Aims &
There are four aims for the Dune Transect Practical on the Nelson
Mandela University Nature Reserve, each with their own set of
- To expose students to coding and thinking in
- Objective 1.1: To demonstrate how to import and manage data
in R using scripts, addressing common issues that arise during the
- Objective 1.2: To explain key coding concepts such as
objects, functions and parameters.
- Objective 1.3: To equip students with problem-solving
skills by guiding them through troubleshooting techniques and debugging
in R.
- To illustrate the way community continua are
depicted using multivariate analysis techniques.
- Objective 2.1: To use this year’s data to generate
ordinations using a range of algorithms (i.e. PCA, DCA, and NMDS) in
R and the vegan library.
- Objective 1.2: To draw these ordinations by hand and link
the quadrats along each transect.
- To compare the various multivariate analysis
- Objective 3.1: Using the hand-drawn figures from
Objective 1.2, describe the appropriateness of each ordination
algorithm to the data (see Section 2 below).
- To illustrate successional changes in vegetation
after fire.
- Objective 4.1: To interpret figures provided to you to
include in your write up.
- Objective 4.2: To assess the impact of fire on
Dune Fynbos vegetation.
Which Ordination is
I suggest a very practical approach—apply the various ordination
techniques and then select the simplest one that effectively spreads the
points (the order of complexity, from low to high, is: CA, PCA, DCA,
NMDS). This allows you to visually compare how well each method captures
the variation in your data and ensures that you choose a method suited
to both the structure and complexity of your dataset.
Key things to consider while following this strategy:
- NMDS often provides good separation even for complex, non-linear
datasets but can be more challenging to interpret compared to PCA or
- PCA could be preferred if you find that linear methods offer a
sufficiently clear spread of points with simpler interpretation,
especially when there’s less species-environment interaction
- DCA is useful when there are clear gradients in the data that
simpler methods might not detect as well.
This approach gives flexibility while allowing you to balance
interpretability and statistical power based on the dataset’s underlying
Comparing Ordination
Base plot
The following ordination plots use three different techniques, with
each transect represented by a unique color and quadrat numbers labeled.
These plots reflect what you performed in the practical session.

Base plot with
transect lines

Base plot with
The same ordinations as above are now shown with the quadrats
combined across the three transects but split into different zones:
- Quadrats 1-3: Dune crest
- Quadrats 4-7: Dune slope
- Quadrats 12-13: Dune slack
The grouping of these zones are shown using convex
hulls. Convex hulls are used to visualize and delineate the
boundaries of groups of points (e.g., species, samples, or quadrats) in
ordination space. Convex hulls are a helpful tool for exploring patterns
and relationships between groups within the multivariate space of an
ordination plot.
There are two important things to note here:
- Quadrats 8 to 11 varied in their positioning
between the dune slope and slacks amongst the quadrats, so I decided to
exclude them in the convex hulls.
- Transect C encountered a bushclump between the
crest and the slack. Bushclumps often break the pattern of vegetation
change down a slope. Thus, I excluded the dune slope points of Transect
C from the dune slope convex hull.
- It is crucial to keep track of what happened on the ground to
understand what is happening in the ordination. The occurrence of the
bushclump generated substational “noise” in the ordination (see quadrats
4-11 in Transect C). I suggest that these quadrats be
excluded from the subsequent discussion about the vegetation change
across the dune face.

Convex Hull Key
- A convex hull is the smallest polygon that can
enclose a set of points in an ordination plot. It connects the outermost
points in a group, creating a boundary that contains all other points in
that group.
- In ordination analyses (e.g., PCA, NMDS), convex hulls are often
used to highlight and compare the spatial arrangement of
different groups, such as treatment groups, habitats, or
species clusters.
- Convex hulls help visualize the spread and separation of
groups, making it easier to interpret similarities or
differences between them. If the convex hulls of two groups overlap, it
may suggest that the groups are more similar in terms of species
composition or other variables. Conversely, separate hulls indicate more
distinct groups.
Base plots with
Below are the base plots with the descriptors added to the
ordination, i.e. the species.

