Halo Effect vs. Cannibalization Effect

author: Soheil (Sol) Sadeghi date: 6-17-2015 width: 1400 height: 700 autosize: true

Problem Overview

Probabilistic View of Classification

Probabilisim to Ranking to Classification


Model Overview

Response Variable

Motivation for Features

Motivation for Features - continued

(normalized.match, normalized.common) for variables are as follows:


Features - continued

Ranking Approach

Considering the reverse normalized score and defining the response as follow:

The lables are motivated by the NDCG criterion which is used by Bing search engine

What is Normalized Discounted cumulative Gain (NDCG)?

For an ordered query \[ \small DCG_j = \sum_{i=1}^{n_j} \frac{2^{Y_i} - 1}{\log(i+1)} \]

IDCG: Ideal DCG for a given set of query

\[ \small NDCG_j = \frac{DCG_j}{IDCG_j} \]

and Final NDCG for the whole dataset

\[ \small NDCG_F = \frac{1}{N_Q} \sum_{j=1}^{N_Q} NDCG_j \]

Motivation for NDCG using Classification Learning


Classification to Ranking to Classification

\[ S_i = \sum_{k=0,1,5} T(k) \hat{p}_{i,k} \]

Stochastic Gradient Tree Boost Algorithm

  1. \(F_0(x) = \arg \min_{\rho} \sum_{i=1}^{N} L(y_i, \rho)\)
  2. \(\text{For m = 1 to M do:}\)
  3. \(\{\pi(i)\}_1^N = \text{rand-perm} \{i\}_1^N\)
  4. \(\tilde{y}_{\pi(i)m} = - \biggl[ \frac{\partial L(y_{\pi(i)}, F(x_{\pi(i)}))}{\partial F(x_{\pi(i)})} \biggr]_{F(x)=F_{m-1}(x)} ; i=1,\ldots,\tilde{N}\)
  5. \(\{R_{lm}\}_{1}^{L} = \text{L - terminal node tree}(\{\tilde{y}_{\pi(i)m}, x_{\pi(i)}\}_1^\tilde{N})\)
  6. \(\rho_m = \arg \min_{\rho} \sum_{x_{\pi(i)} \in R_{lm}} L(y_{\pi(i)}, F_{m-1}(x_{\pi(i)}) + \rho)\)
  7. \(F_m(x) = F_{m-1}(x) + \nu \ldotp \rho_{lm} 1(x \in R_{lm})\)
  8. \(\text{End For}\)
  9. \(\text{End Algorithm}\)

Computational Cost Improvement


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