# some general libraries 


Simulations with the P-model, implemented in {rsofun}, rely on forcing data in the form of time series of all input variables, provided at the time scale of the model time step (daily). The model output is at the same time steps, covering the same time span (entire years) as the forcing data.

This vignette demonstrates the use of {rsofun} for an ensemble of site-level (i.e. point-scale) P-model simulations at a network of sites for which specifically formatted data of meteorological variables are available and used as model forcing. Here, we use data from the FLUXNET network of ecosystem flux measurements, providing observations of CO2, latent and sensible heat fluxes and parallel measurements of meteorological variables. We compare model outputs of gross primary production (GPP, the ecosystem-level CO2 uptake driven by photosynthesis) to observation-based daily values available from FLUXNET data.

The P-model can be used to simulate GPP, given climatic variables, and given the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR). The latter reflects vegetation greenness and is estimated from satellite remote sensing. The source of this data is MODIS FPAR here and used in combination with FLUXNET estimates of meteorological variables.

The model can also be used for arbitrary locations for which forcing data is generated from global map data. This is demonstrated in a separate vignette.


{rsofun} is not on CRAN. Install the current version from the main branch directly from GitHub.

# geco-bern packages not on CRAN
# if(!require(remotes)){install.packages(remotes)}
# remotes::install_github("geco-bern/rsofun")

Load the data

Required model forcing variables are documented here. The model forcing, site, and simulation parameters are contained in a model driver object. This object is fromatted in a tidy shape with sites organised along rows and forcing time series, site and simulation parameters wrapped into cells, separate for each site. Each row provides the model driver information for one site-level simulation.

## # A tibble: 1 × 4
##   sitename params_siml       site_info        forcing              
##   <chr>    <list>            <list>           <list>               
## 1 FR-Pue   <tibble [1 × 11]> <tibble [1 × 4]> <tibble [2,190 × 13]>

The model driver object is constructed from data collected and processed (unit conversion, some limited additional gap-filling) from FLUXNET-standard data, obtained from regional networks and previous collection efforts (ICOS, AmeriFlux, PLUMBER-2, etc). The model driver object is made available on Zenodo:

Hufkens, K., & Stocker, B. (2024). FluxDataKit v3.1: A comprehensive data set of ecosystem fluxes for land surface modelling (3.1) [Data set]. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11370417

Download the file rsofun_driver_data_v3.1.rds and place it locally. It is not included in the repository rsofundemo. Read it, pointing to its local path:

driver <- readRDS("~/data_2/FluxDataKit/v3.4/zenodo_upload/rsofun_driver_data_v3.4.rds")

Run the model

Model parameters are kept separate from the driver object. These are not the same as simulation or site parameters, but are to be calibrated, given data. For demonstration, we use parameter values obtained from a prior calibration.

params_modl <- list(
  kphio              = 0.04998,    # setup ORG in Stocker et al. 2020 GMD
  kphio_par_a        = 0.0,        # set to zero to disable temperature-dependence of kphio
  kphio_par_b        = 1.0,
  soilm_thetastar    = 0.6 * 240,  # to recover old setup with soil moisture stress
  soilm_betao        = 0.0,
  beta_unitcostratio = 146.0,
  rd_to_vcmax        = 0.014,      # value from Atkin et al. 2015 for C3 herbaceous
  tau_acclim         = 30.0,
  kc_jmax            = 0.41

With all data prepared we can now run the P-model using the function runread_pmodel_f() from the {rsofun} package. This function takes the nested data structure and runs the model site by site, returning nested model output results matching the input drivers.

output <- rsofun::runread_pmodel_f(
  driver |> 
    filter(sitename == "GF-Guy"),
  par = params_modl

Evaluate model

The driver object obtained from FluxDataKit contains also time series of ecosystem fluxes. In the present context, these can be used for comparison to model outputs.

Time series for single site

Let’s compare model outputs and observations for GPP of a single site - GF-Guy a tropical evergreen forest.

Combine model outputs and observations into a single data frame.

# first take model outputs
df <- output |> 
  filter(sitename == "GF-Guy") |> 
  select(data) |> 
  unnest(data) |> 
  select(date, gpp_mod = gpp) |> 
    # merge with observations
    driver |> 
      filter(sitename == "GF-Guy") |> 
      select(forcing) |> 
      unnest(forcing) |> 
      select(date, gpp_obs = gpp),
    by = "date"

Visualise model outputs and observations.

df |> 
  pivot_longer(starts_with("gpp_")) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = name)) +
  geom_line() +
  ylim(0, 12) +
## Warning: Removed 5840 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
## (`geom_line()`).

df |> 
  filter(year(date) == 2015) |> 
  pivot_longer(starts_with("gpp_")) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = value, color = name)) +
  geom_line() +
  ylim(0, 12) +

df |> 
  filter(year(date) == 2015) |> 
  ggplot(aes(y = gpp_mod, x = gpp_obs)) +
  geom_point() +
  theme_classic() +
  xlim(0, 10) +
  ylim(0,10) +    
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, linetype = "dotted")
## Warning: Removed 106 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
## (`geom_point()`).