species and quadrat relationships
In vegetation ordination, interpreting the positioning of species
(descriptors) relative to quadrats (objects) helps reveal patterns in
species distribution and community composition. Here are the key points
for interpretation:
- Proximity of Species to Quadrats:
- Species that are positioned closer to a quadrat indicate
that those species are more likely to be strongly associated or
abundant in that particular quadrat.
- Conversely, species positioned farther from a quadrat are more
likely to be less abundant or absent in that quadrat.(Remember that
ordinations only capture general trends).
- Distance between Quadrats:
- As covered in the lectures, quadrats that are close to each
other in ordination space share similar
species compositions. They likely have a similar set of species
or are influenced by similar environmental factors.
- Quadrats that are far apart in the plot are
more dissimilar in species composition or are subject
to different environmental conditions.
- Species in the Center:
- Species positioned near the center of the ordination plot tend
either be rare (restricted to only one or two quadrats)
OR are more generalist or widespread, occurring across
multiple quadrats with no strong preference for any specific group of
- Species positioned near the edges of the plot are usually more
specialized, showing a stronger preference for certain quadrats or
environmental conditions.
- Clusters or Groups:
- If species cluster around specific groups of quadrats, it suggests a
species assemblage unique to those quadrats, reflecting similar
ecological conditions or interactions.
- Take away points
- Species near quadrats = Higher abundance or presence in those
- Quadrats close together = Similar species composition.
- Species near the center = Rare (with low cover) OR generalist,
- Species on the edges = Specialist, specific habitat preference.
Let’s do the time warp
This same practical has been running every since 2016 (except 2020
and 2022). In 2017, this section of the reserve burnt. Thus,
not only can we use this data to see how the vegetation shifts across
the dune, but also see how the vegetation has recovered after the fire.
The 2017 data was collected 5 months after the fire.
All quadrats across

Convex hulls across

Convex hulls across
years and position
Below I show a subset of points, splitting the up across the
different zones. These aren’t new analyses! They are the same analyses
as those shown directly above, but show the points in the different zone
(by year).

