The purpose of this project was to see how the current public transit system is serving New York City’s disabled population, as well as other populations that need elevators, like young children and people over 60.
New York City is famous for its robust transit system as it is one of the few in the United States. Grime and strangeness of the place aside, or perhaps because of it, the subway is a cultural hub. It is full of cross-class interactions, performance art, graffiti, murals and the unpredictability of a large population. It is worth asking who is excluded from this space.
As fares rise and gaggles of police spring up, ready to gun down fare evaders, one cannot help but ask if the money could be spent differently.
###################Subway Data Import
#subway stop data
raw_MTA_Subway <- read_csv("/Users/zolahaber/Desktop/Stuff & Things/School/Grad School/DUE Methods 1/part2/data/raw/MTA_Subway_Stations_20241209.csv")
#just the accessible stops
Accessible_MTA <- raw_MTA_Subway|>
filter(ADA >= 1)
#making the stops plottable
sf_accessible_MTA <-st_as_sf(Accessible_MTA, coords=c("GTFS Longitude", "GTFS Latitude"))
## importing the shapefile for the subway lines
lines <- st_read("~/Desktop/Stuff & Things/School/Grad School/DUE Methods 1/part2/data/raw/geo/Subway Lines.geojson")
#Converting to sf
lines_sf <- st_as_sf(lines)
#importing the shapefile for streets
streets <- st_read("~/Desktop/Stuff & Things/School/Grad School/DUE Methods 1/part2/data/raw/geo/NYC Street Centerline (CSCL).geojson")
#converting sf
streets_sf <- st_as_sf(streets)
## import borough shapefiles from NYC Open Data
boros <- st_read("~/Desktop/Stuff & Things/School/Grad School/DUE Methods 1/part2/data/raw/geo/Borough Boundaries.geojson")
######################Accessible Data Import
pl_2020 <- load_variables(2020, "pl", cache = T)
# load a list of all acs variables
acs_vars_2020 <- load_variables(2022, "acs5", cache = T)
#getting data for age
raw_age <- get_acs(geography = "tract",
variables = c(M_under_5 = "B01001_003",
F_under_5 = "B01001_027",
M_60_61 = "B01001_018",
M_62_64 = "B01001_019",
M_65_66 = "B01001_020",
M_67_69 = "B01001_021",
M_70_74 = "B01001_022",
M_75_79 = "B01001_023",
M_80_84 = "B01001_024",
M_85_plus = "B01001_025",
F_60_61 = "B01001_042",
F_62_64 = "B01001_043",
F_65_66 = "B01001_044",
F_67_69 = "B01001_045",
F_70_74 = "B01001_046",
F_75_79 = "B01001_047",
F_80_84 = "B01001_048",
F_85_plus = "B01001_049",
sex_by_age_tot = "B01001_001"),
state = "NY",
county = c("Kings","New York","Bronx","Queens","Richmond"),
geometry = T,
year = 2022,
output = "wide")
#getting data for disability
raw_disability <- get_acs(geography = "tract",
variables = c(disability_status_tot = "B18101_001",
M_under_5 = "B18101_004",
M_5_17 = "B18101_007",
M_18_34 = "B18101_010",
M_35_64 = "B18101_013",
M_65_74 = "B18101_016",
M_75_up = "B18101_019",
F_under_5 = "B18101_023",
F_5_17 = "B18101_026",
F_18_34 = "B18101_029",
F_35_64 = "B18101_032",
F_65_74 = "B18101_035",
F_75_up = "B18101_038"),
state = "NY",
county = c("Kings","New York","Bronx","Queens","Richmond"),
geometry = T,
year = 2022,
output = "wide")
#making the data nice
age_data <- raw_age|>
mutate(under_5 = (`M_under_5E` + `F_under_5E`),
M_60_plus = (`M_60_61E` + `M_62_64E` + `M_65_66E` + `M_67_69E` +
`M_70_74E`+ `M_75_79E` + `M_80_84E` + `M_85_plusE`),
F_60_plus = (`F_60_61E` + `F_62_64E` + `F_65_66E` + `F_67_69E` +
`F_70_74E` + `F_75_79E` + `F_80_84E` + `F_85_plusE`),
senior_citizen = (`F_60_plus` + `M_60_plus`))|>
rename(sex_by_age_tot = sex_by_age_totE)|>
select(GEOID, NAME, under_5, M_60_plus, F_60_plus,
mutate(percent_under_5 = under_5/sex_by_age_tot,
percent_senior = senior_citizen/sex_by_age_tot)
#making disability data nice
disability_data <- raw_disability|>
mutate(disabled = M_under_5E,M_5_17E,M_18_34E,M_35_64E,M_65_74E,M_75_upE,F_under_5E,
select(GEOID,NAME, disability_status_totE, disabled)|>
mutate(percent_disabled = disabled/disability_status_totE)|>
Fig. 1:
This map shows that there is a small disabled population spread through Queens, the Bronx and upper Manhattan recorded in 2020.There does not seem to be much correlation of accessible stations to pockets of disabled populations within Brooklyn. A flaw with this data is that it does not specify the type disability. The populations in this data could have mobility related disabilities, but they could also be related to sight or hearing.
