
PCM — Oct 15, 2013, 9:11 PM

# Should I believe in Santa Claus? (Claus Moebus, 2013-10-15)
Welcome to BRugs connected to OpenBUGS version 3.2.2

# Specify the model in BUGS language, but save it as a string in R:
modelString = "
# BUGS model specification begins ...
model {
  # Prior Belief Distribution: No idea about the probability of his existence
  theta ~ dbeta( priorHeads , priorTails )
  priorHeads <- 1
  priorTails <- 1
  # Likelihood: If he exists with probability theta, then anyone 
  #   I ask has the chance to see him with that probability theta
    for ( i in 1:N ) {
        seen[i] ~ dbern( theta )
  # Posteriori Belief in Favor (flipping 'mental belief coin') P(0.5 <= theta) 
  mbCoin <- step(theta - 0.5) # E(mbCoin) = P(0.5 <= theta)
# ... BUGS model specification ends.
" # close quote to end modelString

# Write the modelString to a file, using R commands:
# Use BRugs to send the model.txt file to BUGS, which checks the model syntax:
modelCheck( "model.txt" )
model is syntactically correct


# Specify the data in R, using a list format compatible with BUGS:

# Each person in the sample with size N answers the question 
# "Have you ever seen the true Santa Claus?" truthfully

dataList = list(
    N = 5 ,
    seen = c( 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 )
#    N = 10 ,
#    seen = c( 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 )

# Use BRugs commands to put the data into a file and ship the file to BUGS:
modelData( bugsData( dataList ) )
data loaded


modelCompile()  # BRugs command tells BUGS to compile the model.
model compiled
modelGenInits() # BRugs command tells BUGS to randomly initialize a chain.
initial values generated, model initialized

modelUpdate(1000)                    # burn in
1000 updates took 0 s
# BRugs tells BUGS to keep a record of the sampled "theta" values:
samplesSet( c("theta", "mbCoin"))
monitor set for variable 'theta'
monitor set for variable 'mbCoin'

# R command defines a new variable that specifies an arbitrary chain length:
chainLength = 10000
# BRugs tells BUGS to generate a MCMC chain:
modelUpdate( chainLength )
10000 updates took 0 s


thetaSample = samplesSample( "theta") # BRugs asks BUGS for the sample values.
mbCoinSample = samplesSample( "mbCoin") # BRugs asks BUGS for the sample values.
thetaSummary = samplesStats( c("theta", "mbCoin")) # BRugs asks BUGS for summary statistics.
         mean     sd MC_error val2.5pc median val97.5pc start sample
mbCoin 0.1087 0.3113 0.002827   0.0000 0.0000    1.0000  1001  10000
theta  0.2855 0.1607 0.001518   0.0431 0.2658    0.6452  1001  10000

# Make a graph using R commands:
layout( matrix( c(1,2) , nrow=1 ) )
plot( thetaSample[1:500] , 1:length(thetaSample[1:500]) , type="o" ,
      xlim=c(0,1) , xlab=bquote(theta) , ylab="Position in Chain" ,
      cex.lab=1.25 , main="BUGS Results", col="deepskyblue" )
plot( mbCoinSample[1:500] , 1:length(mbCoinSample[1:500]) , type="o" ,
      xlim=c(0,1) , xlab=bquote(mbCoin) , ylab="Position in Chain" ,
      cex.lab=1.25 , main="BUGS Results", col="deepskyblue" )

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

layout( matrix( c(1,2) , nrow=1 ) )

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

plotPost( thetaSample , xlim=c(0,1), xlab="theta", main="theta-posterior" )
        mean median   mode hdiMass  hdiLow hdiHigh compVal pcGTcompVal
theta 0.2855 0.2657 0.1751    0.95 0.01651  0.5908      NA          NA
      ROPElow ROPEhigh pcInROPE
theta      NA       NA       NA

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1