log2 fold change explanation

If we have two numbers, A and B, the fold change from A to B is just B/A

a <- 10
b <- 100
fc <- b/a
## [1] 10

In this example, fold change is 10 because B is 10 times A.

When B is bigger than A, fold change is greater than one. When A is bigger than B, fold change is less than one

a <- 1:10
b <- 10:1
fc <- b/a
df <- data.frame(a, b, fc, a.greaterthan.b = a > b)
##     a  b      fc a.greaterthan.b
## 1   1 10 10.0000           FALSE
## 2   2  9  4.5000           FALSE
## 3   3  8  2.6667           FALSE
## 4   4  7  1.7500           FALSE
## 5   5  6  1.2000           FALSE
## 6   6  5  0.8333            TRUE
## 7   7  4  0.5714            TRUE
## 8   8  3  0.3750            TRUE
## 9   9  2  0.2222            TRUE
## 10 10  1  0.1000            TRUE

This compresses the information when A is bigger than B, making it hard to see both high and low fold changes on a plot:

ggplot(df, aes(a, fc, colour = a.greaterthan.b), size = 8) + geom_point()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

If we use log2(fold change), fold changes lower than 1 (when B > A) become negative, while those greater than 1 (A > B) become positive. Now the values are symmetrical and it's easier to see fold changes in both directions on one plot.

log2fc <- log2(fc)
ggplot(df, aes(a, log2fc, colour = a.greaterthan.b), size = 8) + geom_point()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

We can see explicitly that fold changes < 1 become negative and those > 1 become positive:

ggplot(df, aes(fc, log2fc, colour = a.greaterthan.b), size = 8) + geom_point()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

It's also useful to know that a log2 fold change (B/A) of 1 means B is twice as large as A, while log2fc of 2 means B is 4x as large as A. Conversely, -1 means A is twice as large as B, and -2 means A is 4x as large as B.