
## [56] test-auc:0.715473
## [57] test-auc:0.715698
## [58] test-auc:0.715782
## [59] test-auc:0.716132
## [60] test-auc:0.716180
## [61] test-auc:0.716102
## [62] test-auc:0.716098
## [63] test-auc:0.716191
## [64] test-auc:0.716454
## [65] test-auc:0.716429
## [66] test-auc:0.716613
## [67] test-auc:0.716584
## [68] test-auc:0.716636
## [69] test-auc:0.716661
## [70] test-auc:0.716861
## [71] test-auc:0.716958
## [72] test-auc:0.717042
## [73] test-auc:0.717406
## [74] test-auc:0.717539
## [75] test-auc:0.717514
## [76] test-auc:0.717457
## [77] test-auc:0.717645
## [78] test-auc:0.717704
## [79] test-auc:0.717659
## [80] test-auc:0.717606
## [81] test-auc:0.717711
## [82] test-auc:0.717821
## [83] test-auc:0.717667
## [84] test-auc:0.717834
## [85] test-auc:0.717749
## [86] test-auc:0.717893
## [87] test-auc:0.717920
## [88] test-auc:0.717964
## [89] test-auc:0.718027
## [90] test-auc:0.718159
## [91] test-auc:0.718124
## [92] test-auc:0.718170
## [93] test-auc:0.718174
## [94] test-auc:0.718334
## [95] test-auc:0.718440
## [96] test-auc:0.718514
## [97] test-auc:0.718610
## [98] test-auc:0.718661
## [99] test-auc:0.718525
## [100]    test-auc:0.718644
## [101]    test-auc:0.718732
## [102]    test-auc:0.718867
## [103]    test-auc:0.718806
## [104]    test-auc:0.718848
## [105]    test-auc:0.718819
## [106]    test-auc:0.718930
## [107]    test-auc:0.718979
## [108]    test-auc:0.719016
## [109]    test-auc:0.719053
## [110]    test-auc:0.719173
## [111]    test-auc:0.719311
## [112]    test-auc:0.719291
## [113]    test-auc:0.719311
## [114]    test-auc:0.719341
## [115]    test-auc:0.719551
## [116]    test-auc:0.719563
## [117]    test-auc:0.719583
## [118]    test-auc:0.719598
## [119]    test-auc:0.719521
## [120]    test-auc:0.719502
## [121]    test-auc:0.719677
## [122]    test-auc:0.719646
## [123]    test-auc:0.719615
## [124]    test-auc:0.719596
## [125]    test-auc:0.719609
## [126]    test-auc:0.719571
## [127]    test-auc:0.719693
## [128]    test-auc:0.719664
## [129]    test-auc:0.719737
## [130]    test-auc:0.719680
## [131]    test-auc:0.719655
## [132]    test-auc:0.719715
## [133]    test-auc:0.719762
## [134]    test-auc:0.719814
## [135]    test-auc:0.719833
## [136]    test-auc:0.719678
## [137]    test-auc:0.719681
## [138]    test-auc:0.719712
## [139]    test-auc:0.719671
## [140]    test-auc:0.719693
## [141]    test-auc:0.719686
## [142]    test-auc:0.719705
## [143]    test-auc:0.719756
## [144]    test-auc:0.719792
## [145]    test-auc:0.719727
## Stopping. Best iteration: 136
predict_loan_status_xgb = predict(xgb_model,as.matrix(test_data[getNumericColumns(test_data)]))

rocCurve_xgb = roc(response = test_data$loan_status,
               predictor = predict_loan_status_xgb)

auc_curve = auc(rocCurve_xgb)

plot(rocCurve_xgb,legacy.axes = TRUE,print.auc = TRUE,col="red",main="ROC(XGB)")

## Call:
## roc.default(response = test_data$loan_status, predictor = predict_loan_status_xgb)
## Data: predict_loan_status_xgb in 18716 controls (test_data$loan_status Default) < 48844 cases (test_data$loan_status Fully.Paid).
## Area under the curve: 0.7128
predict_loan_status_label = ifelse(predict_loan_status_xgb<0.5,"Default","Fully.Paid")
c = confusionMatrix(predict_loan_status_label,test_data$loan_status,positive="Fully.Paid")

table_perf[4,] = c("XGB",

The model’s performance is as follow

##   model   auc accuracy sensitivity specificity kappa
## 4   XGB 0.713    0.607       0.549       0.759 0.239

Averaging Ensemble

Our final model is to combine the result of previous machine learning models and provide a single prediction by averaging probabilities from all previous models.

predict_loan_status_ensemble = predict_loan_status_logit +
                               predict_loan_status_svm +
                               predict_loan_status_rf +

predict_loan_status_ensemble = predict_loan_status_ensemble / 4

rocCurve_ensemble = roc(response = test_data$loan_status,
               predictor = predict_loan_status_ensemble)
## Warning in roc.default(response = test_data$loan_status, predictor =
## predict_loan_status_ensemble): Deprecated use a matrix as predictor.
## Unexpected results may be produced, please pass a numeric vector.
auc_curve = auc(rocCurve_ensemble)

plot(rocCurve_ensemble,legacy.axes = TRUE,print.auc = TRUE,col="red",main="ROC(Ensemble Avg.)")