####################### Graphing time
#Disability Map
ggplot(data = boros)+
geom_sf(color = "#fff",
lwd = 0) +
theme_void() +
geom_sf(data = disability_data, mapping = aes(fill = disabled),
color = "transparent")+
palette = "YlOrRd",
direction = 1,
na.value = "transparent",
name="Disabled Population") +
geom_sf(data=lines_sf, colour="blue", linewidth=.25)+
geom_point(data= Accessible_MTA,
aes(x=`GTFS Longitude`, y=`GTFS Latitude`), colour="blue",
fill="white",pch=21, size=.5, alpha=I(0.5))+
title = "Disabled Populations and Accessible Subway Stations
in NYC",
caption = "Sources: MTA, American Community Survey, 2020")+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Brooklyn"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Manhattan"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Bronx"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Staten Island"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Queens"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)
Fig. 2:
This map shows that as of 2020, the majority of the elderly population lives in Upper Manhattan, Riverdale Bronx, Selton Falls Park Bronx, North Queens, Long Island, Charleston Staten Island, along Freshkills Park Staten Island, East Brooklyn and the Upper West Side.I chose to look at populations of 60 and over because that is the age when people start to struggle climbing stairs.
#Over 60
geom_sf(color = "#fff",
lwd = 0) +
theme_void() +
geom_sf(data = age_data, mapping = aes(fill = percent_senior),
color = "transparent")+
palette = "YlGnBu",
direction = 1,
na.value = "transparent",
name="Percent Population Over 60") +
geom_sf(data=lines_sf, colour="magenta4", linewidth=.25)+
geom_point(data= Accessible_MTA,
aes(x=`GTFS Longitude`, y=`GTFS Latitude`), colour="magenta4",
fill="white",pch=21, size=.5, alpha=I(0.5))+
title = "Population Concentration of People Over 60
and Accessible Stations",
caption = "Sources: MTA, American Community Survey, 2020")+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Brooklyn"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Manhattan"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Bronx"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Staten Island"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Queens"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)
Fig. 3:
This map shows that as of 2020, the highest concentrations of children under 5 are living in Borough Park Brooklyn, Clinton Hill Brooklyn and Pelham Bay Bronx. I chose to look at this population because children under 5 often need strollers.
#under 5
geom_sf(color = "#fff",
lwd = 0) +
theme_void() +
geom_sf(data = age_data, mapping = aes(fill = percent_under_5),
color = "transparent")+
palette = "RdPu",
direction = 1,
na.value = "transparent",
name="Percentage of Children Under 5") +
geom_sf(data=lines_sf, colour="darkgreen", linewidth=.25)+
geom_point(data= Accessible_MTA,
aes(x=`GTFS Longitude`, y=`GTFS Latitude`), colour="darkgreen",
fill="white",pch=21, size=.5, alpha=I(0.5))+
title = "Population Concentration of Children Under 5
and Accessible Stations",
caption = "Sources: MTA, American Community Survey, 2020")+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Brooklyn"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Manhattan"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Bronx"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Staten Island"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Queens"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)
Fig. 4
This map shows all accessible stations and has the lines colored to its coordinating trains. There are also streets added so that it is easier to tell where the stations are. The purpose of this map is to show how sparse the accessible stations are, driving home how limiting our current system is for not only those who are listed as disabled, but for senior citizens and small children.
#the map
ggplot(data = boros)+
geom_sf(color = "#fff",
fill= "cornsilk1",
lwd = 0) +
theme_void() +
geom_sf(data=streets_sf, colour="wheat4", linewidth=.05)+
geom_sf(data=red_line, colour="red", linewidth=.25)+
geom_sf(data=green_line, colour="green4", linewidth=.25)+
geom_sf(data=purple_line, colour="purple", linewidth=.25)+
geom_sf(data=blue_line, colour="blue", linewidth=.25)+
geom_sf(data=orange_line, colour="orange", linewidth=.25)+
geom_sf(data=light_green_line, colour="lightgreen", linewidth=.25)+
geom_sf(data=brown_line, colour="brown", linewidth=.25)+
geom_sf(data=grey_line, colour="grey", linewidth=.25)+
geom_sf(data=yellow_line, colour="gold", linewidth=.25)+
geom_point(data= Accessible_MTA,
aes(x=`GTFS Longitude`, y=`GTFS Latitude`), colour="black",
fill="white",pch=21, size=.5, alpha=I(0.5)) +
title = "Accessible Subway Stations in NYC",
caption = "Source: MTA")+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Brooklyn"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Manhattan"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Bronx"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Staten Island"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)+
geom_sf(data = boros |> filter(boro_name == "Queens"),
color = "black", fill = NA, lwd = .25)
Fig. 5
This table shows the names of ADA accessible stations, the boroughs they are within, the trains you can access, as well as the ADA notes which shows the stations that are only accessible in one direction.
