There was a concerning amount of duplicates in our initial dataset (‘Raw_Data_Linkedin1’). Throughout the week, I used Octoparse to web scrap job postings in the United States, using different keywords: “data”, “data analyst”, “data scientist”, and “data engineering”. Then, I combined all the files together, and removed the duplicates, using ‘distinct()’ from ‘dplyr’ package.
All of the files contain the same attributes: “Keyword”, “Location”, “Job_title”, “Job_link”, “Company”, “Company_link”, “Job_location”, “Post_time”, “Applicants_count”, “Job_description”, “Seniority_level”, “Employment_type”, “Job_function”, and”Industries”.
Raw_Data_Linkedin1 <- read.csv('')
Raw_Data_Linkedin2 <- read.csv('')
Raw_Data_Linkedin3 <- read.csv('')
Raw_Data_Linkedin4 <- read.csv('')
Raw_Data_Linkedin1 has 5059 job postings. We web scrapped these job posting using the keyword “data”.
datatable(head(Raw_Data_Linkedin1, 50),
plugins = "ellipsis",
options = list(scrollX = TRUE,
columnDefs = list(list(
targets = "_all",
render = JS("$.fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis(30, false )")
Raw_Data_Linkedin2 has 522 job postings. We web scrapped these job posting using the keyword “data”.
datatable(head(Raw_Data_Linkedin2, 50),
plugins = "ellipsis",
options = list(scrollX = TRUE,
columnDefs = list(list(
targets = "_all",
render = JS("$.fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis(30, false )")
Raw_Data_Linkedin3 has 457 job postings. We web scrapped these job posting using the keyword “data scientist”.
datatable(head(Raw_Data_Linkedin3, 50),
plugins = "ellipsis",
options = list(scrollX = TRUE,
columnDefs = list(list(
targets = "_all",
render = JS("$.fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis(30, false )")
Raw_Data_Linkedin4 has 741 job postings. We web scrapped these job posting using the keyword “data engineer”.
datatable(head(Raw_Data_Linkedin4, 50),
plugins = "ellipsis",
options = list(scrollX = TRUE,
columnDefs = list(list(
targets = "_all",
render = JS("$.fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis(30, false )")
I used ‘rbind()’ from the ‘plyr’ package to join our dataframes together, which resulted 7236 job postings. Then, I removed the duplicates, using ‘distinct()’ from ‘dplyr’ package. As a result, there are 2313 job postings from Linkedin. I created a csv file for the dataset to be tidied.
total <- rbind(Raw_Data_Linkedin1, Raw_Data_Linkedin2, Raw_Data_Linkedin3, Raw_Data_Linkedin4)
distinct_total <- distinct(total)
write.csv(distinct_total, "C:\\Desktop\\DATA 607\\distinct_total_Linkedin.csv", row.names=FALSE)
All of the files contain the same attributes: “Keyword”, “Location”, “Page”, “company”, “rating”, “Job_title”, “Place”, “salary”, “post_date”, and “Job_description”.
Raw_Data_Glassdoor1 <- read.csv('')
Raw_Data_Glassdoor2 <- read.csv('')
Raw_Data_Glassdoor1 has 510 job postings.
datatable(head(Raw_Data_Glassdoor1, 50),
plugins = "ellipsis",
options = list(scrollX = TRUE,
columnDefs = list(list(
targets = "_all",
render = JS("$.fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis(30, false )")
Raw_Data_Glassdoor2 has 810 job postings.
datatable(head(Raw_Data_Glassdoor2, 50),
plugins = "ellipsis",
options = list(scrollX = TRUE,
columnDefs = list(list(
targets = "_all",
render = JS("$.fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis(30, false )")
I used ‘rbind()’ from the ‘plyr’ package to join our dataframes together. Then, I removed the duplicates, using ‘distinct()’ from ‘dplyr’ package. As a result, there are 1320 job postings from Glassdoor. I created a csv file for the dataset to be tidied.
total_glassdoor <- rbind(Raw_Data_Glassdoor1, Raw_Data_Glassdoor2)
distinct_total_glassdoor <- distinct(total_glassdoor)
write.csv(distinct_total_glassdoor, "C:\\Desktop\\DATA 607\\distinct_total_glassdoor.csv", row.names=FALSE)