## Call:
## roc.default(response = test_data$loan_status, predictor = predict_loan_status_ensemble)
## Data: predict_loan_status_ensemble in 18716 controls (test_data$loan_status Default) < 48844 cases (test_data$loan_status Fully.Paid).
## Area under the curve: 0.7113
predict_loan_status_label = ifelse(predict_loan_status_ensemble<0.5,"Default","Fully.Paid")
c = confusionMatrix(predict_loan_status_label,test_data$loan_status,positive="Fully.Paid")

table_perf[5,] = c("Ensemble",

We get the following performance

##      model   auc accuracy sensitivity specificity kappa
## 5 Ensemble 0.711    0.623       0.586        0.72 0.246

Model Comparison

AUC for each model and their performance when we set probability cutoff at 50% is summarised below

##                 model   auc accuracy sensitivity specificity kappa
## 1 logistic regression 0.704    0.643       0.636       0.662 0.251
## 2                 SVM 0.698    0.592       0.536       0.739 0.213
## 3        RandomForest 0.705    0.638       0.622       0.679  0.25
## 4                 XGB 0.713    0.607       0.549       0.759 0.239
## 5            Ensemble 0.711    0.623       0.586        0.72 0.246
plot(rocCurve_logit,legacy.axes = TRUE,col="red",main="ROC compare")
## Call:
## roc.default(response = test_data$loan_status, predictor = predict_loan_status_logit)
## Data: predict_loan_status_logit in 18716 controls (test_data$loan_status Default) < 48844 cases (test_data$loan_status Fully.Paid).
## Area under the curve: 0.7042
plot(rocCurve_svm,legacy.axes = TRUE,col="blue",add=TRUE)
## Call:
## roc.default(response = test_data$loan_status, predictor = predict_loan_status_svm)
## Data: predict_loan_status_svm in 18716 controls (test_data$loan_status Default) < 48844 cases (test_data$loan_status Fully.Paid).
## Area under the curve: 0.6976
plot(rocCurve_rf,legacy.axes = TRUE,col="green",add=TRUE)
## Call:
## roc.default(response = test_data$loan_status, predictor = predict_loan_status_rf)
## Data: predict_loan_status_rf in 18716 controls (test_data$loan_status Default) < 48844 cases (test_data$loan_status Fully.Paid).
## Area under the curve: 0.7046
plot(rocCurve_xgb,legacy.axes = TRUE,col="orange",add=TRUE)
## Call:
## roc.default(response = test_data$loan_status, predictor = predict_loan_status_xgb)
## Data: predict_loan_status_xgb in 18716 controls (test_data$loan_status Default) < 48844 cases (test_data$loan_status Fully.Paid).
## Area under the curve: 0.7128
plot(rocCurve_ensemble,legacy.axes = TRUE,col="black",add=TRUE)
## Call:
## roc.default(response = test_data$loan_status, predictor = predict_loan_status_ensemble)
## Data: predict_loan_status_ensemble in 18716 controls (test_data$loan_status Default) < 48844 cases (test_data$loan_status Fully.Paid).
## Area under the curve: 0.7113

Kappa statistics from all models exceed 20% by just small amount, which indicated that they perform moderately better than chance. XGB takes advantage of receiving all downsampling data and provides highest AUC. Comparing performance across models may not be valid, though, because we use different downsampling data for each model. Ensemble model doesn’t improve AUC as we expected.

We are surprised to find that Logistic regression does provide a very competitive performance. At 50% cutoff, it yields reasonable compromise between the percentage of correctly identified good loans(Sensitivity) and bad loans(Specificity) while not sacrificing Accuracy too much(recall that the naive strategy yields 72.3% accuracy). SVM with RBF kernel has lowest AUC. We can train it with only some portion of data as time complexity of the model rapidly jump up. RandomForest yields a comparable result to Logistic Regression. XGB sacrifices Sensitivity rate for Specificity(ability to recall bad loans). It may be suitable if we really want to avoid default loans. Ensemble model does tune up XGB a little bit. Given the simplicity of Logistic Regression model, and ROC graphs are, overall, not significantly difference, we recommend it as a model of choice for predicting LendingClub dataset.