#making a table
user_friendly <- Accessible_MTA|>
select("Stop Name","Borough","Daytime Routes","ADA Notes")
kable(user_friendly, format = "html") %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover"), full_width = F)
Stop Name | Borough | Daytime Routes | ADA Notes |
Astoria Blvd | Q | N W | NA |
57 St-7 Av | M | N Q R W | NA |
49 St | M | N R W | Uptown only |
Times Sq-42 St | M | N Q R W | NA |
34 St-Herald Sq | M | N Q R W | NA |
14 St-Union Sq | M | N Q R W | NA |
Cortlandt St | M | R W | NA |
Jay St-MetroTech | Bk | R | NA |
DeKalb Av | Bk | B Q R | NA |
Atlantic Av-Barclays Ctr | Bk | D N R | NA |
59 St | Bk | N R | NA |
86 St | Bk | R | NA |
Atlantic Av-Barclays Ctr | Bk | B Q | NA |
Prospect Park | Bk | B Q S | NA |
Avenue H | Bk | Q | NA |
Kings Hwy | Bk | B Q | NA |
Coney Island-Stillwell Av | Bk | D F N Q | NA |
62 St | Bk | D | NA |
Bay Pkwy | Bk | D | NA |
8 Av | Bk | N | NA |
New Utrecht Av | Bk | N | NA |
Flushing Av | Bk | M J | NA |
Marcy Av | Bk | M J Z | NA |
Chambers St | M | J Z | NA |
Fulton St | M | J Z | NA |
Middle Village-Metropolitan Av | Q | M | NA |
Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs | Bk | M | NA |
8 Av | M | L | NA |
6 Av | M | L | NA |
14 St-Union Sq | M | L | NA |
1 Av | M | L | NA |
Bedford Av | Bk | L | NA |
Lorimer St | Bk | L | NA |
Grand St | Bk | L | NA |
Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs | Bk | L | NA |
Wilson Av | Bk | L | Manhattan-bound only |
Livonia Av | Bk | L | NA |
Canarsie-Rockaway Pkwy | Bk | L | NA |
Franklin Av | Bk | S | NA |
Park Pl | Bk | S | NA |
Inwood-207 St | M | A | NA |
181 St | M | A | NA |
175 St | M | A | NA |
168 St | M | A C | NA |
125 St | M | A C B D | NA |
59 St-Columbus Circle | M | A C B D | NA |
50 St | M | C E | Downtown only |
42 St-Port Authority Bus Terminal | M | A C E | NA |
34 St-Penn Station | M | A C E | NA |
14 St | M | A C E | NA |
W 4 St-Wash Sq | M | A C E | NA |
W 4 St-Wash Sq | M | B D F M | NA |
World Trade Center | M | E | NA |
Fulton St | M | A C | NA |
Jay St-MetroTech | Bk | A C F | NA |
Franklin Av | Bk | C | NA |
Utica Av | Bk | A C | NA |
Euclid Av | Bk | A C | NA |
Ozone Park-Lefferts Blvd | Q | A | NA |
Aqueduct Racetrack | Q | A | NA |
Howard Beach-JFK Airport | Q | A | NA |
Rockaway Park-Beach 116 St | Q | A S | NA |
Beach 67 St | Q | A | NA |
Far Rockaway-Mott Av | Q | A | NA |
Bedford Park Blvd | Bx | B D | NA |
Kingsbridge Rd | Bx | B D | NA |
Tremont Av | Bx | B D | NA |
161 St-Yankee Stadium | Bx | B D | NA |
21 St-Queensbridge | Q | F | NA |
Roosevelt Island | M | F | NA |
Lexington Av/63 St | M | F Q | NA |
47-50 Sts-Rockefeller Ctr | M | B D F M | NA |
34 St-Herald Sq | M | B D F M | NA |
14 St | M | F M | Uptown only |
Broadway-Lafayette St | M | B D F M | NA |
7 Av | Bk | F G | NA |
Church Av | Bk | F G | NA |
Jamaica-179 St | Q | F | NA |
Kew Gardens-Union Tpke | Q | E F | NA |
Forest Hills-71 Av | Q | E F M R | NA |
Jackson Hts-Roosevelt Av | Q | E F M R | NA |
Queens Plaza | Q | E M R | NA |
Court Sq-23 St | Q | E M | Manhattan-bound only |
Lexington Av/53 St | M | E M | NA |
Jamaica Center-Parsons/Archer | Q | E J Z | NA |
Sutphin Blvd-Archer Av-JFK Airport | Q | E J Z | NA |
Jamaica-Van Wyck | Q | E | NA |
