Building Table 1 from the bradley.csv data


Thomas E. Love



This is a “live code” example that Dr. Love developed for Class 12 of 432, on 2023-02-23.

1 Load Packages

knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = NA)


2 Ingest the bradley.csv data

brad_raw <- read_csv("data/bradley.csv", 
                     show_col_types = FALSE) |>

# A tibble: 1,374 × 7
   subject status    age sex   race_eth married location
     <dbl> <chr>   <dbl> <chr> <chr>      <dbl> <chr>   
 1       1 Control    64 Male  white          1 Bed     
 2       2 Case       70 Male  white          1 ICU     
 3       3 Control    68 Male  white          0 Bed     
 4       4 Control    76 Male  white          1 Bed     
 5       5 Control    70 Male  white          1 Bed     
 6       6 Case       89 Male  white          1 Other   
 7       7 Control    75 Male  white          0 Bed     
 8       8 Control    84 Male  white          1 Bed     
 9       9 Control    80 Male  white          1 ICU     
10      10 Control    89 Male  white          0 Bed     
# … with 1,364 more rows

3 Attempt 1

vars <- c("age", "sex", "race_eth", "married", "location")
trt <- c("status")

attempt_1 <- CreateTableOne(data = brad_raw, 
                       vars = vars, 
                       strata = trt)
                      Stratified by status
                       Case          Control       p      test
  n                      687           687                    
  age (mean (SD))      73.78 (10.24) 72.60 (10.50)  0.035     
  sex = Male (%)         677 (98.5)    666 (96.9)   0.069     
  race_eth = white (%)   546 (79.5)    527 (76.7)   0.240     
  married (mean (SD))   0.52 (0.50)   0.45 (0.50)   0.013     
  location (%)                                     <0.001     
     Bed                 446 (64.9)    580 (84.4)             
     ICU                 186 (27.1)     65 ( 9.5)             
     Other                55 ( 8.0)     42 ( 6.1)             

4 What’s wrong here?

brad_new <- brad_raw |>
    mutate(marital = fct_recode(factor(married), 
                                "yes" = "1", 
                                "no"  = "0")) |>
    mutate(loc = fct_relevel(location, 
                             "ICU", "Bed", "Other"))

5 Second Attempt

vars <- c("age", "sex", "race_eth", "marital", "loc")
factorvars <- c("sex", "race_eth", "marital", "loc")
trt <- c("status")

attempt_2 <- CreateTableOne(data = brad_new, 
                       vars = vars, 
                       factorVars = factorvars,
                       strata = trt)
                      Stratified by status
                       Case          Control       p      test
  n                      687           687                    
  age (mean (SD))      73.78 (10.24) 72.60 (10.50)  0.035     
  sex = Male (%)         677 (98.5)    666 (96.9)   0.069     
  race_eth = white (%)   546 (79.5)    527 (76.7)   0.240     
  marital = yes (%)      356 (51.8)    310 (45.1)   0.015     
  loc (%)                                          <0.001     
     ICU                 186 (27.1)     65 ( 9.5)             
     Bed                 446 (64.9)    580 (84.4)             
     Other                55 ( 8.0)     42 ( 6.1)             

6 Show alternative summaries?

      nonnormal = c("age"),
      exact = c("sex", "race_eth", "marital"))
                      Stratified by status
                       Case                 Control              p      test   
  n                      687                  687                              
  age (median [IQR])   74.00 [67.00, 81.00] 73.00 [65.00, 80.00]  0.035 nonnorm
  sex = Male (%)         677 (98.5)           666 (96.9)          0.068 exact  
  race_eth = white (%)   546 (79.5)           527 (76.7)          0.240 exact  
  marital = yes (%)      356 (51.8)           310 (45.1)          0.015 exact  
  loc (%)                                                        <0.001        
     ICU                 186 (27.1)            65 ( 9.5)                       
     Bed                 446 (64.9)           580 (84.4)                       
     Other                55 ( 8.0)            42 ( 6.1)                       

7 A more detailed summary?


     ### Summary of continuous variables ###

status: Case
      n miss p.miss mean sd median p25 p75 min max skew kurt
age 687    0      0   74 10     74  67  81  38 106 0.02  0.2
status: Control
      n miss p.miss mean sd median p25 p75 min max skew kurt
age 687    0      0   73 11     73  65  80  34 103 0.08 -0.1

       pNormal pNonNormal
age 0.03527177 0.03548289

Standardize mean differences
       1 vs 2
age 0.1137012


     ### Summary of categorical variables ### 

status: Case
      var   n miss p.miss     level freq percent cum.percent
      sex 687    0    0.0    Female   10     1.5         1.5
                               Male  677    98.5       100.0
 race_eth 687    0    0.0 non-white  141    20.5        20.5
                              white  546    79.5       100.0
  marital 687    0    0.0        no  331    48.2        48.2
                                yes  356    51.8       100.0
      loc 687    0    0.0       ICU  186    27.1        27.1
                                Bed  446    64.9        92.0
                              Other   55     8.0       100.0
status: Control
      var   n miss p.miss     level freq percent cum.percent
      sex 687    0    0.0    Female   21     3.1         3.1
                               Male  666    96.9       100.0
 race_eth 687    0    0.0 non-white  160    23.3        23.3
                              white  527    76.7       100.0
  marital 687    0    0.0        no  377    54.9        54.9
                                yes  310    45.1       100.0
      loc 687    0    0.0       ICU   65     9.5         9.5
                                Bed  580    84.4        93.9
                              Other   42     6.1       100.0

              pApprox       pExact
sex      6.926864e-02 6.760400e-02
race_eth 2.403791e-01 2.403489e-01
marital  1.513478e-02 1.510454e-02
loc      1.429017e-17 3.999616e-18

Standardize mean differences
             1 vs 2
sex      0.10797814
race_eth 0.06690265
marital  0.13427981
loc      0.48923102

8 Send original attempt 2 to Excel for polish?

One option is to save the Table 1 to a .csv file, which you can then open directly in Excel. This is the approach I generally use. Note the addition of some quote, noSpaces and printToggle selections here.

brad_t1 <- print(attempt_2, 
      quote = FALSE, noSpaces = TRUE, printToggle = FALSE)

          file = "data/bradley_table1_result.csv")

You can then open the bradley_table1_result.csv file in Excel and edit further.