We can calculate investment performance assumed that we follow each model predictions based on 50% cutoff:

#assign the features back for evaluation
test_data$grade = test_data_grade
test_data$funded_amnt = test_data_funded_amnt
test_data$total_pymnt = test_data_total_pymnt

#logistic regression
test_data$prediction =  ifelse(predict_loan_status_logit<0.5,"Default","Fully Paid")
logit_table = createPerformanceTable(test_data)

test_data$prediction =  ifelse(predict_loan_status_svm<0.5,"Default","Fully Paid")
svm_table = createPerformanceTable(test_data)

test_data$prediction =  ifelse(predict_loan_status_rf<0.5,"Default","Fully Paid")
rf_table = createPerformanceTable(test_data)

test_data$prediction =  ifelse(predict_loan_status_xgb<0.5,"Default","Fully Paid")
xgb_table = createPerformanceTable(test_data)

test_data$prediction =  ifelse(predict_loan_status_ensemble<0.5,"Default","Fully Paid")
ensemble_table = createPerformanceTable(test_data)

For Logistic Regression:

##   grade         roi percent_pick
## 1     A -0.02868136   99.9407513
## 2     B -0.07712652   94.1537468
## 3     C -0.11730945   60.4015616
## 4     D -0.14398647   18.4491764
## 5     E -0.12421653    2.1814007
## 6     F -0.16091886    0.1059322
## 7     G  0.00000000    0.0000000
## 8   ALL -0.08203923   55.3463588

For SVM:

##   grade         roi percent_pick
## 1     A -0.02842189  99.43121223
## 2     B -0.08390121  99.15374677
## 3     C -0.11470667  36.73883283
## 4     D  0.01494777   0.77139413
## 5     E  0.09743927   0.05102692
## 6     F  0.00000000   0.00000000
## 7     G  0.00000000   0.00000000
## 8   ALL -0.07477126  46.01243339

For RandomForest:

##   grade         roi percent_pick
## 1     A -0.02860544  100.0000000
## 2     B -0.08057145   97.6227390
## 3     C -0.11395171   59.3570958
## 4     D -0.09056090    8.0112495
## 5     E -0.13019485    1.6456181
## 6     F -0.28616990    0.6002825
## 7     G  0.06104822    0.3740648
## 8   ALL -0.07832291   53.8839550

For XGB:

##   grade         roi percent_pick
## 1     A -0.02755103   99.0046214
## 2     B -0.06683685   84.5994832
## 3     C -0.08522953   38.6807281
## 4     D -0.10742489   14.2868622
## 5     E -0.11417002    5.2940426
## 6     F -0.10204509    1.5889831
## 7     G -0.09492406    0.6234414
## 8   ALL -0.06275065   46.3632327

For Ensemble model:

##   grade         roi percent_pick
## 1     A -0.02857455  99.97630051
## 2     B -0.07905501  96.93798450
## 3     C -0.09891564  47.92881407
## 4     D -0.07386266   7.11128967
## 5     E -0.06045371   0.98226815
## 6     F -0.42870486   0.07062147
## 7     G  0.00000000   0.00000000
## 8   ALL -0.07069706  50.11841326

Our baseline strategy:

##   grade         roi percent_pick
## 1     A -0.02860544          100
## 2     B -0.08447862          100
## 3     C -0.16181754          100
## 4     D -0.23565662          100
## 5     E -0.28144831          100
## 6     F -0.34315720          100
## 7     G -0.35786380          100
## 8   ALL -0.17560423          100

We can visualize returns for each model:

logit_table$model_name = "logit"
svm_table$model_name = "svm"
rf_table$model_name = "rf"
xgb_table$model_name = "xgb"
ensemble_table$model_name = "ensemble"
baseline_table$model_name = "baseline"

full_table = rbind(logit_table,svm_table,rf_table,xgb_table,ensemble_table,baseline_table)

ggplot(full_table,aes(x=grade,y=roi*100,group=model_name)) + 
    geom_line(aes(colour = model_name)) + 
    geom_point() +
    xlab("Grade") +
    ylab("ROI(%)") +
    labs(title = "Return on identified 2015 loans")

and percentage of loans for each grade they picked:

ggplot(full_table,aes(x=grade,y=percent_pick,group=model_name)) + 
    geom_line(aes(colour = model_name)) + 
    geom_point() +
    xlab("Grade") +
    ylab("Percent Picked(%)") +
    labs(title = "Loan picked")

All 5 prediction models beat the benchmark strategy in nearly very aspects. Though they did so for low-grade loans by selecting virtually none. Percentage of loan picked by SVM taper off very fast for D, E, F, G grades. It has high Specificity(ability to recall default) so it might be best to use against riskier loans. Many models do shine on predicting middle rate- B, C, D grade - loans, as their ROI is significantly higher than the baseline’s, and still have sizable investment.


Determining the loan outcome, like many financial predictions, is clearly not an easy task. Our models barely go above 20% Kappa Statistics which indicates that chance still played a large role here. They also penalized low-grade loans so much that they rather not select anythings, and thus prevent us from reaping benefits of higher interest rate. Our finding nevertheless shows a promising venue in loan prediction, as higher-than-average ROI can still be gained on certain loan quality. A further analysis may incorporate some discarded features, such as emp_title, or external information, like relevant economic status, into the model.