Court Sq | Q | G | NA |
Greenpoint Av | Bk | G | NA |
Metropolitan Av | Bk | G | NA |
231 St | Bx | 1 | NA |
Dyckman St | M | 1 | NA |
96 St | M | 1 2 3 | NA |
72 St | M | 1 2 3 | NA |
66 St-Lincoln Center | M | 1 | NA |
59 St-Columbus Circle | M | 1 | NA |
Times Sq-42 St | M | 1 2 3 | NA |
34 St-Penn Station | M | 1 2 3 | NA |
Chambers St | M | 1 2 3 | NA |
WTC Cortlandt | M | 1 | NA |
South Ferry | M | 1 | NA |
Fulton St | M | 2 3 | NA |
Borough Hall | Bk | 2 3 | NA |
Hoyt St | Bk | 2 3 | Outbound only |
Atlantic Av-Barclays Ctr | Bk | 2 3 4 5 | NA |
Eastern Pkwy-Brooklyn Museum | Bk | 2 3 | NA |
Crown Hts-Utica Av | Bk | 3 4 | NA |
Church Av | Bk | 2 5 | NA |
Flatbush Av-Brooklyn College | Bk | 2 5 | NA |
Pelham Bay Park | Bx | 6 | NA |
Hunts Point Av | Bx | 6 | NA |
E 149 St | Bx | 6 | NA |
Fordham Rd | Bx | 4 | NA |
170 St | Bx | 4 | NA |
161 St-Yankee Stadium | Bx | 4 | NA |
125 St | M | 4 5 6 | NA |
86 St | M | 4 5 6 | Uptown local only |
51 St | M | 6 | NA |
Grand Central-42 St | M | 4 5 6 | NA |
28 St | M | 6 | Downtown only |
23 St | M | 6 | NA |
Bleecker St | M | 6 | NA |
Canal St | M | 6 | NA |
Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall | M | 4 5 6 | NA |
Fulton St | M | 4 5 | NA |
Bowling Green | M | 4 5 | NA |
Borough Hall | Bk | 4 5 | Manhattan-bound only |
233 St | Bx | 2 5 | NA |
Gun Hill Rd | Bx | 2 5 | NA |
Pelham Pkwy | Bx | 2 5 | NA |
E 180 St | Bx | 2 5 | NA |
Simpson St | Bx | 2 5 | NA |
3 Av-149 St | Bx | 2 5 | NA |
135 St | M | 2 3 | NA |
Gun Hill Rd | Bx | 5 | NA |
Flushing-Main St | Q | 7 | NA |
Junction Blvd | Q | 7 | NA |
74 St-Broadway | Q | 7 | NA |
61 St-Woodside | Q | 7 | NA |
Court Sq | Q | 7 | NA |
Grand Central-42 St | M | 7 | NA |
Times Sq-42 St | M | 7 | NA |
Times Sq-42 St | M | S | NA |
Grand Central-42 St | M | S | NA |
34 St-Hudson Yards | M | 7 | NA |
96 St | M | Q | NA |
86 St | M | Q | NA |
72 St | M | Q | NA |
St George | SI | SIR | NA |
Dongan Hills | SI | SIR | NA |
New Dorp | SI | SIR | NA |
Great Kills | SI | SIR | NA |
Tottenville | SI | SIR | NA |
Arthur Kill | SI | SIR | NA |
Next steps for this project would be to do further research on the pockets of disabled populations, why they are so concentrated and how their needs could be better met by the New York transit system. I would also want to look deeper into the topic of disability and find more specific data on the concentrations of types of disability. I would then want to map the accommodations, both where they are and where they are needed. If my skills were more advanced I would ideally like to make a google maps-type of interactive map where those who need elevators could plan trips more easily, taking into account stations where it is only accessible in one direction as well as stations that are only accessible for transfers within the station.
My data came from from the American Community Survey, the MTA and NYC OpenData. The American Community Survey provided data about the disabled populations of NYC, as well as the elderly and under five populations. The MTA supplied the data about the subway stations, including which ones were accessible for which trains. NYC OpenData provided the shapefiles for the streets as well as for the subway lines