We first define a factor g
of the two comparison groups CTL (n=13) as “0” and CIS (n=13) as “1”. Then the variable days
represents the days when body weight and food intake were recorded, this will be used as columns names. Finally, we read the data as follows:
- bw
body weight
- f.intake
food intake
- spt
sucrose preference test
- tst
tail suspention test
The following two plots show the changes in the body weight of the two groups. CLT group average body weight is increasing consistently , while CIS group average body weight is decreasing overtime. The changes in the body weight of both groups are partialy explained by the changes in the food intake. There is a pattern across time in both groups, most probably due to error in collecting data or the availiablity of food confounded the food intake. The scatter plot showe, however, s a linear relation between the food intake and the body weight. and a correlation of -0.2497555.
The changes in the fluid intake could be explained by the decreased water intake of CIS mice group on average compared to the CTL group. There is a slight decrease in the sucrose intake of the CIS group due to the wider variability and the presence of a couple of outliers in the CTL group.
There is a slight difference between the immobility duration of CIS and CTL group mice on averages. This could be again due to the within group variability and an outlier in the CIS group.