HINT: In the figures above, one zone is remarkably
stable, while the other two seem to have shifts in their community. Why
could this be? Think of resprouters and reseeders, and the topics
covered in the BOTV211 ecology module. Look at the species dominant in
these various zones.
Environmental data
While environmental data can be incorporated directly into
ordinations to explore how environmental gradients influence species
distributions, for this practical report, we will take a different
approach. You are encouraged to explore your environmental data across
the three dune zones (crest, slope, and slack) using standard figure
comparisons, such as box and whisker plots. These plots will allow you
to visualize how the environmental variables differ across the dune
positions, helping you to understand the distinct conditions in each
Focus on creating clear comparisons that highlight how factors like
soil moisture, pH, or other measured variables vary between the dune
crest, slope, and slack. Use these comparisons to help interpret how
environmental differences might drive species patterns across the
Assign the following quadrats to the various zones:
- Quadrats 1-3: Dune crest
- Quadrats 4-7: Dune slope
- Quadrats 12-13: Dune slack
Practical Report
For this assignment, you are required to write a practical report
based on the vegetation quadrat surveys you conducted in the field. Your
report should explore ordination techniques while also integrating your
understanding of dune ecology, using both the data you collected and the
provided environmental variables.
Report Structure: The report must follow the IMRAD
format (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion):
- Objective: Provide a concise introduction to the
report, outlining the ecological context of the study. Discuss dune
ecology, touching on the importance of vegetation dynamics in coastal
dune systems, species composition, and environmental factors (such as
soil composition, wind, moisture gradients, and fire) that influence
plant communities.
- Background on Ordination Techniques: Briefly
introduce ordination as a method for analyzing ecological data.
Highlight why ordination is important in understanding patterns of
species distribution and community composition in relation to
environmental gradients.
- Aim: Clearly state the aims of the practical
(relevant to the practical write-up!).
- Fieldwork Summary: Describe the quadrat survey
methods used during the fieldwork. Include the size and number of
quadrats sampled, the species recorded, and any relevant environmental
data collected (e.g., soil pH, moisture, and light availability).
- Ordination Analysis: Outline the ordination
techniques applied (PCA, NMDS, CCA, etc.) to the vegetation data.
Explain why you applied each method and describe how the ordination
plots were generated.
- Environmental Data: Briefly describe the
environmental data provided and how it was incorporated into the
Ordination Plots: Present your ordination
results (figures), ensuring that axes are properly labeled, and legends
are clear. For each plot, mention the ordination technique used (PCA,
NMDS, CCA, etc.) and describe the spread of points (species and
quadrats) along the ordination axes. You are
encouraged to use the provided figures in your report, but ensure you
select only those relevant to your analysis. Use
PowerPoint to cut out the necessary figures, keeping their legends
intact, and resize them as needed without altering the content. When
including figures, make sure they are clearly labeled, accurately
referenced in your report, and accompanied by the correct legends. I
suggest that for the time-series analysis, you select only one
ordination algorithm to report on.
Environmental Data: Provide your environmental
data analyses comparing and contrasting the values across the three dune
Interpretation of Results:
- Describe any visible patterns or trends in species composition or
community structure. Are there distinct clusters of quadrats?
- How are environmental variables (if included) influencing the
species distribution?
- Compare the results from different ordination techniques—do some
techniques give a clearer or simpler spread than others?
- Comparison of Ordination Techniques: Reflect on the
performance of each ordination method. Which method provided the best
spread of points and the clearest ecological insight? Discuss the
strengths and limitations of each technique in the context of your
- Ecological Interpretation: Link the ordination
results to your understanding of dune ecology. Discuss how the observed
patterns of species distribution relate to ecological processes in the
dune environment, such as succession, disturbance by wind or sea spray,
nutrient availability, or fire.
- Field Experience: Incorporate insights from your
fieldwork. Did your observations in the field match the patterns
revealed by the ordination? Were there any species or environmental
trends that stood out during data collection and were confirmed by the
- Conclusion: Summarize your key findings,
emphasizing the value of ordination in exploring species-environment
relationships and how this contributes to understanding dune ecology.
General Guidelines: Ensure the report is concise and follows a clear
logical flow from fieldwork through analysis to interpretation.
Use headings and subheadings to organize sections clearly.
Include all necessary figures and tables, ensuring they are
Cite relevant literature on ordination techniques and dune ecology
where applicable.
By following these guidelines, your report should provide a thorough
exploration of both the ordination techniques and the ecological
dynamics of dune vegetation, incorporating both your analytical results
and the experience gained during fieldwork.
Aca_sali |
Acacia saligna |
Ant_aeth |
Anthospermum aethiopicum |
Asp_aeth |
Asparagus aethiopicus |
Azi_tetr |
Azima tetracantha |
Car_bisp |
Carissa bispinosa |
Car_deli |
Carpobrotus deliciosus |
Chi_bacc |
Chironia baccifera |
Col_pulc |
Coleonema pulchellum |
Cra_eric |
Crassula ericoides subsp. ericoides |
Cra_expa |
Crassula expansa subsp. filicaulis |
Cyr_lodd |
Cyrtanthus loddigesianus |
Ehr_vill |
Ehrharta villosa |
Ele_limo |
Eleocharis limosa |
Eri_glum |
Erica glumiflora |
Euc_race |
Euclea racemosa subsp. racemosa |
Fel_echi |
Felicia echinata |
Fic_ramo |
Ficinia ramosissima |
Gal_secu |
Galenia secunda |
Hel_tere |
Helichrysum teretifolium |
Ind_glau |
Indigofera glaucescens |
Ind_verr |
Indigofera verrucosa |
Jam_micr |
Jamesbrittenia microphylla |
Ked_nana |
Kedrostis nana var. nana |
Lau_tetr |
Lauridia tetragona |
Lys_arve |
Lysimachia arvensis var. caerulea |
May_proc |
Maytenus procumbens |
Met_muri |
Metalasia muricata |
Mor_quer |
Morella quercifolia |
Mys_aeth |
Mystroxylon aethiopicum subsp. aethiopicum |
Ole_exas |
Olea exasperata |
Pan_deus |
Panicum deustum |
Pas_cory |
Passerina corymbosa |
Phy_eric |
Phylica ericoides |
Rap_gill |
Rapanea gilliana |
Res_eleo |
Restio eleocharis |
Rom_rose |
Romulea rosea |
Sea_glau |
Searsia glauca |
Sea_laev |
Searsia laevigata var. laevigata |