R Markdown

views <- c(132,155,178,249,220)
likes <- c(110,134,121,210,189)
comments <- c(78,84,155,198,210)
share <- c(70,82,99,117,99)
engagement_rate <- c(310,211,189,278,250)
contents <- data.frame(engagement_rate,views,likes,comments,share)
##   engagement_rate views likes comments share
## 1             310   132   110       78    70
## 2             211   155   134       84    82
## 3             189   178   121      155    99
## 4             278   249   210      198   117
## 5             250   220   189      210    99

Including Plots

You can also embed plots, for example:

##                 engagement_rate      views     likes    comments      share
## engagement_rate      1.00000000 0.02472611 0.1975164 -0.06320534 -0.1814429
## views                0.02472611 1.00000000 0.9507531  0.93094223  0.9476948
## likes                0.19751640 0.95075310 1.0000000  0.83120487  0.8154683
## comments            -0.06320534 0.93094223 0.8312049  1.00000000  0.8817827
## share               -0.18144288 0.94769482 0.8154683  0.88178273  1.0000000

Note that the echo = FALSE parameter was added to the code chunk to prevent printing of the R code that generated the plot.