• Get demo dataset
    • Data
    • Chart
  • Convert Monthly Demand into Weekly Demand
    • Calculation
    • Chart
  • Control Results
    • Table
    • Chart 1 : Initial vs New Demand
    • Chart 2 : Accumulated Initial vs New Demand

We’re going to present here how to use the month_to_week() function from the R package planr.

More info on : https://github.com/nguyennico/planr

This function allows to split a Demand (for ex.: Sales Forecasts) from monthly into weekly buckets.

We need a dataset with the 3 variables to use this function :

  • a Product: it’s an item, a SKU (Storage Keeping Unit), or a SKU at a location, also called a DFU (Demand Forecast Unit)

  • a Period of time : here in monthly buckets

  • a Demand : could be some sales forecasts, expressed in units

Get demo dataset


Let’s use the demo dataset from the planr package : demo_monthly_dmd.

It’s a dataset with 2 products (Product A & Product B), a Period expressed in monthly bucket, and the related monthly Demand.

# get dataset
demo_monthly_dmd <- planr::demo_monthly_dmd

## Rows: 24
## Columns: 3
## $ DFU    <chr> "Product A", "Product A", "Product A", "Product A", "Product A"…
## $ Period <date> 2023-01-01, 2023-02-01, 2023-03-01, 2023-04-01, 2023-05-01, 20…
## $ Demand <dbl> 1000, 1000, 2000, 1000, 1000, 2000, 1000, 1000, 2000, 1000, 100…


Let’s look at the Product A :

# set a working df
df1 <- demo_monthly_dmd

# Select only the Product A
df1 <- filter(df1, df1$DFU == "Product A")

# chart

u <- highchart() |> 
  hc_title(text = "Monthly Demand") |>
  hc_subtitle(text = "in units") |> 
  hc_add_theme(hc_theme_google()) |>
  hc_xAxis(categories = df1$Period) |> 
  hc_add_series(name = "Initial Demand", 
                color = "mediumseagreen",
                dataLabels = list(align = "center", enabled = TRUE),
                data = df1$Demand) |>

  hc_chart(type = "column") 

# display chart   
Created with Highcharts 9.3.1Monthly Demandin units1 0001 0001 0001 0002 0002 0001 0001 0001 0001 0002 0002 0001 0001 0001 0001 0002 0002 0001 0001 0001 0001 0002 0002 000Initial Demand2023-01-012023-02-012023-03-012023-04-012023-05-012023-06-012023-07-012023-08-012023-09-012023-10-012023-11-012023-12-0105001000150020002500

Convert Monthly Demand into Weekly Demand


Let’s apply the function, month_to_week .

# apply month_to_week()
Weekly_Demand <- planr::month_to_week(dataset = demo_monthly_dmd, DFU, Period, Demand)

## Rows: 104
## Columns: 3
## $ DFU    <chr> "Product A", "Product A", "Product A", "Product A", "Product A"…
## $ Period <date> 2023-01-01, 2023-01-08, 2023-01-15, 2023-01-22, 2023-01-29, 20…
## $ Demand <dbl> 250.0000, 250.0000, 250.0000, 250.0000, 142.8571, 250.0000, 250…


Let’s look at the Product A :

# set a working df
df1 <- Weekly_Demand

# Select only the Product A
df1 <- filter(df1, df1$DFU == "Product A")

# chart

u <- highchart() |> 
  hc_title(text = "Calculated Weekly Demand") |>
  hc_subtitle(text = "in units") |> 
  hc_add_theme(hc_theme_google()) |>
  hc_xAxis(categories = df1$Period) |> 

  hc_add_series(name = "Weekly Demand", 
                color = "gold",
                #dataLabels = list(align = "center", enabled = TRUE),
                data = df1$Demand) |>
  hc_chart(type = "column") 

# display chart   
Created with Highcharts 9.3.1Calculated Weekly Demandin unitsWeekly Demand2023-01-012023-01-…2023-01-152023-01-292023-02-122023-02-262023-03-122023-03-262023-04-092023-04-232023-05-072023-05-212023-06-042023-06-182023-07-022023-07-162023-07-302023-08-132023-08-272023-09-102023-09-242023-10-082023-10-222023-11-052023-11-192023-12-032023-12-170100200300400500600

We have splitted the initial monthly demand into weekly buckets.
By default, the split is performed evenly for each week.

Control Results


We want to control the quality of the split of the Demand, from monthly into weekly buckets.

Let’s then aggregate the calculated weekly Demand into monthly bucket, and compare the values with the initial ones.

We will look at the Product A for our analysis.

# set a working dataset
df1 <- Weekly_Demand

# create a (Monthly) Period
df1$Monthly.Period <- floor_date(df1$Period, unit = "month")

# aggregate
df1 <- df1 |> group_by(DFU, Monthly.Period) |> summarise(New.Demand = sum(Demand))

# rename
df1 <- df1 |> rename(Period = Monthly.Period)

# Add to initial dataset

# merge
df1 <- left_join(demo_monthly_dmd, df1)

# calculate accumulated values
df1 <- df1 |> group_by(DFU, Period) |>
      Demand = sum(Demand),
      New.Demand = sum(New.Demand)
    ) |>
      acc_Demand = cumsum(Demand),
      acc_New.Demand = cumsum(New.Demand)

# formatting
df1 <- as.data.frame(df1)

# calculate delta
df1$delta <- (df1$acc_New.Demand - df1$acc_Demand) / df1$acc_Demand

# Focus on Product A

# Select only the Product A
df1 <- filter(df1, df1$DFU == "Product A")

# Formatting for a better display

df1$New.Demand <- as.integer(df1$New.Demand)
df1$acc_New.Demand <- as.integer(df1$acc_New.Demand)

##          DFU     Period Demand New.Demand acc_Demand acc_New.Demand       delta
## 1  Product A 2023-01-01   1000       1142       1000           1142 0.142857143
## 2  Product A 2023-02-01   1000       1142       2000           2285 0.142857143
## 3  Product A 2023-03-01   2000       1750       4000           4035 0.008928571
## 4  Product A 2023-04-01   1000       1178       5000           5214 0.042857143
## 5  Product A 2023-05-01   1000       1000       6000           6214 0.035714286
## 6  Product A 2023-06-01   2000       1821       8000           8035 0.004464286
## 7  Product A 2023-07-01   1000       1142       9000           9178 0.019841270
## 8  Product A 2023-08-01   1000        964      10000          10142 0.014285714
## 9  Product A 2023-09-01   2000       1857      12000          12000 0.000000000
## 10 Product A 2023-10-01   1000       1142      13000          13142 0.010989011
## 11 Product A 2023-11-01   1000       1000      14000          14142 0.010204082
## 12 Product A 2023-12-01   2000       1857      16000          16000 0.000000000

We can see that there is a little difference between the initial and the new value.

However, how is it when we look at the accumulated values ?

We can see that the accumulated values show almost no difference.
- during the 1st two periods there is a slight difference
- which almost totally disappears from the 3rd period

Let’s look at it through 2 charts :

Chart 1 : Initial vs New Demand

Let’s compare the initial & the new monthly Demand :

# chart

u <- highchart() |> 
  hc_title(text = "Initial vs New Demand") |>
  hc_subtitle(text = "in units") |> 
  hc_add_theme(hc_theme_google()) |>
  hc_xAxis(categories = df1$Period) |> 
  hc_add_series(name = "Initial Demand", 
                color = "mediumseagreen",
                dataLabels = list(align = "center", enabled = TRUE),
                data = df1$Demand) |>
  hc_add_series(name = "New Demand", 
                color = "gold",
                dataLabels = list(align = "center", enabled = TRUE),
                data = df1$New.Demand) |>
  hc_chart(type = "column") 

# display chart   
Created with Highcharts 9.3.1Initial vs New Demandin units1 0001 0001 0001 0002 0002 0001 0001 0001 0001 0002 0002 0001 0001 0001 0001 0002 0002 0001 0001 0001 0001 0002 0002 0001 1421 1421 1421 1421 7501 7501 1781 1781 0001 0001 8211 8211 1421 1429649641 8571 8571 1421 1421 0001 0001 8571 857Initial DemandNew Demand2023-01-012023-02-012023-03-012023-04-012023-05-012023-06-012023-07-012023-08-012023-09-012023-10-012023-11-012023-12-0105001000150020002500

Chart 2 : Accumulated Initial vs New Demand

p <- highchart() |> 
  hc_title(text = "Accumulated Initial vs New Demand") |>
  hc_subtitle(text = "in units") |> 
  hc_add_theme(hc_theme_google()) |>
  hc_xAxis(categories = df1$Period) |> 
  hc_add_series(name = "Initial Demand", 
                color = "mediumseagreen",
                dataLabels = list(align = "center", enabled = TRUE),
                data = df1$acc_Demand) |>
  hc_add_series(name = "New Demand", 
                color = "gold",
                dataLabels = list(align = "center", enabled = TRUE),
                data = df1$acc_New.Demand) |>
# display chart   
Created with Highcharts 9.3.1Accumulated Initial vs New Demandin units1 0001 0002 0002 0004 0004 0005 0005 0006 0006 0008 0008 0009 0009 00010 00010 00012 00012 00013 00013 00014 00014 00016 00016 0001 1421 1422 2852 2854 0354 0355 2145 2146 2146 2148 0358 0359 1789 17810 14210 14212 00012 00013 14213 14214 14214 14216 00016 000Initial DemandNew Demand2023-01-012023-02-012023-03-012023-04-012023-05-012023-06-012023-07-012023-08-012023-09-012023-10-012023-11-012023-12-0105k10k15k20k